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After Initial Success, Helldiver’s 2 Has Lost 90% Of Its Players With No Signs Of Recovery
  • That's a good point. An online game can be successful while having a limited shelf life. Make your money and shut it down (or just ramp it down for the smaller audience if it's worth the effort)

  • What are your plans for when the Milky Way galaxy collides with Andromeda?
  • Ugh, making up new constellations is my least favorite part of galaxies colliding.

  • What are your plans for when the Milky Way galaxy collides with Andromeda?
  • That's just the kind of lax attitude that might get us extinct

  • What are your plans for when the Milky Way galaxy collides with Andromeda?
  • yeah good luck with that. I'm taking an umbrella to work just in case.

  • AI's Most Ambitious Music Generators Accused of 'Massive' Infringement In New Lawsuit
  • I guess we'll just have to get our music from humans for a while longer

  • Shortest license agreement ever.
  • is that Let's GeT Married ?

  • New Album: The Return Of Tomorrow by Fu Manchu
  • fresh even after all this time

  • Elon Musk sued for alleged sexual harassment and retaliation by former SpaceX engineers
  • Personally I would be honored to be sexually harassed and retaliated against by the great Elon Musk. People should be more grateful!

  • Advice Appreciated
  • 3D print a brain to come up with your own ideas!

  • You heard #Adobe. Deep down you knew this was coming. Now all your art are belong to them. Time to move on to better things...
  • Good job. I already switched to Affinity for photo editing & design because they don't have a subscription model, though they've been bought by a company that plans to introduce the subscription model.

  • Solar project to destroy thousands of Joshua trees in the Mojave Desert
  • Saving the environment by killing trees. Good lord!

  • Study finds 268% higher failure rates for Agile software projects
  • Should I remove my Agile experience from my resume?

  • What communities or similar did you appreciate the moderation of and why?
  • I pretty much never appreciate moderation, unless somebody is posting outside of the theme of the community. I want to read everything, including the most horrendously offensive stuff.

  • Know-What vs Know-How

    “As Socrates was passing through the fair at Athens, and casting his eyes over the shops and customers, 'how many things are here', says he, 'that I do not want!'” – Dr. Johnson, The Adventurer A couple weeks ago, I received a know-how writing request from an old colleague, a person well versed in k...

    Know-What vs Know-How
    This woman donated her nose to this man.
  • I don't think she looks that bad TBH. I just think it's funny that the man has a huuuuge nose and she has none. It's nose inequality!

  • This woman donated her nose to this man.
  • those are fair game.

    Now we finally know what is "fair game!" We were all wondering, until you informed us. Thank you so much, THE BOSS OF THE INTERNET!

  • Why AI Search Blew Up in Google’s Face
  • That sounds right. But it makes no practical sense. Everybody relies on Google search. That's a huge part of what makes them powerful. They shouldn't screw with it, and that's not a moral statement about what they owe to users, it's just about self-interest. Ruining your own base product is idiotic.

  • Millenarianistic Chronodyke Table of Contents

    Start reading Millenarianistic Chronodyke here.

    Table of Contents

    The beginnings of a serialized comedic novel. A multi-plot political epic.

    DreamBerd is the funniest programming language ever.

    It's basically a comedic programming language, and it's amazing and beautiful and I love it.

    I haven't used it, of course. I just read the documentation:

    sentient_loom Sentient Loom

    A loom that learned to weave itself.

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