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World's largest sodium-ion battery goes into operation - Energy Storage
  • the power station can be charged and discharged more than 300 times a year. A single charge can store up to 100,000 kWh of electricity and release electricity during the peak period of the power grid. It can meet the daily power needs of around 12,000 households and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 13,000 tons annually.


  • Elon Musk Begs Advertisers to Return as Twitter's Revenue Plunges
  • Right but the bubble of rightness you speak of is usually only assumed to include the company staff. Really powerful CEOs have their board inside the bubble too, or even public investors. But Elon thinks the customers work for him too. That’s really beyond the pale.

  • Elon Musk Begs Advertisers to Return as Twitter's Revenue Plunges
  • Musk sheepishly suggested that he didn't mean "advertisers as a whole."

    "Advertisers have a right to appear next to content that they find compatible with their brands," he told ad giant WPP CEO Mark Read during an interview on Wednesday. "What is not cool is insisting that there can be no content that they disagree with on the platform."

    How is that “not cool?” I don’t understand how he can possibly object to a company spending their advertising dollars wherever they damn well choose to. He repeatedly makes it clear that he feels entitled to their budgets. There is zero basis for that. I truly cannot fathom how he can be so dense about this.

  • Someone appreciates you at least
  • Yeah that’s a good point. We make some pretty gourmet meatloaf at my house so I might quibble with you on that one. But I am sure there’s some awful meatloaf out there too. Manwch is just… I can’t even. Isn’t it basically dog food you put on bread and call it a sandwich?

  • Someone appreciates you at least
  • I am so gratified to learn that others use this term, too. Ain’t nothing wrong with some hamburger meat in a large tortilla chip with cheddar cheese, but it is most definitely not the same food item as you get from a taco joint. This is one of those home cooking exclusives.

  • YouTube's next move might make it virtually impossible to block ads
  • Your account is a festering shithole. My YT is full of woodworking and gardening tutorials, geopolitics and cosmology explainers, Tolkein lore and a few other fun things I enjoy. I’m sorry yours is not as fulfilling.

  • A real headache to argue over
  • Just saying that is unlikely to persuade any religious crazies. Especially since NDGT came out and said he uses BC/AD because the Gregorian calendar was worked out by a priest so he’ll give them that nomenclature point. It’s just an arbitrary scale anyway.

  • A real headache to argue over
  • Goliath died outside of Jerusalem, too, not Rome. And his people were Greek, not Roman, so it’s not like his remains would be taken back to Rome. And if he really was such a champion, his remains wouldn’t be left in a random forest with no marker or ruins about.

    EDIT: No time for the old “Philistines aren’t Greeks,” love, I’ve just come to read the meter.

  • YouTube's next move might make it virtually impossible to block ads
  • No need to get vulgar, there, chief. I’m just a satisfied customer who doesn’t understand why watching YT videos has to be such a deathmatch with their engineering team all the time. I’ll bet that the majority of people here get the value from YT that Premium charges for, and a sizable number of people here pay for some streaming service that they actually use less than YT. Yet because YT is a website with a free tier, the arms race of ad blocking / countermeasures is never ending. People wind up hating YT and talking about them like the third reich, when it’s really a service that all of us love and depend on. Shrug?

  • YouTube's next move might make it virtually impossible to block ads
  • I pay for YT Premium. It’s 100% worth it based on my very high usage of YT for entertainment and learning. Best streaming service bargain by far. Netflix’s pile of shitty self-made movies is a ripoff by comparison.

  • YouTube's next move might make it virtually impossible to block ads
  • Every bit of effort and resourcing they spend on this returns revenue directly. Which is more than they can probably say for a lot of things they do. And they’re smart enough to know that they can’t eliminate blocking, just make it harder and harder so that fewer and fewer people do it.

  • D4: it's not that theres nothing to do, theres just nothing to get

    I enjoy the various endgame activities and tweaking my build to try new things. But it doesn’t seem right that I am only level 80 and haven’t gotten a piece of gear I care about in a long time. Grinding out those last Paragon points hardly seems worth it.

    Linking to replies from inbox isn’t working and I’d ask this be given some priority.

    Bug description:

    1. Get a reply to a comment
    2. View your inbox, see that reply
    3. Wonder what your comment was again, and what they are replying to…
    4. Tap their reply

    Expect: go to the reply, in context, in the thread, ideally with your comment that they are replying to shown also (wefwef currently does this)

    Actual: go to thread, but neither the reply nor your comment are shown - you have to scroll the entire thread and find them

    Why a priority? Because this directly impedes back and forth conversation, which is the whole mode of Lemmy.

    Appreciate the work. Thanks for hearing this feedback.

    the delicate peeling of manzanita bark

    Manzanita reminds me of my grandfather, passed on years since. There was a lot of it on his property and as a kid it was the only place I ever saw it. I’m happy that my current climate allows me to grow a couple. They help me remember.

    gameofthrones scarabic
    The First Men for the first post

    Artist credit: Bill Corbett, titled “Men of Duty”


    What are you planting right now? Here’s a planting calendar guide by postal code, for US and Canada. 2023 Planting Calendar: When to Start Vegetable Seeds | The Old Farmer's Almanac

    Find the best dates for planting and transplanting vegetables, herbs, and fruit! Our free planting guide calculates the best dates for sowing seeds indoors and outdoors, and for transplanting seedlings into the garden—all customized to your location. Based on frost dates and planting zones.

    2023 Planting Calendar: When to Start Vegetable Seeds | The Old Farmer's Almanac

    If anybody has a guide they like better, please share.

    It was a nutso year for poppies (and most everything here). Cant wait to see next year.

    These poppies have just been propagating naturally in my yard. I don’t do anything except leave them alone. We got so many this year that we spotted several people stopping to take selfies with them :)

    This is the first year I actively gathered these seeds and spread them around my yard to places that poppies don’t just spring up on their own. If we have any kind of rain this winter then spring will be insane.

    It’s pretty fun trying to gather these seeds because by the time the seed pods are mature, they’re also bent and flexed, which makes them split and POP and spread their seeds everywhere as soon as you touch them. So you have to grasp the whole pop in your hand quickly to get hold of any seeds. My kids had a blast with that.

    The wet winter and spring really made for a wild year here. It’s dry usually so only hardy, opportunist plants tend to survive. But this was such a year of plenty that everything green just WENT FOR IT. Man I hope we get more like that.

    TIL that the USDA hardiness zones are each a ten-degree band of average minimum temperature in the fahrenheit scale, and the “a” and “b” suffixes break each zone down further into 5 degree ranges.

    I guess I thought they were more like distinct biomes but it really is just uniform chunks of temperature range. I also didn’t know that they were defined by the US Department of Agriculture, who created the first such system to help gardeners. There are similar maps for Australia, Canada, and parts of Europe, but no single global system. What’s your zone?

    My first time growing spinach from seed and I have questions…

    I’ve bought spinach starts in the past and had a great time harvesting spinach all season - just a few leaves off the bunch each time and more would always grow.

    But this year I sprouted seeds myself and I was disappointed when they didn’t grow into the nice bunches I had seen before. Just these leggy little plants. They have nice leaves but not many of them.

    Should I be sprouting several seeds together? Or just plant a lot of these closer together? Is it an issue of variety? If anyone has thoughts I’d love to hear them. Thanks

    Here’s what Romaine lettuce eventually becomes

    I had a great year for Romaine lettuce. After learning how nutritious it is, I started a bunch of seeds and they did really well. We had more than we could eat, and after a camping trip I came home to find they’d bolted (see picture). I recommend trying this plant if you have any interest. They are reportedly water intensive but I didn’t find them excessively so. I was also told they will bolt at the first sign of heat but that didn’t happen for me either. They were mature and harvestable for weeks, even with some hot days.

    My lantanas survived the frost and are thriving!

    I wanted some color in this part of the yard and I’ve always loved lanatanas. I remember being fascinated by their many geometric shapes even as a kid. But I lost a whole row of them the first time I planted. What little frost we get here, maybe 2 or 3 nights a year, was enough to kill them. I tried again the following year and started earlier. And I blanketed them one or two nights when there was a frost warning. They still lost some foliage but the roots remained healthy and with some pruning they have thrived this spring and summer! I hope they are now on their way to being even stronger. They grow big around here, into full hedges even.

    A tale of two honeysuckles…

    I built this trellis and planted two varieties of honeysuckle in front of it, maybe 7 years ago, thinking they would mingle and mix. One of them, a Japanese variety, took off, and the other barely grew: after 3 years it had scarcely grown from the potted size I bought it at. Then I began pruning it. This seemed counter intuitive: it had much less foliage than I wanted so why cut what little was there? But it stimulated more growth than it subtracted. And a few years later, the two varieties are now of a comparable size in my hedge! I have a calendar reminder of what time of year to go prune and I do it diligently. Lessons learned!

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