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Anon is a T.A.
  • this is the reason why anon will stay bitchless forever

  • Can someone explain to me what makes Taylor Swift so popular?
  • i love kanye but he hasn't been the same ever since his mom died and it went downhill during coronavirus lockdown. he used to be a personification of self confidence but I don't think i can say the same anymore. wish he gets proper help.

  • Public Tracker vs Private Tracker vs DDL vs Usenet
  • Usenet. You can download files at high speeds and don't have to fulfill any requirements. But it's insanely hard to get into the top usenet indexers.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • reddit hivemind started after it got a sustainable amount of users, that can't be said for lemmy right now.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • The only thing that concerns me is that lemmy downvotes/bans anyone that doesn't match their ideology. People suck, their ideologies suck but we have to get past through that too.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • The population on lemmy is not par with reddit. It takes time but we will get there if reddit keeps on fucking up like it does now.

  • The princess and the moody fairy, by my 8yo
  • That's some mean fairy.

  • ...
  • vscode extension that summarizes Java's exceptions for me so that I can easily find what's wrong and which line caused it instead of scrolling through 100 lines of exception/error stack.

  • Meet the newest fediverse frontend- Egalu
  • How different it will be from friendica?

  • ‘Squid Game’ Season 2 to Premiere on Netflix in 2024
  • they gave hints to season 2 so the creator might have some plans.

  • One Piece - Chapter 1105
  • I don't think it will be them. Like did the events like Saturn coming to Egghead or Buster call in Egghead hit the news?

    I don't think so, thus the chances of them coming to Egghead is low. Also I think their arrival would be latter when things get heated up more than this.

  • Straw Hat Fleet is coming
  • The announcement would have been more chaotic if it was blackbeard.

  • Who is the worst male protagonist in anime?
  • EoE

    Never gonna understand why he jerked off in the hospital.

  • discord vs guilded vs revolt vs element/matrix what is your favorite?
  • using clients like vendetta makes discord little better in android

  • Why I started Sublinks: A timeline of events
  • hope they are proved wrong.

  • Sublinks Aims to Be a Drop-In Replacement for Lemmy
  • fmab is another regular anime that's overshilled.

  • Sublinks Aims to Be a Drop-In Replacement for Lemmy
  • they are also working to make developers have less boiler plate. java might be an old language but the development has not stopped but only going better these days.

  • Sublinks Aims to Be a Drop-In Replacement for Lemmy
  • karma requirements and hashtags doesn't seem right since the former will make people to farm karma for the requirements which is one of the reasons why newbies on reddit always dump post until they get a decent karma. lemmy is not a microblogging site, hashtags have better use in platforms like mastadon. post flairs should be implemented though.

  • Sublinks Aims to Be a Drop-In Replacement for Lemmy
  • there are no Nullpointerexceptions makes Rust infinitely better than Java for me.

    what's wrong with having null pointer exception?

  • Sublinks Aims to Be a Drop-In Replacement for Lemmy
  • As a java dev, I can say that we hate working with java and love working with java at the same time.

  • TachiyomiSY devs have announced to work on a new "spiritual successor" of Tachiyomi

    This message has been posted on their discord server yesterday, currently the app is being worked on and has no definitive ETA. We probably have to use other forks until that. I don't know whether I can share the discord server's link so not sharing that until a mod gives heads up.

    Why is Path variable behaving like other user variables?

    Why is Path variable behaving like other user variables in "Edit environment variables for your account"?

    I tried to add a path to the Path variable using chatgpt prompts (which I should not have done)

    setx Path "%JAVA_HOME%\bin;%PATH%"

    Now I can't see the old path variables nor add new path variables. The system functions fine until now but I don't know what I should do to revert back the behaviour.

    Can writing tech related articles strength my portfolio?

    I am planning to write some articles related to tech news to pass time. I am just wondering whether it is a good thing to include those in resume to strengthen my portfolio. I don't really mind writing them even if it doesn't, but I just have some space in my resume that could be filled with some good things.

    spiderman spiderman

    Your Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman!

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