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Why does the infinity app still work with reddit?
  • Narwhal version 1 seems to be working still too

  • Rule!
  • Good bird!

  • Are you still enjoying F1 this season?
  • After years of Hamilton dominance I can watch years of Verstappen dominance just to balance the time spent.

    But yeah, it does get boring at times.

  • How many of you are still working full-time remote and how is it going? If not, why not? Was the decision made by you to go back to the office or did your employer decide for you?
  • After Covid we have the liberty to work from home or come to the office as much as we want. Since we can make the choice ourselves, it is not as frustrating to go to the office as it was before.

  • PSA: every interaction you make with various posts on kbin is viewable to everyone.
  • Thanks for the heads up!

    If I see something I like, I upvote and boost but necessarily this shouldn't be visible in detail.

  • Twitter's API keeps breaking, even for developers paying $42,000
  • I'm glad I left already last autumn.

  • It feels a lot nicer here on lemmy / kbin
  • Same here mate! Never was big on commenting or posting on Reddit but here I'm so much more active.

  • mamma miarule
  • I love the traditional Pizza Americana which includes ham, blue cheese and pineapple.

  • Aspartame a possible carcinogen, WHO cancer research agency expected to say
  • Pepsi Max will be changed forever and I'm not ready for this. :(

  • The next few days are going to be wild. Brace yourselves
  • We appreciate all your efforts, hopefully everything will go OK!

  • Hotdog man
  • I want a hot dog now.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Hey, at least it was not a suicide by shooting yourself in the back with three different guns.

  • Should we change app names?
  • Voyager sounds good to me!

  • Is there a point in having multiple lemmy accounts?
  • I created one Lemmy account first, then a week later I discovered Kbin. Since there are currently some federation issues, I'm checking in on both accounts.

  • What drives you as a person?
  • Thanks for asking! Lately I've been trying to cut down time spent in social media and other apps to be more present at home and giving more attention to people around me.

    I've also tried to take more active role in meal preparation, my wife has appreciated that. :)

  • Pirelli Preview - Spielberg
  • Can't wait for the race, I've missed a couple of races but I intend to watch this one for sure.

  • the bus I was riding earlier got rear-ended by a fking semi-truck
  • Glad to hear no one was injured, could've been bad!

  • supermurs supermurs
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