No need to call me idiot. This place really is an uncultured echo chamber....
Putting Israel in quotes tells me everything I need to know about your background.
Do they also mention Ubuntu Pro without being asked about it?
No explanation in the real world is monocausal.
indirectly boosting the militant organization
Maybe it's more complicated?
What makes you think this?
Why were you shocked? Why this post? What is this about?
Ubuntu 5.10 Breezy Badger, oh my god the color scheme, all the earthy tones. 😊
Or to rephrase: Hamas sacrificed 274 civilians to hold 4 civilians hostage
There never was a state called Palestine, the British took control of the land from the Ottomans. The Ottomans had controlled the land for centuries and before them the Syrians
The post is about recognizing statehood, not entitlement to land and life
Multiple complex reasons
No, I was implying there never was a state of Palestine, only Palestinians living in Palestinian territories
There are "Palestinian territories" but no functioning state matching eg the definition of statehood declared in the 1933 Montevideo Convention.
Thank you for your reply
"Photos circulated", what is the source here?
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My initial question was whether the source can be trusted. You answered it, the news outlet can't be trusted, they have a clear agenda. Thank you ;)