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March of the Mill Children (1903) The March of the Mill Children was a three-week trek from Philadelphia to New York by striking child and adult textile workers, led by Mother Jones, launched on...

March of the Mill Children (1903)

Tue Jul 07, 1903


Image: Mother Jones surrounded by striking child mill workers. Source: Library of Congress []

--- The March of the Mill Children was a three-week trek from Philadelphia to New York by striking child and adult textile workers, led by Mother Jones, launched on this day in 1903. At the time, approximately one out of six children under the age of sixteen were employed, according to the 1900 census.

The march began when Mother Jones tried to get newspapers to report on the conditions of child workers and they informed her that they would not run the stories about child labor because of the mill owners holding stock in the papers. Jones replied "Well, I've got stock in these little children and I'll arrange a little publicity."

The march successfully won that publicity, bringing national attention to the plight of working children. On July 29th, Jones and fellow marchers arrived at Roosevelt's Sagamore Hill summer home, where he refused to meet with them.

Although the strike was initially a failure, it galvanized support for anti-child labor laws to be passed on the national level, which finally occurred with the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938.


Frida Kahlo (1907 - 1954) Frida Kahlo, born on this day in 1907, was a Mexican artist and revolutionary communist known for her folk-art inspired style paintings, touching on themes on gender,...

Frida Kahlo (1907 - 1954)

Sat Jul 06, 1907


--- Frida Kahlo, born on this day in 1907, was a Mexican artist and revolutionary communist known for her folk-art inspired style paintings, touching on themes on gender, race, class, self-perception, indigenous culture, and chronic pain.

Although she had always sketched as a hobby, she did not consider visual art as a career until a severe bus accident at the age of eighteen left her bedridden for three months and with a lifetime of chronic pain. Confined to her bed, Kahlo's mother provided her with a specially-made easel, which enabled her to paint while lying down.

With a mirror placed such so that she could see herself, Kahlo began to paint self-portraits, stating "I paint myself because I am often alone and I am the subject I know best".

Inspired by Mexico's popular culture, she employed an accessible, folk art style. In 1943, Kahlo accepted a teaching position at the Escuela Nacional de Pintura, Escultura y Grabado, the "La Esmeralda." She encouraged her students to treat her in an informal and non-hierarchical way and taught them to appreciate Mexican popular culture and folk art, and to derive their subjects from the street.

Frida Kahlo was a member of the Mexican Communist Party and committed to radical anti-capitalism throughout her entire adult life. In 1951, she stated:

"I have a great restlessness about my paintings. Mainly because I want to make it useful to the revolutionary communist movement...until now I have managed simply an honest expression of my own self...I must struggle with all my strength to ensure that the little positive my health allows me to do also benefits the Revolution, the only real reason to live."


Wagner Act (1935) The National Labor Relations Act is a U.S. labor law that became effective on this day in 1935, guaranteeing the right of private sector employees to organize trade unions,...

Wagner Act (1935)

Sat Jul 06, 1935


--- The National Labor Relations Act (also known as the Wagner Act) is a U.S. labor law that became effective on this day in 1935, guaranteeing the right of private sector employees to organize trade unions, engage in collective bargaining, and strike.

The Act also set up a permanent three-member National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) with the power to hear and resolve labor disputes through quasi-judicial proceedings and banned employers from refusing to negotiate with any union ratified by this board.

The Act does not apply to certain workers, including agricultural employees, domestic workers, government employees, and independent contractors. Despite demands by the NAACP and National Urban League, the Act was written without the inclusion of an anti-discrimination clause, allowing both employers and racist labor unions such as the AFL and CIO to maintain white supremacist labor practices.

Corporate interest was heavily against the NLRA, and, when it was challenged in court, the U.S. Supreme Court was compelled to uphold (5-4) the constitutionality of the Wagner Act in "National Labor Relations Board v. Jones & Laughlin Steel Corp".

The Wagner Act would later be partially repealed and amended with the strongly anti-union Taft-Hartley Act of 1947, granting states the power to pass so-called "right-to-work" laws.


Douglass's 4th of July Speech (1852) On this day in 1852, Frederick Douglass addressed an anti-slavery society, calling July 4th "a day that reveals to [the slave], more than all other days in the...

Douglass's 4th of July Speech (1852)

Mon Jul 05, 1852


--- On this day in 1852, Frederick Douglass addressed an anti-slavery society, calling July 4th "a day that reveals to [the slave], more than all other days in the year, the gross injustice and cruelty to which he is the constant victim."

Douglass delivered the speech, later given the title "What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July" in Corinthian Hall, Rochester, New York, speaking to the Rochester Ladies' Anti-Slavery Society. The speech is perhaps the most widely known of all of Frederick Douglass' writings save his autobiographies.

Here is a brief excerpt:

"What, to the American slave, is your 4th of July? I answer: a day that reveals to him, more than all other days in the year, the gross injustice and cruelty to which he is the constant victim.

To him, your celebration is a sham; your boasted liberty, an unholy license; your national greatness, swelling vanity; your sounds of rejoicing are empty and heartless; your denunciations of tyrants, brass fronted impudence; your shouts of liberty and equality, hollow mockery; your prayers and hymns, your sermons and thanksgivings, with all your religious parade, and solemnity, are, to him, mere bombast, fraud, deception, impiety, and hypocrisy - a thin veil to cover up crimes which would disgrace a nation of savages.

There is not a nation on the earth guilty of practices, more shocking and bloody, than are the people of these United States, at this very hour."


Immigration Act of 1864 Passed on this day in 1864, the Immigration Act legalized wage-based indentured servitude to encourage immigration to the United States, allowing immigrants to forgo a...

Immigration Act of 1864

Mon Jul 04, 1864


Image: An artist's depiction of immigrants arriving in New York City, undergoing health inspection in 1866

--- Passed on this day in 1864, the Immigration Act legalized wage-based indentured servitude to encourage immigration to the United States, allowing immigrants to forgo a year's wages to pay for their passage into the country.

Employers, such as railroad and mining companies, would contract an immigrant workers to come to the United States under guidelines established by the federal government and withhold their wages accordingly.

This law provided corporations with cheap labor that could and would be used to break strikes by domestic workers. After years of rigorous opposition by labor organizations, Congress repealed the law in 1868.


Operation PBHistory (1954) Operation PBHistory was a covert CIA operation that began on this day in 1954, following their ousting of Guatemalan President Jacobo Árbenz, seeking to damage his...

Operation PBHistory (1954)

Sun Jul 04, 1954


--- Operation PBHistory was a covert CIA operation that began on this day in 1954, following their ousting of Guatemalan President Jacobo Árbenz, seeking to damage his reputation, disseminate propaganda, and spy on Latin American communists.

PBHistory followed Operation PBSuccess, which led to the overthrow of Guatemalan President Jacobo Árbenz in June 1954 and ended the Guatemalan Revolution, a decade long period of social reforms and representative democracy.

PBHistory seized documents (more than 500,000 in total) left behind by Árbenz's government and organizations related to the communist Guatemalan Party of Labor, attempting to use them to promote propaganda that Guatemala was under the control of the Soviet Union and obtain intelligence that would be useful in undermining left-wing movements in Latin America. One consequence of this intelligence was the CIA beginning to track Che Guevara, who was then only known to the Agency as a physician.

Operation PBHistory also helped set up the Guatemalan National Committee of Defense Against Communism, which was covertly funded by the CIA and responsible for mass repression of the population.

Despite successfully obtaining intelligence and collaborating with the new government of Castillo Armas (a vehement anti-communist on the CIA payroll who led the coup against Árbenz), the psy-op was not successful in undermining Árbenz's reputation or fostering pro-U.S. sentiment throughout Latin America.


Paterson Textile Strike (1835) On this day in 1835, 2,000 workers, most of them children, from more than twenty textile mills in Paterson, New Jersey went on strike to demand working hours be...

Paterson Textile Strike (1835)

Fri Jul 03, 1835


Image: Workers with rolls of finished silk in a Paterson silk factory in 1914. Image: Library of Congress

--- On this day in 1835, 2,000 workers, most of them children, from more than twenty textile mills in Paterson, New Jersey went on strike to demand working hours be reduced from their standard six day, seventy-eight hour work week.

In response to the strike, employers reduced hours to twelve on weekdays and nine on Saturday. This reduction broke the strike, and most of the workers returned to the mills.

Despite this concession, strike leaders and their families were permanently barred from employment in Paterson, blacklisted by the mill owners.


Charlotte Perkins Gilman (1860 - 1935) Charlotte Perkins Gilman, born on this day in 1860, was a prominent American humanist, author, socialist, and feminist, probably best known today for her...

Charlotte Perkins Gilman (1860 - 1935)

Tue Jul 03, 1860


--- Charlotte Perkins Gilman, born on this day in 1860, was a prominent American humanist, author, socialist, and feminist, probably best known today for her loosely autobiographical short story "The Yellow Wallpaper".

Gilman served as a role model for future generations of feminists due to her unorthodox concepts and lifestyle, such as leaving her husband (rare for the era) and living with another woman in what was possibly, though unconfirmed, a romantic relationship.

Gilman is possibly best known today for her semi-autobiographical short story "The Yellow Wallpaper", authored after a severe bout of postpartum psychosis. The story depicts the way in which sick women are maligned in a sexist society.

She was also an advocate for assisted suicide for the chronically ill, and died from a self-inflicted chloroform overdose in 1935 after a struggle with breast cancer.

> "To attain happiness in another world we need only to believe something, while to secure it in this world we must do something." > > - Charlotte Gilman


Sylvia Rivera (1951 - 2002) Sylvia Rivera, born on this day in 1951, was a Latina American queer rights activist, member of the Gay Liberation Front, and community worker from the state of New York.

Sylvia Rivera (1951 - 2002)

Mon Jul 02, 1951


--- Sylvia Rivera, born on this day in 1951, was a Latina American queer rights activist, member of the Gay Liberation Front, and community worker from the state of New York.

Rivera, who identified as a "half-sister", participated in demonstrations with the Gay Liberation Front. With her close friend Marsha P. Johnson, Rivera co-founded the Street Transvestite Action Revolutionaries (STAR), a socialist group dedicated to helping homeless young drag queens, gay youth, and trans women.

At different times in her life, Rivera battled substance abuse and lived on the streets, largely in the gay homeless community at the Christopher Street docks. Her experiences made her more focused on advocacy for those who, in her view, mainstream society and the assimilationist factions of the LGBT community were leaving behind.

Rivera died during the dawn hours of February 19th, 2002, at St. Vincent's Hospital, of complications from liver cancer. Activist Riki Wilchins said this of her: "In many ways, Sylvia was the Rosa Parks of the modern transgender movement, a term that was not even coined until two decades after Stonewall".


Patrice Lumumba (1925 - 1961) Patrice Lumumba, born on this day in 1925, was a Congolese anti-colonial revolutionary who served as the first Prime Minister of the independent Democratic Republic...

Patrice Lumumba (1925 - 1961)

Thu Jul 02, 1925


--- Patrice Lumumba, born on this day in 1925, was a Congolese anti-colonial revolutionary who served as the first Prime Minister of the independent Democratic Republic of the Congo from June until shortly before his assassination in 1961.

Lumumba played a significant role in the transformation of the Congo from a colony of Belgium into an independent republic. Ideologically an African nationalist and pan-Africanist, he led the Congolese National Movement (MNC) party from 1958 until his assassination on January 17th, 1961 in a coup by Joseph-Désiré Mobutu, backed by Belgian colonizers.

Lumumba did not express a pro-capitalist or pro-communist ideology, attempting to remain neutral in Cold War politics. He sought assistance in stabilizing the new Congolese Republic from both the United States and the Soviet Union, accepting military aid from the latter after the U.S. refused to help him.

On Lumumba's legacy, his friend and colleague Thomas Kanza wrote "he lived as a free man, and an independent thinker. Everything he wrote, said and did was the product of someone who knew his vocation to be that of a liberator, and he represents for the Congo what Castro does for Cuba, Nasser for Egypt, Nkrumah for Ghana, Mao Tse-tung for China, and Lenin for Russia."


St. Louis Race Massacre (1917) On this day in 1917, white mobs in East St. Louis began indiscriminately killing black people, burning down homes with the families trapped inside, killing more than...

St. Louis Race Massacre (1917)

Sun Jul 01, 1917


Image: East St. Louis Race Riot headline from the St. Louis Globe-Democrat on Friday, July 6th, 1917. It reads "100 NEGROES SHOT, BURNED, CLUBBED TO DEATH IN E. ST. LOUIS RACE WAR" []

--- On this day in 1917, white mobs in East St. Louis began indiscriminately killing black people, burning down homes with the families trapped inside, killing more than a hundred people in one of the bloodiest race riots of the 20th century.

Racial tensions had begun to increase in February, when 470 black workers were hired to replace white workers who had gone on strike against the Aluminum Ore Company. The use of all-white workforces and using non-white strikebreakers was an often used tactic to break working class solidarity.

At a city council meeting, angry white workers lodged formal complaints to the mayor of East St. Louis about black migration to the city. After the meeting ended, rumors of an attempted robbery of a white man by an armed black man began to circulate through the city.

In response, white mobs formed and rampaged through downtown, assaulting any black people they could find. The mobs also stopped trolleys and streetcars, pulling black passengers out and beating them on the streets and sidewalks.

On this day in 1917, the racial violence resumed at a fever pitch, with white mobs gunning down men, women, and children and burning down the homes of black families with them trapped inside. More than one hundred people were killed.

A year after the violence took place, a federal investigation of the conduct of the city government concluded that police officers fled the scenes of arson and murder, abandoning their posts and refusing to answer calls for help. Less than a dozen white people were sentenced to prison for crimes related to the riot.


Willem Arondeus Executed (1943) Willem Arondeus was an openly gay Dutch artist and anti-fascist who, after destroying a Nazi surveillance office, was executed on this day in 1943, stating as his...

Willem Arondeus Executed (1943)

Thu Jul 01, 1943


Image: Willem Arondeus on the island of Urk. Photo from the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum

--- Willem Arondeus was an openly gay Dutch artist and anti-fascist who, after destroying a Nazi surveillance office, was executed on this day in 1943, stating as his last words "Tell the people that homosexuals can be brave!"

Before the war, Arondeus was a visual artist, illustrating poems and painting murals. He later became an author, publishing two novels with his own illustrations and publishing a biography of the painter Matthijs Maris.

Arondeus was active in the anti-Nazi resistance, helping forge documents to protect persecuted groups. A major obstacle to the success of this forgery was the Municipal Office for Population Registration, an Amsterdam office that contained millions of identifying records for Jews and others wanted by the Gestapo.

Arondeus and other members of the resistance bombed the office on March 27th, 1943, subduing the guards via injection, and succeeding in destroying approximately 800,000 documents. Arondeus was arrested on April 1st.

Although he refused to give up the rest of his team, his notebook was found and a majority of the group were also arrested. On June 18th, Arondeus and fourteen others were tried and sentenced to death. Ardoneus pleaded guilty and took the full blame, which may have contributed to two members receiving clemency.

Before his execution, Arondeus made a point of ensuring the public would be aware that he and two other men in the group were gay, asking an acquaintance to "Tell the people that homosexuals can be brave!" Sometimes, this quote is translated as "The people would know that gays are no cowards!" or "Tell the people that homosexuals are not by definition weak".


Lambing Flat Riots (1860 - 1861) On this day in 1861, the worst violence of the Australian Lambing Flat Riots occurred when a mob of 3,000 white people attacked 2,000 Chinese miners and drove them...

Lambing Flat Riots (1860 - 1861)

Sun Jun 30, 1861


Image: An of-the-era white interpretation of what happened at the Burrangong goldfields, "Might versus Right", by Samuel Thomas Gill, c.1862-1863. Photograph: Samuel Thomas Gill/State Library of NSW []

--- On this day in 1861, the worst violence of the Australian Lambing Flat Riots occurred when a mob of 3,000 white people attacked 2,000 Chinese miners and drove them off the Lambing Flat, destroying and looting their encampments.

The race riot came out of more than a decade of ethnic tensions between Chinese and European-born miners in Australia, tensions that became systematic violence the previous few years.

The violence was in part triggered in part by the Australian government rejecting a proposed restriction on Chinese immigration, as well as a false rumor that a new group of 1,500 Chinese people were en route to the area.

Despite the government's initial reject of an anti-Chinese immigration bill, the Lambing Flat Riots led the New South Wales government to pass the Chinese Immigration Act in November 1861, severely limiting the flow of Chinese people into the colony.


Congo Crisis (1960) On this day in 1960, the Republic of the Congo became independent from Belgian colonizers, beginning a four year period of civil war which killed approximately 100,000 people,...

Congo Crisis (1960)

Thu Jun 30, 1960


Image: Patrice Lumumba in 1960 []

--- On this day in 1960, the Republic of the Congo became independent from Belgian colonizers, beginning a four year period of civil war which killed approximately 100,000 people, including the country's first Prime Minister, Patrice Lumumba. The complex period of political strife is known as the "Congo Crisis".

The Congo had been colonized by Belgium since the late 19th century, a process initiated by King Leopold II of Belgium, who was frustrated by Belgium's lack of international power and prestige.

A nationalist movement within the Belgian Congo began to gain momentum in the 1950s, consisting of rival factions such as the Mouvement National Congolais (MNC), of which Patrice Lumumba (shown) was a leading figure, and Alliance des Bakongo (ABAKO), led by Joseph Kasa-Vubu.

Following major riots in Stanleyville and Léopoldville in 1959, a Round Table Conference in Brussels was held in January 1960, with leaders from all the major Congolese parties in attendance.

Congolese leaders were successful in negotiating their independence to be granted within months, formally winning their independence from Belgium in late June. Within days, violence between white and black communities broke out, and the country descended into a civil war between rival political factions. Some factions, supported by powerful mining interests, began seceding from the newly founded Republic of Congo.

The United Nations sent in peacekeeping troops, which were initially welcomed by Lumumba and the central government with the idea that the UN would help suppress the secessionist states. Viewing the secessions as an internal political matter, the UN refused to use its troops to assist the central Congolese government against them.

Lumumba also sought the assistance of the U.S. government, led by Dwight D. Eisenhower, who refused to provide meaningful military aid. He then turned to the Soviet Union, which agreed to provide weapons, logistical and material support, which the state promptly used against the secessionists.

Despite Lumumba's public proclamations that he was not a communist, the United States viewed the acceptance of aid with alarm, and Lumumba became a target of Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) surveillance. Lumumba was captured and, on January 17th, 1961, executed by Belgian-assisted forces.

The factional conflict continued in the wake of Lumumba's death, with fighting and intervention coming from Western states, the United Nations, and various political groups inside the Congo.

In 1964, a group known as the Simbas initiated a rebellion based on egalitarian ideals and witchcraft. In November 1964, the Simbas rounded up the remaining white population of Stanleyville, holding them hostage in the Victoria Hotel to use as bargaining tools with the Armée Nationale Congolaise (ANC).

To recover the hostages, Belgian parachute troops were flown to the Congo in American aircraft. More than 70 hostages and 1,000 Congolese civilians were killed in the rescue mission, but the vast majority of hostages were evacuated.

Following chaotic elections in 1964, Joseph-Désiré Mobutu took power in a military coup, assuming sweeping powers and instituting widespread political repression. Mobutu, who had played a key role in Lumumba's execution, ruled until 1997, enjoying support from the United States, France, Belgium, and China.


Kwame Ture (1941 - 1998) Kwame Ture, born on this day in 1941 as Stokely Carmichael, was a prominent civil rights activist, serving as "Honorary Prime Minister" of the Black Panther Party and...

Kwame Ture (1941 - 1998)

Sun Jun 29, 1941


--- Kwame Ture, born on this day in 1941 as Stokely Carmichael, was a prominent civil rights activist, serving as "Honorary Prime Minister" of the Black Panther Party and later organizing with the global Pan-African movement.

Ture was a key leader in the development of the Black Power movement, first while leading the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), later serving as the "Honorary Prime Minister" of the Black Panther Party (BPP), and then as a leader of the All-African People's Revolutionary Party (A-APRP).

Ture was one of the original SNCC freedom riders of 1961 under the leadership of Diane Nash. He became a prominent voting rights activist in Mississippi and Alabama after being mentored by Ella Baker and Bob Moses.

The FBI harassed and slandered him through the COINTELPRO program, leading Ture to flee to Africa in 1968. While there, the U.S. government continued its surveillance of him via the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

While in Africa, he adopted the name "Kwame Ture" to honor Sékou Touré and Kwame Nkrumah, who he began collaborating with. Three months after his arrival in Guinea, Ture published a formal rejection of the Black Panthers, condemning them for not being separatist enough and for their "dogmatic party line favoring alliances with white radicals".

Ture spent the last thirty years of his life campaigning internationally for revolutionary socialist Pan-Africanism via the All-African People's Revolutionary Party (A-APRP). In 1998, Ture died of prostate cancer at the age of 57, cancer he claimed was deliberately given to him as a means of assassination.

> "If a white man wants to lynch me, that's his problem. If he's got the power to lynch me, that's my problem. Racism is not a question of attitude; it's a question of power. Racism gets its power from capitalism. Thus, if you're anti-racist, whether you know it or not, you must be anti-capitalist." > > - Kwame Ture


Henry Gerber (1892 - 1972) Henry Gerber, born on this day in 1892, was a German-American queer rights activist who, in 1924, founded the first American pro-homosexual organization, known as the...

Henry Gerber (1892 - 1972)

Wed Jun 29, 1892


--- Henry Gerber, born on this day in 1892, was a German-American queer rights activist who, in 1924, founded the first American pro-homosexual organization, known as the "Society for Human Rights" (SHR).

Gerber was in Passau, Bavaria, moving to the United States in 1913. In 1917, Gerber was briefly committed to a mental institution because of his homosexuality.

When the U.S. declared war on Germany, Gerber was forced to choose between becoming interned as an enemy alien or enlist in the Army. Gerber chose the latter and served in the Army for approximately three years.

During his time in Germany, Gerber learned about the sexologist Magnus Hirschfeld's advocacy to decriminalize and normalize homosexuality. He also traveled to Berlin, which had a thriving gay subculture.

Inspired by Hirschfeld's work, on December 10th, 1924, Gerber founded the Society for Human Rights, the first pro-gay organization in the United States. A black clergyman named John T. Graves signed on as the organization's first president while Gerber and six others were listed as directors.

Gerber set out to expand the Society's membership beyond the original seven, but had difficulty interesting anyone other than working class queer people in joining. More affluent members of Chicago's gay community refused to join his society, not wanting to ruin their reputations by being associated with homosexuality.

The Society was only a chartered organization for a few months before police arrested Gerber and several other members. Gerber was subjected to three highly publicized trials, and his defense, while ultimately successful, cost him his life savings.

Unable to continue funding the Society, the group dismantled, and Gerber left for New York City, embittered that the more affluent gays of Chicago had not come to his aid for a cause he believed was designed to advance the common good.

> "Is not the psychiatrist again putting the cart before the horse in saying that homosexuality is a symptom of the neurotic style of life? Would it not sound more natural to say that the homosexual is made neurotic because his style of life is beset by thousands of dangers?" > > - Henry Gerber


Mark Clark (1947 - 1969) Mark Clark, born on this day in 1947, was a member of the Black Panther Party (BPP) who was assassinated by the Chicago Police Department alongside Fred Hampton in 1969.

Mark Clark (1947 - 1969)

Sat Jun 28, 1947


--- Mark Clark, born on this day in 1947, was a member of the Black Panther Party (BPP) who was assassinated by the Chicago Police Department alongside Fred Hampton in 1969.

Clark decided to join the Black Panther Party after reading their literature and the Ten Point Program, later organizing a local chapter in Peoria, Illinois.

At the age of 22, Clark and Hampton were assassinated by the Chicago Police Department when they raided Hampton's apartment. Clark was shot in the heart and died instantly.


Stonewall Uprising (1969) On this day in 1969, the Stonewall Uprising began when NYC Police raided the Stonewall Inn in Greenwich Village. As cops arrested homosexuals and drag queens, the crowd...

Stonewall Uprising (1969)

Sat Jun 28, 1969


Image: Police force people back outside the Stonewall Inn as tensions escalate the morning of June 28th, 1969. Photo by Joseph Ambrosini [Wikipedia]

--- On this day in 1969, the Stonewall Uprising began when NYC Police raided the Stonewall Inn in Greenwich Village. As cops arrested homosexuals and drag queens, the crowd fought them, trapping police inside and lighting the Inn on fire.

In the 1960s, New York City Robert Wagner Jr. initiated an anti-gay campaign in preparation for the 1964 World's Fair. The city revoked the liquor licenses of gay bars and undercover police officers worked to entrap as many homosexual men as possible.

The Stonewall Inn is a prominent gay bar in Greenwich Village, New York City, then owned by the Genovese crime family and lacking a liquor license. The night of the Stonewall Uprising, approximately 200 patrons were in the bar, and four undercover cops were present before the raid was initiated.

As cops shut the bar down and began arresting patrons, a crowd began to gather outside. A scuffle broke out when a butch woman in handcuffs (thought by many to be Stormé DeLarverie but accounts differ) fought with police for ten minutes as they attempted to arrest her.

After she shouted to bystanders "Why don't you guys do something?", an officer picked her up and heaved her into the back of the wagon and the crowd turned violent, attempting to overturn police cars and slashing their tires, and throwing debris at the cops, some of whom became trapped in the Inn.

Some members of the mob lit garbage on fire and stuffed it through the broken windows, setting the bar on fire with police and some detainees inside. A tactical police force was deployed to free the officers, beating the crowd as they mocked police with impromptu kick lines and ironic chants.

When the violence broke out, women and transmasculine people being held down the street at The Women's House of Detention joined in by chanting, setting fire to their belongings, tossing them into the street below, and chanting "gay rights".

The uprisings continued for several nights afterward, with thousands showing up outside the bar. Black drag queen and radical queer rights activist Marsha P. Johnson was seen climbing a lamppost and dropping a heavy bag onto the hood of a police car, shattering the windshield.

Members of the Mattachine Society, a gay rights organization which had taken to respectability politics, were embarrassed by the behavior at Stonewall. Randy Wicker, who had marched in the first gay picket lines before the White House in 1965, said "screaming queens forming chorus lines and kicking went against everything that I wanted people to think about homosexuals...that we were a bunch of drag queens in the Village acting disorderly and tacky and cheap." Others were glad to see the closing of Stonewall Inn, perceived as a "sleaze joint".

Despite this backlash, some participants of the annual Mattachine Society picket on July 4th were emboldened. Several same-sex couples held hands as they marched despite protests from lead organizers of the picket, generating more press attention for the event than usual.

The Stonewall Uprising was a watershed moment in the history of queer liberation, to the extent that some studies of LGBT history in the U.S. are divided into pre- and post-Stonewall analyses.

> "It was a rebellion, it was an uprising, it was a civil rights disobedience - it wasn't no damn riot." > > - Stormé DeLarverie


Founding of the IWW (1905) The Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), founded on this day in 1905 in Chicago, Illinois, is an anti-capitalist and internationalist labor union whose slogan says "An...

Founding of the IWW (1905)

Tue Jun 27, 1905


Image: The IWW logo

--- The Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), founded on this day in 1905 in Chicago, Illinois, is an anti-capitalist and internationalist labor union whose slogan says "An injury to one is an injury to all!"

The IWW promotes the concept of "One Big Union", and contends that all workers should be united as a social class to supplant capitalism and wage labor with industrial democracy.

The IWW was officially founded in Chicago, Illinois on June 27th, 1905. A convention was held of 200 socialists and radical trade unionists from all over the United States who opposed the policies and politics of the more moderate American Federation of Labor (AFL). In particular, the IWW opposed the American Federation of Labor's acceptance of capitalism and its refusal to include unskilled workers in craft unions.

The IWW's founders included many historically important labor activists and socialist thinkers, including "Big Bill" Haywood, James Connolly, Daniel De Leon, Eugene V. Debs, Thomas Hagerty, Lucy Parsons, Mary Harris "Mother" Jones, Frank Bohn, William Trautmann, Vincent Saint John, Ralph Chaplin, and many others.


Helen Keller (1880 - 1968) Helen Keller, born on this day in 1880, was an American socialist author and disability rights advocate who became the first deaf-blind person to earn a Bachelor of Arts...

Helen Keller (1880 - 1968)

Sun Jun 27, 1880


--- Helen Keller, born on this day in 1880, was an American socialist author and disability rights advocate who became the first deaf-blind person to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree. Keller was subject to FBI surveillance for most of her life.

In 1909, Keller joined the American Socialist Party and campaigned for its candidates, including Eugene V. Debs, the SP leader who ran for U.S. president from his prison cell in 1920.

Keller supported striking workers, including those murdered in the 1914 Colorado Ludlow Massacre, calling owner John D. Rockefeller a "monster of capitalism." She defined herself as a "militant suffragist", campaigning for women's right to vote because she believed this was linked to the struggle for socialism.

Contemporary critics either lambasted Keller for her radical politics or attempted to neutralize her as a "wonder woman". In a 1924 letter to a U.S. Senator, Keller wrote "So long as I confine my activities to social service and the blind, they compliment me extravagantly, calling me 'arch priestess of the sightless,' 'wonder woman,' and a 'modern miracle.' But when it comes to a discussion of poverty, and I maintain that it is the result of wrong economics - that the industrial system under which we live is at the root of much of the physical deafness and blindness in the world - that is a different matter!"

By the time Keller died in 1968, at the age of 87, she had been under FBI surveillance for most of her adult life.


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