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Leak: EU interior ministers want to exempt themselves from chat control bulk scanning of private messages - EU Reporter
  • The law must apply to all, including public servants. As they are beholden to the public, they are subject to review and FOIA requests are automatically granted for the content.

    Now I'm suddenly not so against this law. Journalists paradise. They'll have a field day!

  • Electricity prices in France turn negative as renewable energy floods the grid
  • even if fuel is cheap it's still has an upfront cost per production and can be manipulated based on demand to ensure prices never drop and always go up.

    or i mean, super, nuclear is obviously what society needs, because energy supply is a natural monopoly and nuclear uses fuel you can burn based on demand and guaranteed awesome profit as a private entity unlike infinite energy resources that produces surplus energy and only benefits society and not the shareholders and owners who are the only ones who obviously matter.

  • Putin pledges truce if Ukraine exits occupied areas and drops NATO bid, likely a nonstarter for Kyiv
  • whatever russia says, they mean to do the opposite. they've been pulling this nonsense from the start and this is no different, and we know this because they are STILL THERE. if they wanted peace, THEY'D LEAVE. ukraine doesn't have a choice, they have nowhere to go. they can't pull out of the conflict because they are literally the one being invaded. there is no logic to this argument. it's like ordering cheese and wondering why you are served cheese. it's plain and dumb.

  • Thunderbird's New Rust Integration: The Future of Email Clients?
  • using cinnamon. and yeah base software is largely fine. but non-base productivity apps are largely built in electron. cinnamon even offers a webapp tool so in some cases i can at least avoid it.

  • Thunderbird's New Rust Integration: The Future of Email Clients?
  • people who like fast apps should care because like 99% of current software developers are building electron apps instead of giving us something that actually lets your high end computer behave like a high end computer.

    the only modern chat application that doesn't run electron today is Telegram.

    the only cloud note taking app that doesn't run electron is ...uh. doesn't even exist.

    the only...

    i can't even think of something i use that was released after 2016 on my computer that doesn't run at a crawl because of electron. fuck electron.

  • As the Internet Gets Scarier, More Parents Keep Their Kids’ Photos Offline
  • they charge $3 per month for 10GB of storage

  • Discord has shut down the Discord servers for the Nintendo Switch emulators Suyu and Sudachi
  • bs. discord is absolute trash for anything but live chatting. it does nothing different from plain old irc with a bnc and bots. they just took irc and made it easy for stupid people to use and slapped voice comm on top; which also already existed. using it as an archive, broadcast and support system is like trying to use a hammer to screw in a screw. people just use discord because people use discord. just like people just use facebook because people use facebook.

    if you want to manage a community, you should use discourse. it's the most modern alternative. if you want a public chat, use any chat you want that supports public chat, the only difference between all of them is what level of privacy they provide.

  • What apps would you love to have open-source alternatives for?
  • Photopea. Not foss, but a free clone of photoshop.

  • The National Court orders to block Telegram in Spain
  • electron slows everything on your computer down (by design). for each individual electron app you're running concurrently, you're burning another huge volume of resources and sacrificing performance that normally would have been shared. even well-optimized electron apps can't do anything to avoid this due to the inherent design of electron. because each runtime of electron has to load all its junk separately from one another. it's a burden on your hardware that developers just don't give a shit about because electron makes it easy to push out apps with minimal coding effort and let you ignore native platform support. if they did give a shit they wouldn't use electron. electron basically makes a flagship computer behave like a 90ies computer due to lazy convenience of the coder. i'd propose that any developer who opts to us electron can't be trusted because they obviously don't care (or know) enough to develop real software. almost every electron app is basically a patchwork put together from various github sources and frameworks.

    regardless. even if i wanted to use one of the privacy focused applications despite electron, i would have a total of 0 users to chat with, making the chat app useless. people want their modern features and are beyond willing to pay with their privacy. so not only does telegram offer a non-electron native client on all platforms. they also offer all modern features and design elements users have come to expect.

    and as said. if i had to pick one chat application i'd prefer over anything else. i'd go with delta chat. since i wouldn't need to convince anyone to install it and still be able to chat with them. but it's unlikely the delta chat developer will rewrite it. heck, most of the actual interface is just another lazy copypaste. so, i do me.

  • The National Court orders to block Telegram in Spain
  • both use Electron (which is the problem and why Telegram is literally the only modern option on the market) so they aren't options either. If Electron wasn't a problem in and off itself, I wouldn't use either of those anyway since I could use DeltaChat, be secure, and not need to bother to "convert" anyone to use the client since it's literally a chat client built on the email protocol (which everyone on earth has).

  • Moscow concert hall attack: Russia detains 11 as death toll rises to 133
  • It's one thing to have a callous and sociopathic stance like your average brainless cultist, but this? Well, you're either a child or challenged.

    My condolences either way.

  • The National Court orders to block Telegram in Spain
  • there is only really nheko in development among the non-electron alternatives and it's unstable. can't convince people to use software that only works half the time.

  • The National Court orders to block Telegram in Spain
  • closed source.

    plain text unless activated.

  • The National Court orders to block Telegram in Spain
  • agreed. but chats are there to keep in touch, collaborate, and communicate. so we don't have much of a choice, especially since most people just don't care about security and stick with Messenger or similar. in my circles though, it's a lot easier to convince someone to use Telegram unlike one of the many XMPP clients, and seeing as it runs natively, it's my only real choice.

    personally, I'd be all over DeltaChat if it wasn't running on electron. brilliant idea for sure, as there would be no convincing necessary to keep in touch with practically anyone on the planet.

  • The National Court orders to block Telegram in Spain
  • mobile is not the problem for many reasons. one being that apps offload so there is no system wide slowdown like you experience on a modern high end computer, caused by electron.

    all those protocols only offer shitty electron apps on desktop.

    i have a top end m1 mbp and it can handle 2 electron apps running concurrently at best. i won't even install electron apps anymore because i need to be able to actually use my computer for work. which is a bit ironic as most modern utility applications which would be useful for work can't even be used on most computers unless run as the single active app (great workflow, lol!).

  • The National Court orders to block Telegram in Spain
  • oh sure. ban the ONLY modern chat client not running on electron.

    get fucked, spain!

  • Redditor explains that reddit's moderators can't understand how rich people's wealth operates because it is too complicated for poor people
  • You're not looking at the cost of living. your actual income is usually irrelevant. you could be making $100-250k, it doesn't matter, if the cost of living (and being able to actually get to your job) is 95% of that income.

    For example, my buddy moved to the UK from BA where he was making $8000/mo and living paycheck to paycheck and going into debt. they didn't tell him they would cut his salary down to $4500/mo until he actually got there. He had a panic attack, until his first set of bills arrived, and he realized he still had some 80% of his paycheck left for himself due to drastically lower cost of living.

  • The World’s E-Waste Has Reached a Crisis Point
  • fairphone is doing pretty well. their new one is quite competitive spec-wise too.

  • The World’s E-Waste Has Reached a Crisis Point
  • an online store could operate from places where such laws don't apply. most people nowadays mainly do their shopping online anyway and physical stores have largely disappeared unless it doubles as a warehouse. i guess australia and NZ has the advantage of stringent import laws though.

    but i suppose this goes for my earlier argument as well.

  • The World’s E-Waste Has Reached a Crisis Point
  • we have phones that don't break easily and we can repair them and replace the battery; with long-term support.

    what we need are laws that makes it mandatory for all.

  • sibachian sibachian
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