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12 May 2024
  • Is there a joke here that I am missing?

  • Volker Wissing gegen Tempolimit auf Autobahnen: »Das wollen die Leute nicht«
  • Na dann ist das Problem ja geloest. Ach wie, nicht geloest?

  • The soft life: why millennials are quitting the rat race
  • I don't think that people voluntarily give up, I believe that they are more burnt out etc than ever

  • Rückbau der Atommülldeponie Gorleben: Die Probleme kommen erst noch
  • Alle Politiker_innen die da die Konzerne irgendwie aus der Pflicht genommen haben müssen zum Skandal werden.

  • Rückbau der Atommülldeponie Gorleben: Die Probleme kommen erst noch
  • Das ist echt so krass. Da gibt es immer Artikel über Windräder die sich nicht recyclen lassen. Die kann man einfach vergraben und fertig.

    Ich möchte die Kosten gar nicht wissen die dieser Atommüll noch verursachen wird.

  • Rückbau der Atommülldeponie Gorleben: Die Probleme kommen erst noch
  • Glaube bei Atomkraft ist es eher der Wunsch nach einer Wunderlösung als ich ich ich

  • Friday Facts #403 - Train stops 2.0 | Factorio

    Hello, When playing with trains, you tend to spend a lot of time building train stops. In my latest playtesting, I noticed a few annoyances and pain points, which we will go in to today, along with some other improvements for 2.0.

    Friday Facts #403 - Train stops 2.0 | Factorio
    0 Friday Facts #401 - New terrain, new planet | Factorio

    Surprise! There are 5 new planets in the expansion. The first planet you arrive on is a strange new land, rich with iron, copper, coal, stone, oil, and uranium. Everything a starting factory needs and more. There's also water, fish, grass and trees. Yes, this is a fertile land, and we will thrive. ...

    Friday Facts #401 - New terrain, new planet | Factorio
    1 Friday Facts #402 - Lightspeed circuits | Factorio

    Hello, if we have any circuit lovers reading, this is another dose of facts for you.

    Friday Facts #402 - Lightspeed circuits | Factorio
    Fear and Anxiety Drive Conservative Decisions
  • Not aversion to risk imo

  • ich⚠️iel
  • Ist das ein AI Bild rechts?

  • Google’s self-designed office swallows Wi-Fi “like the Bermuda Triangle”
  • Can't make this shit up. Huge tech corp can't design a proper building

  • It was a close call.
  • I don't get it

  • Bike lanes are good for business, but store owners still hate them
  • It kind of makes sense that most store owners would drive a car. But it's sad that they don't understand how much foot and bike traffic they get.

  • 0
    Bye son
  • btw that's not how gregarious animals work. Many do run but they also protect their young

  • Kein Fake: Taurus-Gespräch hat stattgefunden
  • Naivität schützt doch vor Strafe nicht, oder?

  • Suggest some games for a 16 yrs old having low end pc
  • Factorio has an extensive demo and should run well

  • 1 Friday Facts #399 - Trash to Treasure | Factorio

    Hello, It's Earendel back for another electric adventure. You got your first look at Fulgora in FFF-398. (If you haven't read that already please read that first.) Now let's take a look at the new planet's mechanics.

    Friday Facts #399 - Trash to Treasure | Factorio
    0 Friday Facts #397 - Factoriopedia | Factorio

    Hello, we have gathered here today to talk about a new quality of life feature coming with 2.0.

    Friday Facts #397 - Factoriopedia | Factorio
    0 Friday Facts #396 - Sound improvements in 2.0 | Factorio

    Hello, Today we will be looking at (and listening to!) many of the sound improvements we have been working on for 2.0.

    Friday Facts #396 - Sound improvements in 2.0 | Factorio
    Baldur's Gate 3 speedrun at AGDQ starts now! GamesDoneQuick - Twitch

    Awesome Games Done Quick 2024 - Benefiting the Prevent Cancer Foundation - BONUS GAME 4- Baldur's Gate 3

    GamesDoneQuick - Twitch
    ich glaub feddit geht wieder

    uff leude das war eine schwere Zeit. Hier ging ja nix, alles error.

    Endlich wieder schnell und sowas :)
