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Nuclear isn't perfect, but it is the best we have right now.
  • Are you really bringing up resource limitation when your point is energy sources that depend on finite fuel?

    Besides, the current form of renewables is the best option we have right now, so we should put all efforts into that. Once we find something better, absolutely go for that.

  • Nuclear isn't perfect, but it is the best we have right now.
  • Correct, but don't forget that renewables is an umbrella term.

    If you use solar, wind, hydropower, geothermal and bioenenergy, you're diversified and it's all renewable. Add in storage and there's not much of an issue anymore.

  • Proton is transitioning towards a non-profit structure
  • Also still in the blog everything is words and very opaque like " We do this not only through technology and advocacy (Proton has contributed over $500,000 toward defending these values around the world)" : like where, what, when?

    Should they always go into a downward spiral and explain everything they did? Check out the Proton Christmas fundraisers, that's what they are talking about

    There was no legal possibility to resist or fight this particular request." : I doubt very much unless Switzerland is a dictatorship in disguise.

    No legal system in the world allows you to fight everything all the time. Get to reality.

    Switzerland generally will not assist prosecutions from countries without fair justice systems." : clearly not.

    Wasn't that case in France? Don't remember exactly. Not sure if you're calling France to have unfair justice systems, but then you should probably look for a new planet, because nothing is 100% fair unfortunately.

    You can still distinguish between very bad, kind of bad, okayish, and mostly good.

  • I didn't know where else to ask rule
  • Phillips Oneblade.

    No shit, it's an amazing razor for the pubes. Obviously doesn't cut down to 0 like a wet shave, but it's so much easier and comes really close. And I get ingrown hairs easily if I wet shave down there so it's perfect for me.

    It's fast, it's reliably, easy and painless. 100% recommend for ball shaving action!

  • Yeah, about that…
  • Have you been on the internet? Source: personal experience.

    Dude, you're on a link aggregator right now, you can't honestly think that you're fact checking every post you read.

  • Fairphone Fairbuds launch with replaceable batteries, titanium drivers and ANC
  • The post is about true wireless earbuds The comment is about how lemmy makes it about jacks and wired earphones for no reason The counter point is that wired earphones last decades I said that the market for them is already satisfied, while those are the first fair true wireless ones, which is great

    Now how is it irrelevant? I seriously don't understand what the problem is, and I also don't know what kind of strawman I apparently made

  • Fairphone Fairbuds launch with replaceable batteries, titanium drivers and ANC
  • So you basically said there's no need for fair wired headphones because cheap 20€ chinese wired ones perfectly serve that market?

    Even better that fairphone builds true wireless earbuds with all those fair features, because there is no alternative there already.

  • Möglichkeit ganze Server von aus zu durchsuchen?

    Kleine Frage... Gibt es eine Möglichkeit sich von einem bestimmten Server (bspw. alle Communities anzeigen zu lassen, dass man da durchgehen kann und subscriben kann? Einfach auf die website von zu gehen geht natürlich, allerdings bin ich da dann nicht angemeldet und kann nicht subscriben. Und jede community einzeln in einzutippen ist etwas nervig.


    Ersatz für italienische Salami in Nudelsalat

    Hey zusammen!

    Bin demnächst auf einer Grillparty und wollte einen italienischen Nudelsalat machen. Teil des Rezepts ist allerdings italienische Salami in Sticks geschnitten. Um das ganze auch für die vegetarischen/veganen Besucher essbar zu machen, wollte ich mal nachfragen ob jemandem eine gute Alternative einfällt.

    Ich möchte eigentlich nur den herzhaften Teil, welche durch die Salamisticks kommen würde nicht verlieren.

    Bin für alle Vorschläge offen. Danke!

    Wie kann man heute etwas kaufen?

    Die Frage hört sich blöd an und ich hoffe es ist überhaupt erlaubt das zu posten. Ich bin kürzlich in eine neue Stadt gezogen, an meinen Kumpel von dem ich sonst Cannabis bekommen habe komme ich also nicht mehr ran. Da ich aber sonst nie eine andere Bezugsquelle hatte (brauche auch kaum etwas auf), weiß ich überhaupt nicht wie das denn sonst abläuft? Wo bekommt man in DE am einfachsten und sichersten Cannabis? Möchte ungerne in die Parks der nächsten Großstadt und da irgendwelche Leute anquatschen...


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