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Climate change in Texas
  • isnt most of the river taken for agriculture now?

  • early birds

  • Beware of mosquitoes
  • maybe not the skin itself being weak per se but an autoimmune type of thing? disturbance on the scar makes your body react to the whole scar?

  • it takes time to start appreciating imperfections instead of beauty
  • The best musicians can often be seen creating the most dulcet tones on the most dirty, busted, and worn-in instruments.

  • Edison
  • i dispense with pleasantries when my expectation is not neutral :-)

  • Edison
  • my go-to when im forced to answer unknown callers is "who is this?". then i disconnect if they dont answer my question

  • Psychedelics could treat some of the worst chronic pain in the world
  • "men will literally do shrooms rather than seeing a doctor". only half joking here, im sure there are brain rewiring benefits. but our medical system in usa is so trashed when silver bullet shock treatments are the cutting edge thing.

  • Brennan Lee Mulligan Serving Fair-Trade Artisanal Anti-Capitalism
  • so the solution is not to let markets and wages alone dictate the conditions for decent life.

  • Caliper Fixup
  • think you might add some scale marks?

  • I won't fall for such nonsense 😡
  • believing in yourself to some degree seems to me to be a necessary, but not sufficient, condition for success, since it underlies action in general

  • What's in your cup this week?
  • sorry to say i never came across a kona worth its price

  • Cool tied-arch
  • cool wall paint scheme

  • Louisiana becomes 1st state to require the Ten Commandments be posted in classrooms
  • ‘course, supporting cool stuff in new orleans is about the best way to flip the bird at baton rouge.

  • Louisiana becomes 1st state to require the Ten Commandments be posted in classrooms
  • we make exceptions for even the murdering and stealing.

  • This aggression will not stand, man.
  • yeah why is this a meme

  • Always follow 3-2-1 backup rule
  • dont many of the language primitives confer the possibility of thrown exceptions?

  • Always follow 3-2-1 backup rule
  • cant practically anything throw an exception given the right (sometimes extremely remotely possible) circumstances?

  • 'Underwater bicycle' propels swimmers forward at superhuman speed
  • i hadn’t seen the seat, just the clipped-in feet.

    when its underway i guess the “seat” lets you steer (with your thighs) a bit and gives a point of leverage for the unclipping (especially when its the singleton clip/unclip).

    not sure why, but it all seems a bit inelegant. but if it multiplies effort anywhere near what a bike can do, that’s a big achievement.

  • Link URL review

    Anyone else want to be able to review the link text on hyperlinks? I appreciate how they are called out in a list below the post, but they only show the link text and not the href link. I would like to see whether the link leads to e.g. an untrusted or disliked URL without opening it.

    Park&Homer / J. Reynolds crossword misgivings

    Does anyone here do the Park&Homer / J. Reynolds crosswords? They show up in my alt weekly and I had the idea to start a running feed of questionable content in them xD

    What I’m brewing this week

    This week I’m enjoying Barrett’s Columbian Huila Natural - Carlos Fernando Red Bourbon.

    This is one of the rarer ones that doesnt seem to drop off into bitterness no matter how fine I grind. Because of that I imagine it would make pretty fantastic espresso. The tasting notes of “blueberry, bubblegum, chili powder, winey, consistent” seem all over the place to me, and i’m not getting any of those. This coffee just tastes like a nice medium roast to me without any huge standout notes.

    Looks like they reused a URL here since it doesnt match the description.

    login issues

    Anyone else seeing mlem login issues? Guess my instance may have updated. I was getting a parse error on my user page, tried reinstalling/relogging but now cant log in with mlem. works ok on the webservice, though.

    Omnibus Futurelings sqw
    Video about the cubes
    Aspect change refreshes

    I will check bug reports for this but I noticed mlem refreshes the feed when you change from portrait to landscape or vice-versa. Happens when trying to switch aspects while viewing an image, which loses the image, which is Very Annoying. Anyone else have same experience?

    Chromatic Kunjin Papua New Guinea - Kunjin

    Chromatic Coffee Co. Small batch coffee, San José, California

    Papua New Guinea - Kunjin

    Today I’ve just started in to a bag of Chromatic Kunjin, tasting notes on the bag of “tart cherry / molasses vibes” seems true to my taste. It’s overall round, very juicy, and syrupy. This coffee looked especially red and velvety to me when ground, and quite low in chaff. I bought it from the discount shelf at the shop in San Jose, and was traveling around with it for a few days and it was filling the car with an irresistible aroma. Once home I had it frozen for about a month before thawing and now enjoying. Doesn’t seem too worse for wear!

    Pulsar alternative idea

    For those like me interested in the Pulsar brewer, I am considering trying a similar poor-man’s setup based on the Oxo compact cold brewer. It also has valve actuation for blooming, and you can sandwich a standard aeropress filter in after its metal filter but before the valve for a cleaner cup. The only catch I can think of is that the valve actuation requires a bottle neck of a fairly specific size, and the bottle it comes with only comfortably holds around 500ml.

    Leonid Ramirez Columbia from Pulp coffee roasters Leonid Ramirez | Colombia

    Region – Quindio | ColombiaTasting Notes – Watermelon | Lime | Chocolate | StrawberryMedium RoastProcess: Washed Anaerobic

    Leonid Ramirez | Colombia

    Enjoying the Leonid Ramirez from Pulp coffee roasters in San Antonio. This is one of the rare ones that seems great in pourover no matter how finely I grind. Advertised tasting notes did not align with my experience, there is a mild tartness up front but overall I just find this to be a perfectly delicious and round coffee. This is the least chaff I’ve ever dealt with, I see almost none when grinding.

    Stopped in to the roasting facility and was given a small tour and friendly updates about their recent roasts from the owner. Was invited to share a roaster’s test brew with the fellas in the shop.

    sieve cleanup for coldbrew/frenchpress

    today i tried pouring my remaining wet cold brew grounds remnants through a small sieve. i had read some years ago that this was the best trick for catching the grounds but wrote it off, as i thought i didn’t want to have a sieve full of grounds to clean. well, it worked a treat, and was easy to tap out the grounds and quickly clean the seive.

    a reminder to myself that heeding the advice of those who have done something before, especially those who have done it for a living, is well worth the time.

    0 Fighting Canada’s Unending Fires

    Inside the largest wildfires in the country’s modern history — and how climate change has affected its ability to deal with them.

    Fighting Canada’s Unending Fires

    I thought it was interesting that the Canadian wildfires are emitting more carbon than all of the rest of its human activities combined.

    Coffee Monster art (

    Attached: 1 image Now! #mastoart #art #drawing #originalart #coffee #coffeetime (
    Maccy D’s coffee

    Tried the coffee at McDo last night. Friends had told me for years that it is very serviceable and always fresh but I’m fairly snooty when it comes to coffee. Anyhow, in my opinion, they were right. I’ve had plenty of homemade stuff that was far worse. Price doesn’t break the bank, at a buck fifty, and it comes out at a reasonable drinking temp. Flavor is about like what you get when making coffee with a fresh-cracked bag of supermarket preground stuff. Just plain old decent coffee. For years I just relayed this recommendation with a caveat that I never tried it myself, but now I can shill for them directly. Wheres my check mickey?

    Last Call BBS Videogame

    Anyone played Last Call BBS from Zachtronics? Seems like it might be fun.


    Got my first High Five earlier this week after a Lot of matches, and just helped win a diamond 3s tournament. Feels good xD

    Bike Repair Stand Recommendations

    Does anyone have a recommendation for home gamer bike repair stands? I’d like to find an inexpensive one that stows away easily or otherwise doesnt take too much space. Since I only need it maybe once or twice a year I can do without the hard core bike shop level of durability. For my needs it just needs to hold the bike off the floor so I can do derailer adjustments.
