Pretty sure Greece invented everything
The actual Breaking: They just reversed this decision
That'll help the price go down...
Freedom, yay
Well, it used to pop up with actions you could take, now it just says "Fix with AI", where it used to be perfectly capable of like, adding an include at the top, or ask you if you want to create a new class, now it's just "Fix with AI".
I did the 7 day trial for JetBrains AI, after a day it told me the trial period had ended and I didn't find it particularly useful in the few hours I tried working with it.
IMHO, AI should be adapted after the other options that already made JetBrains software magical, LLMs are perfectly capable documentation and auto-complete engines, but to abandon the core of your tools which worked just fine before LLMs, is really starting to feel like a grift.
It's like the Troubleshooting dialog box in Windows which runs for 10 minutes, provides no solution, and you have to work around it anyway.
Just another annoyance you have to work around.
Yeah, happening a bit too often these days, why not show what the error is, like it used too...
Really hate those few packages that don't give a shit whether or not you've already configured it or not...
Really seems like a lack of commitment without them...
Anthem for the ages... apparently.
I'm scared...
This would almost make sense if they literally didn't vote for more genocide, possibly with even bigger help.
I had a handful of Pogs, man... old...
I'm comfortable with The Onion owning infowars.
Can't wait to get a BSOD in my hands!