When republicans are in power democrats are powerless because they are in the minority When democrats are in power they somehow are still powerless to do anything meaning full because "republican are preventing " them from doing anything The only time they seem to be able to do something is to crush any attempt to change the status quo in favor of the working class.
Yes i misunderstood, because trying to find common ground with republican for the last 40years ended how ? With a litteral nazi in the white house! You give your hand and they take the whole arm. They are not interested in fact,logic and truth, they want to be right to dominate and to feel superior to someone, even if its hurting them in the long run. I want nothing to do with people that still call themselves Republicans after musk did A FUCKIN NAZI SALUTE AT THE INOGURATION. And even if they could see the light that trump should be jail for the rest of his life, what then do you think they will learn their lesson, that they will stop being racist, homophobic and sexist? That they will stop longing for the good old day of the confederacy, that they will stop electing conmen, that they will stop thinking of homeless people as good for nothing that deserve everything they got , that they will learn common decency and empathy? No, they will learn nothing, and wait for the next moral panic to pin the blame on the next random group of people that claim their ire. To reiterate there is no forgiveness for people who cheer at a litteral nazi salute in the white house.
Stop saying mean things to hitler :( if you continue he will be sad and wont give me a hug :(((((
Good punch the fucker in the mouth
But you do need to shame them! because if you don't they will continue to say the same nonsense. Trying to be nice failed. And do you really want these moron on your team Because i dont.
I think its a good idea in theory but sadly it is absolutly not a Universal language, it is an european language (i tried learning it and from my limited experience , its a mix of french/spanich/italian/english with a little bit of german.) So i dont really like it because of the racist implication that European language are the most important and are "Universal ".
Such a pathetic comment, on a pathetic post, by a pathetic racist. Nobody is laughting with you about cops murdering a raciste caricature of a black man. You should really crawl back to twitter and stop bothering normal people you racist loser.
I mean i agree that this culture war is not gonna stop anytime soon, but please dont blame the victims, its not their fault that this is spiraling out of control, nobody own incels a date. Its not the current protest that are adding fuel to the fire, its the incapability of theses men to accept no for an answer.
Nope you were right, i forgot to add the old french part, thanks for the catch :)
Not in modern french but it was in old french :)
My best guess would be that saintclair's prononciation was influenced by french, as in french the "t" is pronounced while st john might be more "english", leading to the "t" being silent
Il peut faire 3 mandat ! Juste pas de suite, je suis 100% convaincu qu'il cherche a faire gagner lepen pour revenir 5ans plus tard en "sauveur"