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What's the most alarming thing you've done while drunk or high?
  • I was reading up on Aaron Swartz once before bed while hitting a weed pen and I had somehow convinced myself I was facing felony charges and had to go to court to fight jail time and I lost it... unplugged my computer from the wall and shoved my face in my pillow until I was able to calm down and realize my foolishness before going to sleep.

  • Should I join "free speech" alternatives?
  • Free speech enthusiasts are exercising hatred. Before non-hateful people realize this they sometimes conflate it with the inversion: speaking truth to power. Or sometimes simply "freedom" which isn't perfectly absolute when we live in a society. If you wanna witness hatred then follow the free speech thread.

  • I broke my flatpack
  • oh I do that all the time. tbh just alias flatpack=flatpak and you should be good to go.

  • The US Army is pushing adoption of Agile (2024)
  • and yet y'all are also gonna keep trying to use Agile too

  • I had a journey
  • libertarian socialist

    idk about you comrade but I don't read from

  • Whats your favorite free open source software that everyone should try?
  • Only because CTRL+F had zero results: Krita. Everyone complains about GIMP having a bad name and Krita is actually good!!

  • Neovim 💚 Fennel!
  • This is certainly the closest I've ever been to trying emacs... but for better or for worse I probably won't get around to even trying it until a decade from now and then just like LISP I'll probably think damn I should have tried this a decade ago.

    I've got a few fennel projects to get to a good place and then I'm really excited to look into Lisp Flavored Erlang!

  • Neovim 💚 Fennel! Neovim

    It behaves sorta like VSCodium but it's configured with a LISP.


    cross-posted from:

    > I just recently discovered TIC-80 and then Fennel. I was already liking Lua but now I'm hooked on LISP!! Here's my Neovim config using lazy.nvim, all written in fennel thanks to hotpot > > It's not marketed like one of those "template Neovim config repos" but it could be one of those if your heart desired. I based it loosely off kickstart.nvim.

    wormkeeper (Pico-8 game)

    cross-posted from:

    > The math behind the game is atan2 which I use to get the angle from a thing to another thing: > > lua > function ato(from,to) > return atan2( > to.x-from.x, > to.y-from.y > ) > end > > > And then when you give that angle to cos for the x axis and sin for the y axis you get (x,y) coords that can be multiplied by the number of pixels you want to "move" in that direction. So this function assumes a table like {x,y,a,s} and returns new a new x,y multiplied by s for "speed"... > > lua > function amove(●,s) > s=s or ●.s > return ●.x+cos(●.a)*s, > ●.y+sin(●.a)*s > end > > > I use both those together like this to move the worms each frame. (This symbol: ∧ looks more like a worm in the Pico-8 font. If you didn't notice I like the emoji for variables 😋) > > lua > for ∧ in all(∧s) do > ∧.a=ato(∧,웃) > ∧.x,∧.y=amove(∧) > end > > > The astitue reader may have noticed amove allows one to supply their own s instead of the table's s... this is useful when you want to calculate things along something like a line, I mean the length of a worm. For example if we put everything together then we get this loop that, after a bullet () moves, checks every part of a worm (for ∧t=0,∧.l do where ∧.l is worm length and ∧t is each "tail" pixel) and if they collided deletes both and plays a sound effect. amove is given each ∧t but it's not actually used to move the worm, just to reconstruct it's body for collision detection. > > lua > for ∧ in all(∧s) do > for ∧t=0,∧.l do > ∧x,∧y=amove(∧,∧t) > if flr(✽.x)==flr(∧x) > and flr(✽.y)==flr(∧y) > then > del(bullets,✽) > del(∧s,∧) > if #∧s==0 then > sfx(2) > else > sfx(1) > end > end > end > end >

    When somebody asks if I’m ok
  • Now I miss the lizard milk too :(

  • is there a fediverse imgur?
  • Indie and self-hosted object storage providers could help diversify who is storing the end data (ideally less Amazon and big corps). I've heard things about but haven't dug into it beyond that. And pict-rs instances using filesystem/sled are already set, although cost for disk is more expensive than objects I think?

  • specter secretspecter

    as seen on

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