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bro pls
  • As a Tales From the Loop TTRPG enjoyer, this rocks

  • Device keeps brain alive, functioning separate from body
  • nope. nope. no. no. christ no. please no. no. stop.

  • Who cares about red flags in people. What are your green flags
  • Being able to admit a mistake is huge, being able to genuinely apologize without some cop-out disclaimer is even better.

  • $700 check.
  • There's still time.

  • I love Twitter rule
  • In other words - PT is Contrapoints, but it's good instead of whiny liberal asslicking.

  • I love Twitter rule
  • She's actively regressing into a chud.

  • I love Twitter rule
  • Time for her to make another 4 hour video about how she was 1984'd into deleting a tweet.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • And then you get the fans saying "The company needs to do a better job saying 'we hear you'."

  • The Ukrainian Counteroffensive Has Ended
  • Most of the libs I know who talk like this are 110% certain that Russia's and China's nukes don't work, and/or that the US government absolutely has a fool-proof way of shooting down ICBM's.

  • US TSMC plant faces calls to ban Taiwanese workers

    The Taiwanese company is treating American workers they way they treat their Taiwanese workers (terribly), the company only wants to import Taiwanese construction workers because they don't trust the Americans, and now Arizona may ban TSMC from importing more workers because this whole thing was pitched as a jobs program.

    Some Arizonans who applied to work on this fab have indicated that TSMC is so distrustful of the local labor force that they are requiring some roles to relocate to Taiwan for 6-12 months for on the ground training, and offering below market rates for the privilege.

    TSMC is also very infamous for forcing all of their workers to work very long hours for low pay. They’ve convinced Taiwanese workers that working for TSMC is a national duty, so they’re able to pay their engineers far below market rate.

    They couldn't have picked a drier and cheaper state to set up shop in, and it was for the almost entirely un-unionized construction industry. And still...

    The ruling class isn't leaning into UFO nonsense for justifying military spending, they've realized we need a new opiate of the masses.

    >The UAP phenomenon implies the existence of a superhuman authority that humans must submit to. By appealing to this authority, whether directly or by allowing the subject to suppose such an arrangement must exist, human power structures are able to reclaim the theological principle of a will and aims beyond human understanding. In doing so, all acts of inhumane violence, elite tomfoolery, and evidence for the invalidity of moral and ethical justifications for enshrining power in our existing institutions become handwaveable and invite the subject to these acts and arrangements to engage in the storytelling aspect of social mythmaking that is starkly lacking in the post modern global secular state order. - Any_Pilot6455 on the truanon sub.

    So, in regards to the explanation for this UFO shit being "the military wants more money", I kept going "but the military can get all the money it wants, without making up nonsense about aliens".

    ... but I didn't consider a nascent desire for the ruling class to bring back a hightened religious fervor, as an opiate for the masses. In this God is Dead world, where even the overtly religious don't sound convinced of their beliefs, the ruling class needs human beings to stop thinking that human beings are in charge of human beings.

    They need a new God to blame for everything.

    Capitalists would much rather we blame aliens for our miseries instead of capitalists.

    The ruling class would much rather have us believe they're just as powerless in the face of an omnipresent God-Thing / Alien-Thing, then to believe they - the wealthy and powerful humans - really are in charge, and that our miseries are the result of their choices and actions / inactions.

    So much of our government and economy revolves around offloading responsibility for bad things. One party can blame the other party, one branch of govt can blame another branch, the feds can blame the states, the states can blame the feds, ceo's can blame weak regulations, regulators can blame voters, voters can blame non voters. How nice it would be for the people in charge if we all just collectively blamed aliens, while simultaneously assuming there's nothing we can do about it.

    I've always been annoyed with how undervalued a gold coin is in typical D&D/Pathfinder settings.
  • In our DnD games, different metal coins would be from different kingdoms/nations. They would all have the same value, so copper coins were much much bigger than gold coins, but ultimately 1gp = 1sp = 1cp , and the real trouble is if the seller thinks your foreign money is worth taking at that moment.

  • Body Feminizing Workouts for Trans Women and Femmes (Part 2) — WUSSY Mag

    It's time to grow those hips and turn that cute little butt of yours into a drool-worthy peach.

    Very helpful. 🍑

    Link to part 1 is near the top.

    The Big Dog Little Dog Exercise

    Start by imitating the breathing of a big dog.

    Slowly shift to imitating the breathing of a little dog.

    Notice the what your mouth and throat are doing differently for each.

    Masculine is the big dog / low resonance.

    Feminine is the little dog / high resonance.

    Resonance matters as much as pitch - maybe more than pitch - in terms of gender-affirming your voice.

    Big Dog Breathing ---> Little Dog Breathing.

    It's cringe to do, but fuck it.

    It reminds you of those copy-pastas that make you pantomime a blow job or something, but it's not that, I promise.

    Just try it.

    Big dog.

    Small dog.


    I'll keep talking about this until somebody tells me I shouldn't.

    Try it.

    Do it.

