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Harder than it seems
  • Yeah "gif" has basically become a common noun like escalator at this point.

    It's even notified on the Wikipedia page for gif, in the third paragraph:

  • TIL sailing ships commonly moved around without wind by warping
  • Sounds like a lot of work. I have no idea how heavy a ship's anchor is, but I imagine it would be hard to throw any significant distance.

  • Pls someone make this reality
  • I was gonna say, I'm pretty sure I've seen this exact website before

  • Google no longer developing Material Web Components
  • At least we have font-family: sans-serif;

  • That's just what happens. It's life.
  • He actually is pretty heavyset in his role in The Exorcism, which just came out. I don't know if it was intentional but it certainly fits with his character in the film.

  • You can try Vertical Tabs in Firefox now
  • Nice, that's a good point! I didn't think of that.

  • You can try Vertical Tabs in Firefox now
  • Not opposed to this, but why do I want this?

    I suppose many responsive sites have a maximum content width that is admittedly a lot smaller than many displays these days. I guess this lets you use a couple more pixels of vertical space by trading the wasted horizontal space.

  • Ready to go get ourselves a piece of the action, Boss.
  • Now that you say this, it does look a lot like the trucks from this era. Most of the photos I've found have flatbeds but you can clearly see the same shape in this photo. I wonder if they sold a panel truck like this or if it was modified to be enclosed.

  • Ready to go get ourselves a piece of the action, Boss.
  • Really unique looking car. Seems to be a 1950s cab over engine Chevrolet based on reverse image search. A lot of people calling it a Suburban but I think it looks different than photos of Suburbans I've found from that era. Maybe it's been modified, idk.

  • This is what freedom is about
  • Prior to version 10, Android releases were given names that were various sweets/desserts. Examples included Ice Cream Sandwich, Nougat, and Oreo.

    I think OP is joking that Warm Glazed Donut Ice Cream Sandwich could be an Android version name.

    More info:

  • Why do we have Pride?
  • I am gay. I have a gay friend who uses that term in a "taking it back" sense.

    I love my friend and respect him but it hurts so bad it's to hear that. It's honestly triggering to me because it reminds me of middle and high school.

    I wish he wouldn't use that term but maybe it is okay if we really are taking it back.

    I have talked to some elder gays who seem to feel the same way about other terms like "lesbian" so maybe it really is a generational aversion to the slur of the time.

    I don't like feeling genuinely upset but I am willing to endure it if it means progression for LGBTQIA+ ppl.

    Anyone who has a thought about this pls reply. Would really love to hear non-straight folks opinions on it, but even willing to hear straight folks opinions as long as they are respectful and non-violent. ♥️

  • Why do we have Pride?
  • Bawling my eyes out for Edward. Honestly makes me sick. It's okay to be gay or not straight or anything in between.

  • rule
  • My gluten intolerant ass will never know this joy again

  • They removed it! The bastards removed it!
  • To be fair, the page is called Unbelievable History. It truly is unbelievable.

  • Can you read the ancient glyphs
  • A friend of mine wrote a dissertation on surreal memes a few years ago.