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[PROTOTYPE, 1953] The Manocar
  • Nope, a real car.

  • [PROTOTYPE, 1953] The Manocar

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    Info: There is not a lot known about the Manocar from Saint-Ouen near Paris, which was developed by the manufacturer Manom.

    The single front wheel and the rear wheels were fitted on swingaxles with typically French rubber band suspension.

    The body without doors was similar to the "Brutsch Mopetta" in overall design, but rather larger. It was advertised as bridging the gap between car and scooter.

    This 2-seat vehicle had a 125 cc 2-stroke engine that drove power to the front wheel via a chain. Only two pre-production cars were made once the project was cancelled.

    [Day 9] Posting the Lemmy logo every day but I do whatever the top comment says
  • This plate is being eaten infront of 9/11.

  • [CONCEPT, 2009] The CarNurse, a beach ambulance.






    >CarNurse is a concept vehicle aimed to provide medical support for wounded at public beaches. > >The vehicle includes enough open space to facilitate the wounded and also can carry the friends or relatives of the patient to handle the situation more efficiently. > >The design envisioned enough room for 3 lifeguards, 4 people and a stretcher for the wounded. If the wounded requires more specialized medical care, this vehicle can perform both on land and in water for quicker transportation. > >The car has emergency storage space at the bottom of the lifeguard’s chair and under the stretcher for medical equipments to handle critical situations.

    [CONCEPT, 1950] The Rhino!
  • Yeah, that's why I call it 'The Hardcore Rubber Ducky'. Much more fitting.

  • [PROTOTYPE, 1983] The Sekura Mini






    More Here:

    In front of a church in germany
  • Please change the title to [CUSTOM, UNKNOWN] This Mad Max looking bike, spotted outside a church in Germany.

    Feel free to post more like this!

    • Scott the Mod
  • [CONCEPT, 1964] The Bison, welcome to the Atomic Age!




    More Here:

    [PROTOTYPE, 2016] The Eolo, a Columbian Electric Car charged by the wind!




    More Here:

    [MODDED, 1980's] A 1980s Dystopian Sci-Fi Truck From "The Highwayman"
  • Lemmy doesn't allow mods to edit posts, but if you don't know just put 1980's and if you didn't know that then put 20th Centery

  • [REAL, 1978] The Hustler, a bonkers kit car.









    More Here:

    [MODDED, 1980's] A 1980s Dystopian Sci-Fi Truck From "The Highwayman"
  • fixed [MODDED, 1980's]

    • Keep having fun and posting these weird beauties with us!

    -Scott the Mod

  • [CONCEPT, 1972] The Peugeot 204 Taxi H4




    Interior of the Taxi:



    Pickup Model:


    Van Taxi Thing Model:


    [UPDATE] Lemmy Hack and a pause of posting for a few days.

    Due to the hack I am having numerous errors with posting images and as this is a image community, I'm a bit stuck, so while I wait for Lemmy to get it's head on straight I'm relying on the community to carry on with this.

    Sorry about this but things happen that are outside our control, so I will be seeing you in a few days.

    [PROTOTYPE, 1964] The Minivan Taxi from the Soviet Union.
  • Need to post that on here someday, or you could do it if you want.

  • [REAL, 1960] The Taylor-Dunn Trident, the car with the most impressive eyebrows!
  • Can I also mention that if you paint the roof yellow you would have this:

  • [REAL, 1898/99] The Motor Scout, the first ever Armoured 'Car'
  • Exactly! It is totally armoured up.

  • [REAL, 1898/99] The Motor Scout, the first ever Armoured 'Car'
  • Yeah, it's got a bit of metal, if you look closely enough.

  • [CONCEPT, 2019] The Volvo PV, a subscription based car which you stand up in.
  • Yeah, it's a concept car which means to buy might cost me more then I could afford in ten lifetimes

  • scottwood scottwood
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