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Vermont Lawmaker Releases Spy Cam Video of Rival Lawmaker Dumping Water in his Bag | Seven Days Vermont
  • I wasn't complaining about the Lerhrman-Higgins outcome, only Larissa Waters' asinine comment.

    There aren't any actual cases where a false rape claim has been manufactured to exploit lack of evidence about the alleged perp's alibi

    Any? You are very confidently wrong. Just Google it. eg here and here and here and here.

    My friend wasn't even allowed to publicly defend himself against defamatory allegations of sexual misconduct which continued to be made with impunity. When he tried to raise her behavior at the IVO hearing he was told to shut up by the (female) magistrate because the hearing was about him not her.

    I should have mentioned that this was in Victoria which has recently changed to new laws which allow such abuse of process.

  • Vermont Lawmaker Releases Spy Cam Video of Rival Lawmaker Dumping Water in his Bag | Seven Days Vermont
  • I interpret Larissa Waters' tweet as you did and am shocked by it. That you seem to consider it reasonable is disturbing.

    While it is unfortunate that women without rape evidence cannot get justice, there are just as many evil women in the world as there are evil men. If they automatically get believed without evidence in rape allegations (or predator/stalker allegations like my friend's case) then of course the evil ones will exploit that to put in jail the men they simply don't like.

    I have it on good authority that she has me next in her sights because I am co-admin of what she sees as a rival activist group. This is the right-wing hijacking well intentioned but naive left-wing sentiment.

  • Vermont Lawmaker Releases Spy Cam Video of Rival Lawmaker Dumping Water in his Bag | Seven Days Vermont
  • The AVO matters because the court tacked on a new condition a few months later in a hearing he wasn't even invited to: He was not to mention her publicly even indirectly (eg "one of the people running group X").

    Identifying her in the video isn't resulting just in her seeking civil defamation against him but also pushing for criminal contempt of court (despite due process being ignored by the court).

    Meanwhile she was allowed to continue defaming him. In fact him suing her for defamation is how it all started: she posted publicly that he is a sexual predator and stalker. So there are two opposing defamation cases in the pipeline and the one criminal case against my friend.

    The successful AVO was intended by her to demonstrate to her thousands of followers that her accusations were valid, even though she had no relevant evidence for the rubber stamp AVO. The add-on was to gag him so that he could not deny the allegations she was publicly making against him.

  • See Biden's fiery speech after shaky debate performance
  • That should have been expected from Trump. Biden should have memorized statistics to counter the predictable bullshit.

    Not that memorizing stuff is important for the job but it would have been effective in the debate for viewers who just won't fact check anything.

  • 'Traffic tailspin': Far-right websites seeing as much as 95% decline in visitors since 2020
  • they can in turn use it as a point when luring advertisers.

    Wouldn't that be shared only with potential advertisers upon request via a password rather than just making it publicly available?

    I am only speculating, are you?

  • Vermont Lawmaker Releases Spy Cam Video of Rival Lawmaker Dumping Water in his Bag | Seven Days Vermont
  • I meant $100k (not $100). I doubt he will get costs even if he wins. She also got an AVO out against him based on this. Claims it has ruined her business (she wants $100k for lost revenue despite not showing tax returns) and that she fears for her life complete with waterworks in the hearing (despite him living interstate).

    The current political climate is biased in her favour. After the Higgins trial win Larissa Waters tweeted "I believe women".

    He subpoenaed mug shots of the women arrested at the rally but none are of her. Seems the police are in on it, using her as a honeypot to attract the extremists. Courts protect police.

  • Hail Satan!

    Caption is "OK, you want religion in schools. But that means all religions, right?"

    Image is a library with a group of eight children dressed in black cassocks with peaked hoods sitting cross-legged around a pentagram drawn on the ground.

    EDIT: The pentagram is partially obscured by one of the children but one can infer that this must be AI generated and botched (as per the comments in this thread).

    The Four Horsemen of Procrastination

    Napping, snacks, social media, minor chores.

    Stop playing games with online security, Signal president warns EU lawmakers Stop playing games with online security, Signal president warns EU lawmakers | TechCrunch

    A controversial European Union legislative proposal to scan the private messages of citizens in a bid to detect child sexual abuse material (CSAM) is a

    Stop playing games with online security, Signal president warns EU lawmakers | TechCrunch

    Follow-up to last week's story:

    EDIT1: Politicians expect to be be exempt.

    EDIT2: Good news: Vote has been postponed due to disagreements.

    Fine. Don't listen.

    Alt text: Picture of Sigourney Weaver with a cat in her arms on the movie set. Caption reads...

    "Alien is a movie where nobody listens to the smart woman, and then they all die except for the smart woman and her cat. Four stars."

    The Paradox of Blackmarket Wired Bluetooth Apple Headphones

    [complete transcription so that you do not need to visit X]

    A crazy experience — I lost my earbuds in a remote town in Chile, so tried buying a new pair at the airport before flying out. But the new wired, iPhone, lightning-cable headphones didn't work. Strange.

    So I went back and swapped them for another pair, from a different brand. But those headphones didn't work either. We tried a third brand, which also didn't work.

    By now the gift shop people and their manager and all the people in line behind me are super annoyed, until one of the girls says in Spanish, "You need to have bluetooth on." Oh yes, everyone else nods in agreement. Wired headphones for iPhones definitely need bluetooth.

    What? That makes no sense. The entire point of wired headphones is to not need bluetooth.

    So I turn Bluetooth on with the headphones plugged into the lightning port and sure enough my phone offers to "pair" my wired headphones. "See," they all say in Spanish, like I must be the dumbest person in the world.

    With a little back and forth I realize that they don't even conceptually know what bluetooth is, while I have actually programmed for the bluetooth stack before. I was submitting low-level bugs to Ericsson back in the early 2000's! Yet somehow, I with my computer science degree, am wrong, and they, having no idea what bluetooth even is, are right.

    My mind is boggled, I'm outnumbered, and my plane is boarding. I don't want wireless headphones. And especially not wired/wireless headphones or whatever the hell these things are. So I convince them, with my last ounce of sanity, to let me try one last thing, a full-proof solution:

    I buy a normal wired, old-school pair of mini-stereo headphones and a lightning adapter. We plug it all in. It doesn't work.

    "Bluetooth on", they tell me.

    NO! By all that is sacred my wired lightning adapter cannot require Bluetooth. "It does," they assure me.

    So I turn my Bluetooth on and sure enough my phone offers to pair my new wired, lightning adapter with my phone.


    I return it all, run to catch my plane, and spend half the flight wondering what planet I'm on. Until finally back home, I do some research and figure out what's going on:

    A scourge of cheap "lightning" headphones and lightning accessories is flooding certain markets, unleashed by unscrupulous Chinese manufacturers who have discovered an unholy recipe:

    True Apple lightning devices are more expensive to make. So instead of conforming to the Apple standard, these companies have made headphones that receive audio via bluetooth — avoiding the Apple specification — while powering the bluetooth chip via a wired cable, thereby avoiding any need for a battery.

    They have even made lightning adapters using the same recipe: plug-in power a fake lightning dongle that uses bluetooth to transmit the audio signal literally 1.5 inches from the phone to the other end of the adapter.

    In these remote markets, these manufacturers have no qualms with slapping a Lightning / iPhone logo on the box while never mentioning bluetooth, knowing that Apple will never do anything.

    From a moral or even engineering perspective, this strikes me as a kind of evil. These companies have made the cheapest iPhone earbuds known to humankind, while still charging $12 or $15 per set, pocketing the profits, while preying on the technical ignorance of people in remote towns.

    Perhaps worst of all, there are now thousands or even millions of people in the world who simply believe that wired iPhone headphones use bluetooth (whatever that is), leaving them with an utterly incoherent understanding of the technologies involved.

    I wish @Apple would devote an employee or two to cracking down on such a technological, psychological abomination as this. And I wish humanity would use its engineering prowess for good, and not opportunistic deception.

    Libertarians Boo Trump when he Hijacks Their Convention

    Trump Republicans tried to take over the hall (assisted by the Secret Service confiscating noisemakers) and hijack the Libertarian convention. They lined up early then stole the front row seats marked reserved. It all backfired wonderfully.

    Zero-carbon recycled cement 'Absolute miracle' breakthrough provides recipe for zero-carbon cement

    Concrete and steel production are major sources of CO2 emissions, but a new solution from Cambridge could recycle both at the same time. Throwing old concrete into steel-processing furnaces not only purifies iron but produces “reactivated cement” as a byproduct. If done using renewable energy, the…

    'Absolute miracle' breakthrough provides recipe for zero-carbon cement
    Clean Energy

    ALT TEXT: Cartoon of two women in the backyard looking at clothes drying on the traditional washing line. One of them jokes: "It dries the washing using the very latest technology — a combination of solar and wind power"

    Feckless Chivalry

    ALT TEXT: Knight is on his mobile phone while the lady is running from a fire breathing dragon and says: "fear not, my lady, I am signing another online petition"

    Narrative Ark

    Alt text: two dinosaurs stranded on a tiny island (ex mountain top) watching Noah's Ark go past in the rain. One says to the other: "Oh crap, that was TODAY?"

    Rupert Murdoch is now a shadow director of the ABC after completing a takeover of ABC news programs Rupert Murdoch is now a shadow director of the ABC after completing a takeover of ABC news programsKangaroo Court of Australia

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    Rupert Murdoch is now a shadow director of the ABC after completing a takeover of ABC news programsKangaroo Court of Australia
    Australian helicopter forced to take evasive action after Chinese fighter intercepts with flares Australian helicopter forced to take evasive action after Chinese fighter detonates flares

    A Chinese military jet has detonated flares near an Australian Navy helicopter which was operating in international waters, forcing the pilot to take evasive action to avoid an accident.

    Australian helicopter forced to take evasive action after Chinese fighter detonates flares
    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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