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  • The only real downside on the open source side is that the fix is also public, and thus the recipe how to exploit the backdoor.

    If there's a massive CVE on a closed source system, you get a super high-level description of the issue and that's it.

    If there's one on an open source system, you get ready-made "proof of concepts" on github that any script kiddy can exploit.

    And since not every software can be updated instantly, you are left with millions of vulnerable servers/PCs and a lot of happy script kiddies.

    See, for example, Log4Shell.

  • Considering Starting Linux
  • Most people I helped getting Linux to work are actually not techy at all and they haven't touched the CLI at all so far...

    I guess it differs if you use Linux because you are interested in the technology or if you use it because Windows 11 doesn't run on your PC.

  • Considering Starting Linux
  • Tbh, I don't recommend beginners to try out multiple distros in the beginning. Realistically, if you don't have in depth Linux knowledge already, all you'll be able to differentiate is the look of the DE and the wallpaper.

    I find, too much choice tends to confuse beginners more than it helps them.

    So I'd rather recommend something simple like Ubuntu and let them try out the flavours with the different DEs.

    Choice is better for later when people actually understand what they are looking for.

  • The lesser dumpster fire
  • To the first point: no. There is no wide-spread hunger yet. People on the very low end of the income scale are suffering and many are homeless, but that's not what the majority of the people experience. The middle class currently mostly takes hits to their savings or to their comfort, but they still have a roof over their heads and they still don't suffer hunger.

    To the second point, I can only speculate. I think the EU has a rather stable system. Individual countries might shift to the left or right, but the whole system of the EU is made to prevent anything really bad. Secession from the EU is something that no current member state of the EU can afford and after Brexit not even rightwing extremists want to seriously leave the EU.

    The USA isn't setup nearly as stable, since they are still running one of the earliest democratic systems in the world. I see two (not mutually exclusive) options there.

    • A republican dictatorship, which is not too difficult for them, because all you really need is the president and the surpreme court being corrupt enough to want that power.
    • Secession of multipe states. Texas is testing the waters, and if they actually seceede, other states might follow. This might either lead to a new edition of the civil war, or multiple rogue nations with nukes. Either way, the USA's status as an economic and military superpower would be gone. This again would destabilize Europe, since the EU currently doesn't have the military power to defend itself without NATO. What will happen from there on is anyone's guess.
  • Alabama completes first execution by nitrogen asphyxiation
  • And you are not getting the point. Every method of killing people is terrible and inhumane. There is no humane way of killing people, because the very act of killing people is inhumane.

    The only humane method is one that doesn't kill or harm people.

  • The lesser dumpster fire
  • All of these happened in the wake of major crises.

    Apartheit in South Africa ended, because of massive protests in the country (including violence), massive international pressure (the UN labelled apartheit as crime against humanity and lots of countries banned imports from South Africa), and the South African economy was collapsing due the price of gold dropping a lot.

    East Germany collapsed because of massive economic problems. Storming the border crossings was just the last push. If that would have happened 10 years earlier, the police would just have shot the first row of people trying to cross the border and the rest would have fled. The DDR was already collapsing at that point. And the press conference that caused the storm on the border crossing was actually about East Germany opening the border in a month's time. So even without the storm on the border crossings, the same thing would have happend, just a month later.

    The Sovjet Union, again, collapsed due to economic problems. Their economiy completely collapsed and with it their power over all the different SSRs. Russia, being the largest and most powerful SSR, being able declaring itself independent of all these other countries that really didn't want to be part of the USSR without having to use violence is really not surprising.

    It's kinda as if Great Brittain declared itself independent of the Brittish Empire.

    All these situations you mentioned where already under way for a decade or so, before the events you mentioned did the last push. And all of them where only possible to massive crises.

  • What technical issues did you ignore for an extended period of time?
  • A Fairphone 4. Got it at launch and it's a terribly buggy mess.

    Describing all the issues would make a huge wall of text.

    The sad part is that the hardware is ok. But they don't seem to have any software QA at all.

    My goal was to carry it until 2027, when replacable batteries will become standard, but since I can't even use the phone for calling, I am trying to at least carry it until the Galaxy S55 launches.

  • Problem with KDE+Nvidia+Proton

    I recently switched my entertainment laptop to Linux after having my work devices on it for a few years.

    The laptop has a Gforce 1050 Max-Q in it. I'm trying to run games from Steam that officially don't support Linux.

    If I set the PRIME profile in the Nvidia control panel to "Nvidia only", everything works as expected.

    But if I set the profile to "On demand", the whole system freezes a few seconds after I open a game.

    I read some vague comment on Reddit saying it might have something to do with me using KDE.

    If I run it on the Intel GPU, it works no matter what profile is set (but super slow).

    The system is freshly installed using the proprietary Nvidia driver version 535.

    Does anyone have an idea what could be wrong?

    I made a FOSS physical keyboard for my Fairphone 4

    geteilt von:

    > geteilt von: > > > Github link: > > > > Here's a video of it in action: > > > > I've been using it for almost two years now, and I'm not going back. > > > > It's based on a spare Blackberry Q10 keyboard and a custom Arduino-compatible board that reads the keyboard matrix and outputs it as USB HID to the phone. From the viewpoint of the phone, it's just a regular USB keyboard, so no special software is needed. > > > > But I do use a custom virtual keyboard to have just two rows of symbols that are not natively on the keyboard, as I didn't want to add another layer of rarely used symbols that I'd have to memorize. > > > > ! > > > > (On the image you can see Ubuntu with XFCE4 running on it. I chose Ubuntu because it's what was easiest to get running in a chroot jail on the phone. I'm using VNC to display the GUI. I even managed to get FEX (x86/x64 emulator) and Wine running, so it runs x86/x64 Linux and Windows apps.)

    Btw: Is there maybe someone who wants to make a little side money? There are tons of people who say they'd buy this, but I don't want to make them.

    The designs are all online and I'm happy to help. So if someone wants to make and sell them, that would be really cool! (I don't want or need any financial compensation. I'd just be happy if people have access to this.)

    I made a FOSS physical keyboard for my Fairphone 4

    geteilt von:

    > Github link: > > Here's a video of it in action: > > I've been using it for almost two years now, and I'm not going back. > > It's based on a spare Blackberry Q10 keyboard and a custom Arduino-compatible board that reads the keyboard matrix and outputs it as USB HID to the phone. From the viewpoint of the phone, it's just a regular USB keyboard, so no special software is needed. > > But I do use a custom virtual keyboard to have just two rows of symbols that are not natively on the keyboard, as I didn't want to add another layer of rarely used symbols that I'd have to memorize. > > ! > > (On the image you can see Ubuntu with XFCE4 running on it. I chose Ubuntu because it's what was easiest to get running in a chroot jail on the phone. I'm using VNC to display the GUI. I even managed to get FEX (x86/x64 emulator) and Wine running, so it runs x86/x64 Linux and Windows apps.)

    I made a FOSS physical keyboard for my Fairphone 4

    Github link:

    Here's a video of it in action:

    I've been using it for almost two years now, and I'm not going back.

    It's based on a spare Blackberry Q10 keyboard and a custom Arduino-compatible board that reads the keyboard matrix and outputs it as USB HID to the phone. From the viewpoint of the phone, it's just a regular USB keyboard, so no special software is needed.

    But I do use a custom virtual keyboard to have just two rows of symbols that are not natively on the keyboard, as I didn't want to add another layer of rarely used symbols that I'd have to memorize.


    (On the image you can see Ubuntu with XFCE4 running on it. I chose Ubuntu because it's what was easiest to get running in a chroot jail on the phone. I'm using VNC to display the GUI. I even managed to get FEX (x86/x64 emulator) and Wine running, so it runs x86/x64 Linux and Windows apps.)

    Switching RST to AHCI without losing data

    My laptop switched from AHCI to RST on its own (probably after a Windows update) and now I cannot boot my Kubuntu anymore. Live sticks also cannot access the drives. When I try to switch it back in the UEFI settings, it tells me that it will wipe the drive to do so.

    Is this message correct? How can I change it back without losing all my data?

    The device in question is a Lenovo Ideapad 720-15ikb with Kubuntu and Win10 dual boot.

    What's the deal with

    This site looks kinda weird. For one, it looks much more polished than any similar site I've seen so far. They have really good SEO as well, always popping up pretty high on Google. They have a massive selection of content.

    How can they still be up?

    What's the catch/what's wrong with them?

    Also, what do they mean by "preinstalled"? The game isn't preinstalled if I have to install it from them, is it?

    What's the fundamental difference between Fediverse/ActivityPub/Lemmy and the Usenet?

    After reading a bit about Usenet, it seems to me as if the whole Fediverse seems to be just a reinvention of Usenet.

    What's the big difference?

    34 Kli­ma­ak­ti­vis­t:in­ von Lkw angefahren: Selbstjustiz in Stralsund okay

    Ein Lkw-Fahrer hat in Stralsund bei einer Blockade ei­ne:n Kli­ma­ak­ti­vis­t:in angefahren. Nun werden für ihn Spenden von rechter Seite gesammelt.

    Kli­ma­ak­ti­vis­t:in­ von Lkw angefahren: Selbstjustiz in Stralsund okay
    Please rename this community or change the subject

    This is another example of US centrism.

    This is politics@lemmy.WORLD.

    From the name there is no indication that this wouldn't be about world politics.

    Please rename the community or change the subject to world politics and create a community like

    Who could use a new Mod Bot? GitHub - Dakkaron/SquareModBot

    Contribute to Dakkaron/SquareModBot development by creating an account on GitHub.

    GitHub - Dakkaron/SquareModBot

    geteilt von:

    > I made a simple mod bot for Lemmy. > > It's still "early access", but it's stable and should be fit for everyday use. > > I'd be really happy to get some feedback on what kind of features mods would like to see. > > If you want to try it in action, go to ! That's the testing community where it currently filters posts with duplicate URLs, same as mentions of Reddit, Lego and other beings-who-must-not-be-named. Feel free to post stuff there and see it get automatically moderated.

    Who could use a new Mod Bot? GitHub - Dakkaron/SquareModBot

    Contribute to Dakkaron/SquareModBot development by creating an account on GitHub.

    GitHub - Dakkaron/SquareModBot

    geteilt von:

    > I made a simple mod bot for Lemmy. > > It's still "early access", but it's stable and should be fit for everyday use. > > I'd be really happy to get some feedback on what kind of features mods would like to see. > > If you want to try it in action, go to ! That's the testing community where it currently filters posts with duplicate URLs, same as mentions of Reddit, Lego and other beings-who-must-not-be-named. Feel free to post stuff there and see it get automatically moderated.

    Braucht wer einen Mod Bot? GitHub - Dakkaron/SquareModBot

    Contribute to Dakkaron/SquareModBot development by creating an account on GitHub.

    GitHub - Dakkaron/SquareModBot

    Ich hab einen Mod Bot geschrieben, der nach konfigurierbaren Regeln konfigurierbare Aktionen automatisch ausführt. Für habe ich den auch selbst gehostet. Für andere Instanzen muss ich noch schauen, wie ich dort mach, mal sehen.

    Der Code ist auf Github verfügbar. Wer den Mod Bot verwenden will, kann entweder selbst einen Bot-Account erstellen und den Bot irgendwo laufen lassen (braucht quasi keine Ressourcen, rennt bequem auf einem Pi Zero oder einem alten Handy), oder Square_Mod_Bot zum Moderator in der Community machen und mir die Config per PN schicken.

    Ich kann auch gerne helfen beim Erstellen einer Config.

    Der Bot ist aktuell im Early Access, funktioniert aber stabil. Ich könnte noch Input gebrauchen, welche Trigger/Aktionen oder weitere Features sinnvoll wären.

    Who could use a new Mod Bot? GitHub - Dakkaron/SquareModBot

    Contribute to Dakkaron/SquareModBot development by creating an account on GitHub.

    GitHub - Dakkaron/SquareModBot

    I made a simple mod bot for Lemmy.

    It's still "early access", but it's stable and should be fit for everyday use.

    I'd be really happy to get some feedback on what kind of features mods would like to see.

    If you want to try it in action, go to ! That's the testing community where it currently filters posts with duplicate URLs, same as mentions of Reddit, Lego and other beings-who-must-not-be-named. Feel free to post stuff there and see it get automatically moderated.

    0 Volkszählung: Haushalte schrumpfen, Bildungsgrad wächst

    Österreichs Bevölkerung wächst vor allem durch Zuwanderung, zeigen die am Montag von der Statistik Austria veröffentlichten Ergebnisse der Volkszählung 2021. Kontinuierlich zurück geht die durchschnittliche Haushaltsgröße, mehr als zwei Drittel aller Privathaushalte umfassen nur eine oder zwei Perso...

    Volkszählung: Haushalte schrumpfen, Bildungsgrad wächst
    1 Fahrplanwirrwarr: „Rückschritt“ bei Bahnreise durch Europa

    Wer mit dem Zug durch Europa reisen will, steht auch 2023 noch immer vor Hürden: Zwar ist durch den Ausbau der Nachtzüge eine Reise von Großstadt zu Großstadt einfacher geworden, Tickets für andere Verbindungen lassen sich dafür aber oft nicht buchen. Manche Züge werden erst gar nicht angezeigt. Die...

    Fahrplanwirrwarr: „Rückschritt“ bei Bahnreise durch Europa
    I designed a keyboard for my phone. Ask me anything :)

    geteilt von:

    > It's all free (if you make it yourself) and open source. > >

    I designed a keyboard for my phone. Ask me anything :)

    It's all free (if you make it yourself) and open source.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
    Square Singer
    Posts 38
    Comments 1.8K