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Pancake Day!
  • Should be nutty and earthy.

  • Pancake Day!
  • Have you ever had pancakes or waffles made with almond or coconut flour

    No but I'm willing to try some hemp seed flower.

  • Is Mike Johnson Just Bad at This?
  • Have you seen Mike's Johnson?

  • Pancake Day!
  • Op mentally crashes when he finds out they all have Celiac and can't eat them.

  • Introducing the new Sticky Notes app for Windows
  • This was done in Lotus decades ago.

  • James Doohan sacrificed a finger for us!
  • Did he cut it off while making Transparent aluminum?

  • Bonus sovereign citizen car.
  • By this, the guy person has no right to drive on tax funded roads.

  • US has new intelligence on Russian nuclear capabilities in space
  • That is probably what they are using now. 😂

  • If I put a gallon of 10% cider vinegar in a shallow pan and let 1/2 gallon evaporate, will that make it double its strength?
  • Except keep the ice instead of keeping the liquid like in ethanol freeze distilling?

  • Yarrdy Har Har
  • She died to death.

  • If I put a gallon of 10% cider vinegar in a shallow pan and let 1/2 gallon evaporate, will that make it double its strength?

    I have plant trays I use in the spring and they get lime deposits from my water. I was looking at cleaning vinegar at lowes last night and it was $27+ a gallon. Regular vinegar is about $4 a gallon. The cleaning vinegar is only around 25%.

    US has new intelligence on Russian nuclear capabilities in space
  • From the same country that can't make a round ball bearing.

  • Kickass Women SnausagesinaBlanket
    Old School Ronda
    Liberals Are Not Laughing About Jon Stewart's Jabs at Joe Biden
  • I am only disappointed because his big comeback was sold to us as a man against MAGATARDS.

  • Man Shot at by Cops Who Got Scared by an Acorn ‘Damaged for Life’
  • This is funny and horrific at the same time.

  • Are there more child predators in the USA or is it just being recorded more often because of cameras being everywhere?

    I am a sexual abuse victim as a toddler. I am 60 and I still have cPTSD and need counseling. I cut off all local news to help with depression and anxiety and only read what I choose, yet in the past week there are literally over a dozen new cases with attempted kidnappings, peepers in bathrooms and showers, multiple rapes, CSAM from various religious organizations, and lawsuits going back decades. It seems like a pandemic of predators is happening.

    Why are people putting "tho" at the end of sentences now?

    It was never needed in the past and ads no context that a simple exclamation point or bold letters could do if a person wants to add emphasis.

    Are there any affordable sweat pants that don't pill up?

    Some with pockets that would almost pass as pants.

    I have tried brands up to $45 a pair and they all do it.

    I am male and in the big and tall size range and wear 13EEEEEE shoes.

    (There are no active clothing communities that I could find in so I am hoping I didn't break any rules asking in this community instead.)

    CSAM Emergency Contact

    Last night I was exposed to CP and I am a victim of childhood sexual abuse so it really hit hard and made me instantly nauseous. I got a reply from the mods that my post was removed and the CSAM content was already gone by the time I made the report. It also said in the reply I got that If I made complaint I may be banned! WTH

    That was not the case because it was sent out to more than one instance and was around for at least 3-4 hours on

    I am wondering if Lemmy could put in a tool that will shoot out to all available moderators 24x7, no matter what sub they are in so this crap can get taken down before some of our youngsters get exposed to something no one should ever see.

    Like a "Bat signal" for CSAM. ???

    What is the best way to freeze eggs?

    It is looking like eggs are about to go up again and I have a lot of freezer space. There are many ways to do this but I am looking for portion control and convivence for 1 person. Is it better to scramble them or try to freeze as is?

    Imagine if we could cure medical problems at the atomic level versus trying to fix them with traditional medicines.

    Kind of like defragging a hard drive, but instead it realigns all your molecules into a perfect sequence so all disease and defects are instantly eradicated.

    Any solid UFC streams?

    I used to pay a subscription and could watch all the UFCs years ago, and haven't found anything like it since it went offline. It had a nice archive of older UFC's which made it cool too.

    Women of Martial Arts SnausagesinaBlanket
    When on a diet, does you body have the same weight loss across the entire person including visceral fat?

    I was wondering if your body gets whatever is considers the "low hanging fruit" first and would remove visceral fat last.

    If so are there targeted diets for that specific fat?

    US Question: What happened to the HHS recommendation to the DEA to reschedule cannabis by the end of the year?

    This is the most factual link I could find and I still no nothing more than a year ago because the letter HHS wrote is so redacted it may as well be a grocery list.
