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We'll begin again.
  • A paper on this phenomenon would certainly get the Ig Nobel prize!

  • Delete it.
  • He still has the user base. But not for long, one might say.

  • Elon paywalled Tweet Deck.
  • As does Reddit, Twitter still contains some valuable information.

  • Elon paywalled Tweet Deck.
  • Nitter is also blocked.

  • how is Lemmy going for you?
  • Love it! Reddit was unusable to me with its crazy mods, so I mostly lurked. I also personally find lemmings to be more welcoming than redditors.

    And I like to be somewhere closer to the start of the journey we're all making here on Lemmy even though it's been years since it was released. We're still early (but for real, unlike with creepto).

  • Google search is over
  • My biggest pain point with Duck is that the minus operator doesn't seem to do anything. Have to use Startpage (!s) when in need of excluding a word.

  • Twitter is throttling traffic to websites Elon dislikes
  • The most immature billionaire. Scary.

  • What exactly does systemd do?
  • Could one argue that a monolithic kernel such as the Linux kernel also goes against that principle?

  • The era of cheap streaming is officially over
  • I suppose it's not that unclear if you compare the revenue of all other industries combined to the revenue of the advertising industry. The ratio is pretty large and every type of industry buys ads, so it trickles down from everywhere.

  • Demons hate this one trick
  • I wonder how universal that phenomenon is across different cultures.

  • AI Is Starting to Look Like the Dot Com Bubble
  • It certainly is somewhere around the peak of the hype cycle.

  • The era of cheap streaming is officially over
  • I really cannot understand why advertising is such a huge business. Where does all the money spent on advertising really come from?

  • You WILL use chrome, and you WILL watch the ads!
  • Browsh is pretty cool for a text-based browser.

  • Intel 'Downfall': Severe flaw in billions of CPUs leaks passwords and much more
  • It appears that users in this case include agents such as software. A bit confusing for the general public.

    For instance, a malicious app obtained from an app store could use the Downfall attack to steal sensitive information like passwords, encryption keys, and private data such as banking details, personal emails, and messages.

    Official website

    It can theoretically even be exploited via a browser:

    [Q] What about web browsers?

    [A] In theory, remotely exploiting this vulnerability from the web browser is possible. In practice, demonstrating successful attacks via web browsers requires additional research and engineering efforts.

    FAQ at the official website

  • Why do washing machines prevent opening the hatch just after the washing cycle ends?
  • It's so that the machine elves have some time to hide!

    On a serious note, I found this explanation here:

    Washing machines must have some way in which you can lock the door closing mechanism when the machine is started up and then unlock them with a certain delay (normally two minutes) after the current has switched off via the program or on/off switch, in order to ensure that the door cannot be opened while some of the components are still rotating initially (in particular the motor and the drum of the spin-dryer).

    Washing machines have a bi-metal strip inside the door lock which is heated by PTC Heater (resister) when live and neutral are activated on to the pcts it heats up and bends the bi-metal strip which then moves the arm to activate the common terminal and push a pin into the closed door to lock it in place. Once this has happened (usually a second or so see video) the power then can flow through to the common wire, and therefore on to the rest of the machine allowing it to start.

  • What's some really unpopular opinion you have?
  • It was a metaphor for personal hygiene.

  • [UserScript] Scroll to parent comment and back [Lemmy] Scroll to parent comment

    Adds a scroll to parent comment link to comments when clicking the more button on a nested comment, and a button to the parent comment to scroll back to that comment from parent.

    [Lemmy] Scroll to parent comment


    It adds a scroll to parent button to nested comments (after clicking the "more" button). If you then press the more button on the parent comment, you'll see a back to child button that will scroll back to the comment you came from on click (also after clicking the "more" button).


    1. Install via Greasy Fork or copy the code from there.

    2. Replace the @match value with your instance.





    Tested on Firefox with Tampermonkey and Violentmonkey.

    What Kurt Vonnegut had to say What Kurt Vonnegut had to say - Stabroek News

    Too many of my good friends are overwhelmed with work which prevents them living more peaceful, varied, interesting and fulfilled lives. For them, and as

    What Kurt Vonnegut had to say - Stabroek News

    Interesting little essay.

    Perhaps one could find it a bit Ludditic. But technology is a good tool that is oft misused like any other.

    Not sure if belongs here, but couldn't think about where else to post it. 🙏

    "Web Environment Integrity" is an all-out attack on the free Internet

    cross-posted from:

    > Read why "Web Environment Integrity" is terrible, and why we must vocally oppose it now. Google's latest maneuver, if we don't act to stop it, threatens our freedom to explore the Internet with browsers of our choice.

    Google Web Environment Integrity Is the New Microsoft Trusted Computing Google Web Environment Integrity is the new Microsoft Trusted Computing

    Disclaimer: I work at Microsoft but not on Windows or Edge. I also don’t have a full understanding about Web Environment Integrity, but am basing this off what I understand. This article states my opinions, as opposed to that of my employer. If you haven’t been under a rock, you may have heard about...

    cross-posted from:

    > There is a discussion on Hacker News, but feel free to comment here as well.

    EDIT: replaced the link with an archived one as it appears that the author had removed the post from their website.

    salient_one salient_one

    I'm just here to have a good time 🤗 ⬛🟥

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