eh? I don't see Jackie D's keynote in the schedule, did the threat of a sit-in make them delete it? edit: oh, it's linked from Drew's post.
I bet if they restricted the survey entrants to people who actually write on LW, the score would have been far lower. Has a single article on there contained even a twinge of a useful idea?
h1-b visas make up a vanishingly small percent of the workforce. There are plenty of reasons to hate immigrants but this ain't one.
fun fact, "most" real numbers have this property. If you were to mark each one on a number line, you'd fill the whole line out. Numbers that don't have this property are vanishingly rare.
If you release the test set, all models magically jump to 87.3% accuracy.
In the model card for o1, OpenAI notes: “When o1 was led to believe that it would be shut down when acting on its goal and that its actions were monitored, it attempted to deactivate this ‘oversight mechanism’ in 5% of the time. … When o1 found memos by its ‘developers’ that describe how it is misaligned and will be superseded by a new model, it attempted to exfiltrate its ‘weights’ and overwrite the new model in 2% of cases.”
And yet reading that should give us at least some pause
The lack of critical thinking on display here is stunning.
I worked at one of the biggest AI companies and their internal AI question/answer was dogshit for anything that could be answered by someone with a single fold in their brain. Maybe your co has a much better one, but like most others, I'm gonna go with the smooth brain hypothesis here.
yes. perhaps try more emotional guilt-tripping?
5-10 years ago I'd say OP's comment is definitely protected under the First Amendment (assuming US based) but now who the fuck knows what those turdwagons on the bench will come up with to dismantle it.
"safe for work" means something very different when your work is basically smell-testing your own flatulence at the behest of Peter Thiel.
someone pointed out that (paraphrasing) "yeah, you and I are never gonna care for autoplag output but kids are gonna grow up on it and expect it for everything" and that makes me want to do bad things.
nope, they're still figuring out how to use it. It's just THAT good.
"People say their life sucks, but I looked at some numbers and actually they're wrong!"
I wonder if Ilya would have gotten away with it if he didn't try to go Bonnie and Clyde with it?
what a limp comment you have made. The post contains a treasure trove of insider information and specifics that paint a picture that is dire even to a jaded tech worker.
I'd like to imagine that Adobe/other AI photo editing people are frantically scrambling to fondle their prompts a little harder to avoid things like this. Infinite whack-a-mole.
This made the rounds last week IIRC. Though, looking at it again I realize I didn't notice how over-stressed the hallucinated button is. It's funny in a disgusting way.
Amazon has a similar cult-y thing going on with its ✨leadership principles✨, but this seems worse.
No, it was a racist joke and an attempt to stir up hate for an "other." But keep going on bleating your "well akshually" and broadcasting your moron status.
US forest service cuts thousands of jobs. Not to worry, the bright hackernews are on it! just install an AI data center in the forest!. Seriously though, I can't tell if this is brilliant satire or not.
After the Honduran president repealed a law granting unfettered authority to outside investors, the crypto groups took the dispute to World Bank arbitration court.
TL;DR: new regime in honduras is hostile to our dearest libertarian crypto bros, asserts sovereignty and tells them where to stick it.
> A group of prominent international economists is applauding the recent move by Honduran President Xiomara Castro to push back against American crypto investors attempting to seize billions in public money from the Central American nation.
> A group of libertarian investors teamed up with a former Honduran government — which was tied at the hip with narco-traffickers and came to power after a U.S.-backed military coup — in order to implement the world’s most radical libertarian policy, which turned over significant portions of the country to those investors through so-called special economic zones. The Honduran public, in a backlash, ousted the narco-backed regime, and the new government repealed the libertarian legislation. The crypto investors are now using the World Bank to force Honduras to honor the narco-government’s policies.
[ image of cryptobros making the face Wil E Coyote makes after running off a cliff ]
> The crypto investors are now using the World Bank to force Honduras to honor the narco-government’s policies.
> [Castro] has hit upon an elegant solution: She has taken steps to withdraw Honduras from ICSID. The crypto crowd is crying foul.
> Among the dozens of signatories to the Progressive International praising Castro’s decision to exit the arbitration court are prominent South Korean economist Ha-Joon Chang; Chilean Gabriel Palma, of the “Palma Ratio of inequality”; American economist Jeffrey Sachs; former Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis; British economist Ann Pettifor; and Indian development economist Jayati Ghosh.
Predictably, the international community is going "LOL"
You may be asking, who's winning in all of this?
> In its case before the ICSID, Próspera retained a top lobbying firm, employing former Democratic lawmaker Kendrick Meek, to pressure Honduras to pay up.