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Alternatives to Google Docs/sheets?

What are people using in place of Google docs/sheets/etc? I'm looking for a simple program that syncs with the cloud so I can access my documents on my different computers or my Android phone. I run Windows 10 (don't crucify me). I use libre office for things that can stay on one computer, but for things like school notes, budgeting spreadsheets, or certain reference sheets I've created for work I need to be able to access on my different devices or log in on a web browser and easily have the changes sync. I'm constantly on the go and logging into different devices between work and school and while I want to de-google I've just found the convenience of the google suite has kept me saving non-confidential stuff with them. With some minor searching I found Cryptpad, has anyone used that, or can anyone recommend anything else?

I don't do anything crazy, for docs its mostly just typing and basic formatting, importing pictures into my school notes, very simple tables, etc. With Sheets I just use basic math functions to balance my bank accounts and keep my budget on track, so I don't need anything advanced, it just needs to work and sync with the cloud. I don't even care if I have to pay a few bucks for it if it's worthwhile.

I prefer to buy video games without knowing anything about them
  • I look at genre, average review, and watch maybe 30 seconds to a minute of a game play type trailer. If it looks interesting, I'll add it to my wishlist and buy it when I can afford it. I've been let down a few times, and absolutely lost my soul to a few games that I knew nothing about prior.

  • The Millennial CAPTCHA
  • I was a little lost until the iPod and the t9 showed up, then it was almost scary how normal it all felt. I didn't even realize I still remembered t9 but I didn't even have to think.

  • When was the last time you felt helpless in life?
  • If you've had covid, it's done a number on some young people's cardiovascular systems. I know a person in their 20s who was very healthy, got covid, and was shortly after diagnosed with POTS. I've heard of several other people being diagnosed with POTS after getting covid.

  • It would be terrifying if it were to actually start raining men.
  • Shit, I'll never forget being at home watching the towers burn on TV as a kid and seeing things falling from them and asking my mom what they were and hearing "those are people jumping rather than burn to death". Horrifying. What a choice to make.

  • PSA: Do not talk to journalists about diy!
  • I'm also joining the group coming here from All, I've never heard of this, but just wanted to chime in and say I'm sorry some of you have to DYI your own healthcare because the system is failing you, please be safe and healthy.

  • My friends with cats tell me it do be like that
  • I feed my cats their wet food on large plates the size of dinner plates. The assholes still prefer to paw it onto the floor and eat it off there, and then leave a mess everywhere. They get their kibble in a wide shallow bowl, and that stays in place.

  • My friends with cats tell me it do be like that
  • I just got an autofeeder for my cats. Wonderful thing. My cats still come to me and sit and scream for food for the hour before each mealtime, and we argue about whether or not they currently need my participation in mealtime, right up until the thing kicks on, then they're off like a shot. It's hilarious.

  • New Boeing Whistleblower Says 787 Fuselages Are Improperly Fastened Together, Could Break Apart
  • You think zip ties will hold together at those speeds? Not to mention cause drag due to the tiny bumps? Do you know anything about aerodynamical engineering?

    You have to zip tie it together, then duct tape over top nice and smooth for extra holding strength and to reduce wind resistance. Boeing, hire me instead!

  • The lap settings
  • 1 is when I have had to pee for the past 2 hours but have had a warm happy kitty on my lap that I didn't want to disturb but now the situation is dire.

    2 is every other time.

  • From skipping meals to working more to moving in with mom and dad—that's how Americans are trying to afford housing
  • I'm down 40ish in a year. I mean, it's weight I've been trying desperately without success to lose for years, but eventually I'm going to run out. And then when it's 3am on a Tuesday and I'm lying awake mentally working through my budget for the 11th time that week I go "I've been stressed and skipped meals before and never lost weight, do I have cancer? Because I really can't afford that."

  • Types of drunk people
  • Alcohol turns me into a very morose, mellow philosopher who thinks the world is even darker and more fucked than I think when I'm sober. It also gives me the munchies.

    I thought that was supposed to be weed that did that. But I've never smoked weed, so idk. I've pretty much stopped drinking.

  • What's that machine they use at the eye doctor to bend/refit your glasses?
  • I worked at [generic big-name eyeglass store/optometrist] for a few months and we weren't allowed to adjust any eyeglasses that weren't purchased at our store because if they broke while we were trying to bend them we couldn't just get another frame and replace them, but also it was 2022 and they only paid me $12/hr so if someone came in and seemed chill I'd always be like hey, I'm obviously going to try really hard to not break your glasses, but sometimes shit happens and if it does you are on your own because you didn't get them here and I'm not allowed to do this, and would just adjust them.

  • Goodbye [old].[reddit].[com]
  • I have mullvad and also browse certain Reddit communities without an account. Some of the servers still get through. If you're using US servers I know there are a few of the NY, Atlanta, and Virginia servers I've been able to get through on. I've also gotten through on some of the West Coast ones but I can't remember which ones, I only remember the last 3 because they were the last ones I trial and error throughed while actually paying attention to which servers I was connecting to instead of picking at random.

  • Can Linux be dual booted on a computer with Windows?

    I have a Lenovo Yoga running Windows 10 on a 1TB SSD and at some point will probably have to upgrade it to Windows 11. I use it for school and have to keep Windows on it for now because of what I'm currently doing. I want to start getting into Linux in hopes of making the switch sometime down the line. Is partitioning the disk and dual booting Windows/Linux a thing and is it possible/easy to do? If so, what distro would anyone recommend? (I've heard good things about Mint). Back in the day I had gotten bored one night, installed Ubuntu on an external drive and played around with it a very tiny bit before forgetting about it, but that's the extent of my Linux knowledge, so kindly keep explanations ELI5 :)

    Edit: Thank you everyone! You've given me lots of good advice and knowledge, some terms to Google, and some good places to start. I appreciate it! Looking forward to joining the wonderful world of Linux!

    Metadata and torrents. ELI5?

    That's the question really. I hear the terms metadata and torrents thrown around all the time when talking about internet and privacy, but I don't really understand them and when I tried googling torrents I was just confused. Can someone explain one or both like I'm 5?

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