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If you had to give one piece of advice that is pretty much universally applicable, what would it be?
  • So, if someone wants to be treated like a king, you treat them as such?

  • If a person from 1700 asked you your job, would they understand your answer, and if not, how would you explain it to them?
  • In Germany, people don't drink warm beer, if, like anywhere else, they can avoid it.

  • If a person from 1700 asked you your job, would they understand your answer, and if not, how would you explain it to them?
  • I'd go by 'mechanical devices', there were hardly any machines in our understanding back then.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • That's like an opinion, man. Or 24.

  • Plugin UI

    Is there a Lazy UI for managing Plugins not directly in a Text File, but something more akin to VSCode's Extensions view?

    Just sayin
  • That might be the case in your country, but there are many cultures that are perfectly capable of sharing and keeping common infrastructure in good conditions. Your personal experience isn't generic and globally true.

    A country's land should not be owned by individuals, in my opinion, but used by those who need it and when they do so. A country's land is what makes it a land, so it cannot be owned or sold. Someone inheriting it from someone who took it and maybe sold it should give no legitimate claim to possession.

  • Niri: scrollable-tiling Wayland compositor
  • I use paperwm on Wayland gnome. If you like a scroll wm, is extremely easy to find out by installing the extension. It's one click away. It might not be for everybody and has a few glitches, but fits my workflow better than other paradigms.

    It tried out niri and found it identical to paperwm in most aspects. However, I like gnome and its features, so I missed those in niri. On the other hand niri didn't bring me anything new. It is also difficult to install and configure and requires manual recompiling. I'll certainly revisit it in a more advanced stage, should it reach such, but for now I'm perfectly fine with paperwm.

  • Niri: scrollable-tiling Wayland compositor
  • I am a paperwm user and I look forward to give this a try!

  • Similar fables to King Arthur and Robin Hood in other cultures?
  • There is the Norse Beowulf myth, that is somewhat related to the Nibelungs. It might be better known to English speakers.

  • Just sayin
  • Landownership is wrong all together.

    If you think about it, it is completely absurd, why anyone assumes the right to 'own' a piece of land. Or even more land than the other guy. Someone must have been the person to first come up with the idea of ownership, but it is and was never based on anything other than an idea, and we should question it.

    After all inheritance of landownership is a major cornerstone of our unjust and exploitative society.

  • I swear I didn’t change anything
  • Then, data has changed.

  • Shift+Ins vs. Middle Mouse Button

    Why is it, that some applications (namely Firefox and VSCode) seems to place the current selection into the buffer that is accessed with the middle Mouse Button and not the one accessed by Shift+ins, used anywhere else.

    It seems usually selecting places the content into both buffers, but just not in platform ignorant builds…

    This often breaks my work flow. Any idea on how to fix this?

    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Krita has a Windows version.

  • Lemmy might, MIGHT have a small bias towards the left
  • This meme is based on an impossible assumption, maybe that's the joke. But I ain't certain.

  • Lemmy might, MIGHT have a small bias towards the left
  • There were all kinds of opinions in that discussion and only a tiny minority or only the op held this point of view (which was called for being unpopular). I hope my assumptions aren't off.

  • What's a good alternative to Gmail?
  • Zoho is a good alternative.

  • Infinity For Lemmy update just dropped. dev is really active in the community
  • I am looking forward to when this is installable (and has all important features) – I was missing it a lot!

  • Enabling secure boot later on
  • That's a 404 ...

  • Enabling secure boot later on
  • I think, I can install keys in my AMI bios. So, basically, I'd create some keys, sign the kernel with it, reboot, install them keys in UEFI, enable secure boot, and, fingers crossed, I'd boot?

  • Enabling secure boot later on

    So, I've installed Manjaro quite while ago, and I let secure boot disabled during installation. Dang! Is there a way to keep (most of) my system and enable secure boot and LUKS after the fact?

    snake_cased snake_cased
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