I found no attribution of source, neither on the article by MEMO, nor on similar snippets posted to YouTube by other publications. Seeing only a few sentences of her speech without context made me curious to read the whole speech. Here it is: https://www.auswaertiges-amt.de/de/newsroom/-/2679468, with the paragraphs in question translated (Sorry for not translating more, I don't have DeepL Premium):
We have made it just as clear - and this is not a contradiction, but a complement - that international humanitarian law and Israel's right to exist go hand in hand. This is what the German raison d'état stands for. That is why we have stated it clearly time and again: Self-defense naturally means not only attacking terrorists, but destroying them. That is why I have made it so clear that when Hamas terrorists hide behind people, behind schools, then we are entering very difficult areas. But we will not duck away from them. That's why I made it clear to the United Nations that civilian places can also lose their protected status because terrorists abuse it. Germany stands by this, for us it means Israel's security. And because the resolutions have been mentioned: We are pursuing a policy of action. In view of the resolutions, which state that humanitarian aid must reach Gaza, that the two-state solution can be the only goal if we really want security for the entire region, but which also contain some sentences that Germany does not share, we cannot say: we are closing our eyes, we are not finding the strength to differentiate, as a mother of a hostage who has been killed finds in the most difficult hour of her life.
Um bei meinem Geschwisterkommentar zu bleiben, was bringt es einer gelernten Architekt:in, in einem Lagerhaus zu arbeiten? Ist es nicht viel sinnvoller, in einem Planungsbüro zu starten und da direkt die unterschiedlichen Anforderungen an Bauwerke in Deutschland kennenzulernen? Sprache sollte auch kein Hindernis sein, heutzutage kann so gut wie jede:r Englisch. Bei meinem Arbeitgeber in der Softwareentwicklung haben wir auch einige ukrainische Kolleg:innen, mit denen wir hauptsächlich auf Englisch reden und die Arbeit funktioniert ohne Probleme. Und je länger sie dort arbeiten, desto mehr deutsche Sätze und Sprachverständnis gewöhnen sie sich an, Integration kann also im gewohnten Beruf auch gut funktionieren.
Wait a minute... were ancient slingshot mercenaries basically the Scout from TF2?
What makes one a European?
And why should Europe be only for Europeans?
YouTube Video
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I'm interested to see how well organized it is going to be this time.
What a lame reply.
A real linux installation or darwin-nix? If the former, what steps did you follow? 👀
Same for me, X11 is out of the question simply because it can't do variable refresh rate on multiple monitors last I checked. And Nvidia and Wayland work together pretty well by now, at least if you are using a GTX card.
Yes, all the environment variables are set automatically and programs respect them.
It sounds like NixOS would solve all your problems. And it makes coffee too!
OMG, you just made my day! I watched Internet Shaquille years ago and really enjoyed him but never subscribed. Then I forgot his name and have tried many times to find him again using the few things I remembered from his videos. Never found him though. And now, you posted that little name and I instantly recognized it, thank you so much :D
That's a good idea. I've also seen some servers of small communities that had a website, where you could basically "ready up" andit wpuld show you, how many other people were ready to play. Either way, you probably could get a couple of matches per week through that.
Central Europe sound very good. The problem with most community servers is seeding them with enough players, so that others join from the server browser as well. If you go through with this, maybe organise some regular times where people at least semi-reliably join the server, so you can gauge the interest.
I got it to a stable 54% by using an
typing f or d for consonants and vowels respectively in sentences I thought up, switching languages regularly,
and a stable 56% by just typing randomly and adjusting my patterns based on the colored output, which might have skewed my results. Certainly a very cool tool, I also liked the explanation linked on the page!