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Nasrallah Assassinated: What Happens Next?
  • a link a to unpaywalled full article?

  • [News] Spanish unions call for a General Strike in solidarity with Palestine on September 27
  • Not a lawer and this is not lawer advice, but the trick usually is to add a lawful reasson in the official communication of the strike. It worked, at least, in the 90s 2000s with a 1 hour strike against the war in Irak and more recently in the strikes in the strugle for the independence Catalonia.

    Edit: oops, dates...

  • [News] Spanish unions call for a General Strike in solidarity with Palestine on September 27 CGT y Solidaridad Obrera convocan una huelga por Gaza el 27 de septiembre

    La iniciativa, impulsada por CGT y Solidaridad Obrera, toma fuerza en al menos 50 localidades del Estado español. A 48 horas de la cita, hay ya más de 100 convocatorias descentralizadas entre piquetes, concentraciones y marchas de 163 organizaciones y colectivos, para este viernes 27 de septiembre.

    CGT y Solidaridad Obrera convocan una huelga por Gaza el 27 de septiembre

    cross-posted from:

    > Sorry, the article is in Spanish, I've not found an English article about this strike. > > From the article: > > Almost silently and like a living tide, the call for the Strike for Palestine on September 27 , called by the unions CGT and Solidaridad Obrera (SO), has been gaining strength. Having launched the official call towards the end of August, little by little other non-majority unions (COS, SAT Granada, Co.bas...), organizations, groups from various sectors of society have shown their intention to subscribe to it. Dozens of posters in various territories of the Spanish State are already circulating, referring not only to continuing the strike but also to making it a day of active struggle throughout the day. > > The General Strike has not the support of the two mayor Spanish unions (CCOO and UGT) > > The manifesto, posters, support/joining form for associations and calls for picket lines/demonstrations in Catalonia (the part in Spain) are accessible from this website: https\:// (in Catalan)

    [News] Spanish unions call for a General Strike in solidarity with Palestine on September 27 CGT y Solidaridad Obrera convocan una huelga por Gaza el 27 de septiembre

    La iniciativa, impulsada por CGT y Solidaridad Obrera, toma fuerza en al menos 50 localidades del Estado español. A 48 horas de la cita, hay ya más de 100 convocatorias descentralizadas entre piquetes, concentraciones y marchas de 163 organizaciones y colectivos, para este viernes 27 de septiembre.

    CGT y Solidaridad Obrera convocan una huelga por Gaza el 27 de septiembre

    Sorry, the article is in Spanish, I've not found an English article about this strike.

    From the article: > Almost silently and like a living tide, the call for the Strike for Palestine on September 27 , called by the unions CGT and Solidaridad Obrera (SO), has been gaining strength. Having launched the official call towards the end of August, little by little other non-majority unions (COS, SAT Granada, Co.bas...), organizations, groups from various sectors of society have shown their intention to subscribe to it. Dozens of posters in various territories of the Spanish State are already circulating, referring not only to continuing the strike but also to making it a day of active struggle throughout the day.

    The General Strike has not the support of the two mayor Spanish unions (CCOO and UGT)

    The manifesto, posters, support/joining form for associations and calls for picket lines/demonstrations in Catalonia (the part in Spain) are accessible from this website: https\:// (in Catalan)

    Inspection visits to Tesla employees on sick leave -
  • A hundred workers should go to visit the CEO home...

  • [Meta] How does mods remove posts based on sources?
  • Obviously, the Russian Army is who has the info about the Russian casualties, and the Ukrainian Army has the information about the Ukrainian casualties. And both are not credible sources.

    I don't say that the articles using their publicized numbers of the casualties of the other country should be banned. Only those articles, without context about the numbers or the war, have no journalistic value.

  • linux or windows?
  • Same, since debian potato, and forced to use windows in my work.

  • [Meta] How does mods remove posts based on sources?
  • Why is credible the Armed Forces of Ukraine? Their main interest is win a war, not to provide reliable information to the public.

  • [Meta] How does mods remove posts based on sources?
  • I'm not the mod, but that article is only parroting the numbers of a facebook post:

    Source: General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on Facebook

    The information is being confirmed.

  • What Does America Stand For? The World No Longer Knows.
  • 🤢🤮

    Whats Does America Stand For? The World No Longer Knows.

    No, we know: USA Imperialism and genocide.

    [...] So if you’re a Hungarian fan of liberal democracy, all hope is not yet lost. Pressman [USA ambassador] was addressing the Budapest Forum, a conference on liberal democracy [...]

    Are the USA starting to create the narrative for a color revolution in Hungary?

  • Detroit Teachers Strike (1982) On this day in 1982, 10,000 teachers in Detroit walked off the job despite a law banning public employee strikes. The labor action affected 201,000 schoolchildren...
  • According to the Detroit Federation of Teachers history web page:

    STRIKE: In September, teachers strike for 16 days when union "asks for nothing and board says that’s too much" and instead demands rollbacks. Agreement seems at hand October 3 but in dramatic turn, board welshes and turns down settlement. Citizens Committee intercedes and helps hammer out new agreement. One year contract provides for wage freeze with all remaining issues to be resolved in binding fact-finding.

    Union wins key arbitration ruling that teachers must be paid monetarily for lost preparation periods not repaid in time within five months of date lost. DFT goes to court to enforce award on hiring all substitutes. Union wins four more arbitration victories.

  • [Statement] of the Paleatinian Union Women's Action Committees regarding the Masawi massacre in Khan Younis and the murder of Shaima Jabir Al-Shaer

    ♦️ Palestinian Union of Women’s Action Committees:\ —\ The Union of Women's Action Committees mourn the comrade Shaima Jabir Al-Shaer and affirm that the crime of her assassination will not deter our people from continuing the struggle and resistance.\ \ The Union of Women's Action Committees mourns the martyr, comrade Shaima Jabir Al-Shaer (18 years old), who was martyred in the horrific Mawasi massacre in Khan Younis Governorate, southern Gaza Strip, which claimed the lives of more than 100 martyrs and wounded, along with a large number of missing persons.\ \ The Union of Women's Action Committees condemns this cowardly crime and affirms that this and other crimes of genocide will not deter our people and its women’s movement from continuing their struggle and resistance until the expulsion of the fascist occupation from our Palestinian land, within the borders of June 4, 1967, with Al-Quds as its capital, and ensuring the return of refugees to their homes from which they were displaced since 1948, in accordance with UN Resolution 194.\ \ It is noted that comrade Shaima Al-Shaer was displaced from Rafah Governorate due to the genocide crimes to the Mawasi area in Khan Younis, believing it to be a humanitarian safe zone, as claimed by the fascist occupation, which urged citizens to move there.\ \ The Union of Women's Action Committees \ Gaza Strip, Palestine \ 10/09/2024

    Source: Resistance News Network

    Edit: removed telegram link. Edit: fkc android keyboard: doing the title readable

    When asked if you are Marxist - Che Guevara
  • I agree. I want to add this (old)reddit thread in r/AskHistorians about 'Was it the truth behind the critical controversy surrounding Che Guevara? Was Che a murderer, a homophobe, and racist who needs to be viewed much more critically?', it's a better and less biased source than the reactionary Cato Institute article.

  • American-Turkish activist killed in West Bank as Israeli forces opened fire
  • Almost all the citations use quotation marks except this one:

    The Palestinian health ministry says at least 36 Palestinians were killed - 21 from Jenin governorate - in that time. Most of the dead have been claimed by armed groups as members, but the ministry says children are also among those killed.

    The bolded text (normal text in the article) seems to be genocidal misinformation/propagana. I don't belive that the PA (or Hamas) health ministry said that phrase.

    To compensate the exces of quotes to the IOF, this is the statement of the PFLP:

    🔴 Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine:

    The martyrdom of Turkish-American activist Aisha Ezgi is a continuation of a long series of occupation targeting all free voices.

    - The martyrdom of the Turkish-American activist, Aisha Noor Ezgi, after being shot in the head by occupation forces near Mount Sbeih in the town of Beita, south of occupied Nablus, is yet another Zionist crime added to the occupation’s black record of targeting foreign activists in solidarity with our people.

    - This crime brings to mind a long series of crimes committed by the occupation against international solidarity activists, from the assassination of American activist Rachel Corrie and British activist Tom Hurndall in Rafah, to the attack on the "Mavi Marmara" ship breaking the siege, which led to the martyrdom of ten activists, among other continuous attacks and practices against those in solidarity.

    - The occupation continues to target anyone who stands for justice and defends our people, further proving that this entity poses a threat to all of humanity and every free voice striving for justice, not just to the Palestinian people.

    - The Front calls on all the free people of the world to unite efforts to confront this zionist, U.S.- and Western-backed usurper entity, and to work on documenting these crimes as war crimes against humanity, contributing to enhancing international efforts to isolate this rogue and rejected entity, and to prosecute its leaders as war criminals before international courts.

    The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine 
    Central Media Department 
    September 6, 2024

  • Is The United State Fighting A Proxy War?
  • Israel has been a key USA asset for destabilizing the region from, at leat, the times of Kissinger as secretary of state and to stop socialist panarab projects like then ones of Nasser or the Ba'aths parties.

  • Is The United State Fighting A Proxy War?
  • In Ukraine, yes. The US is fighting a proxy war against Russia. The last 30 years of NATO expansion and USA animosity against Russia are enough evidence in my opinion.

    In Palestine, no. Israel and the USA are committing a Genocide against the Palestinians, or at least, is a USA backed Genocide.

  • Things my girlfriend and I have argued about
  • Nice terms of service:

    Access to this page is granted solely on the basis of accepting the right of Mil to turn up at your house at any time and stay for as long as he likes. This agreement takes precedence over any local, national or international laws which might otherwise apply in your area of residence - and it was drawn up by Disney's lawyers, so don't embarrass yourself by trying to appeal, eh?

  • [news] UK suspends 30 arms export licences to Israel after review
  • The UK foreign secretary, David Lammy, said it applied to 30 of the 350 existing arms licences, but would almost entirely exclude all UK components for the F-35 fighter jet programme

  • Chat control is back on track.... again
  • At least one of your down votes is for being racist and ableist. Could you remove it?

  • Ghassan Kanafani Assassinated (1972) Ghassan Kanafani was a Palestinian author and leader of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), assassinated on this day in 1972 by Israeli...

    cross-posted from:

    > ## Ghassan Kanafani Assassinated (1972) > > ### Sat Jul 08, 1972 > !Image > > --- > Ghassan Kanafani was a Palestinian author and leader of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), assassinated on this day in 1972 by Israeli forces in retaliation for the Lod Airport Massacre, claimed by the PLFP. > > In May, when the outbreak of hostilities in the 1948 Arab–Israeli War spilled over into the city of Acre, Kanafani and his family were forced into exile while he was still a child. After fleeing ~eleven miles north to Lebanon, they settled in Damascus, Syria as Palestinian refugees. > > In 1969, after establishing himself as an author and journalist, he joined The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and, resigned from his post as editor for the magazine Al-Anwar to edit the PFLP's weekly magazine, al-Hadaf ("The Goal"). He drafted a PFLP program in which the movement officially took up Marxism-Leninism, a notable departure from pan-Arab nationalist ideology. > > On July 8th, 1972, at the age of 36, Kanafani was assassinated via car bomb by the Israeli intelligence agency Mossad for his role in the PLFP, which claimed responsibility for the Lod Airport Massacre. > > The massacre, committed by three members of the Japanese Red Army recruited by the PLFP, killed 26 people, injuring 80 others. > > Ghassan Kanafani was an influential author, whose literary works have been translated into at least 17 languages and published in 20 countries. He began writing short stories when working as a teacher in refugee camps. Often written through the eyes of children, his stories were designed to help his students contextualize their surroundings. > > > "Everything in this world can be robbed and stolen, except one thing; this one thing is the love that emanates from a human being towards a solid commitment to a conviction or cause." > > > > - Ghassan Kanafani > > --- > - Date: 1972-07-08 > - Learn More:, > - Tags: #Marxism, #Assassinations, #Massacre. > - Source:

    The Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), founded on this day in 1905 in Chicago, Illinois

    cross-posted from:

    > Founding of the IWW (1905) The Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), founded on this day in 1905 in Chicago, Illinois, is an anti-capitalist and internationalist labor union whose slogan says "An... > > ## Founding of the IWW (1905) > > ### Tue Jun 27, 1905 > !Image > > Image: The IWW logo > > --- > The Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), founded on this day in 1905 in Chicago, Illinois, is an anti-capitalist and internationalist labor union whose slogan says "An injury to one is an injury to all!" > > The IWW promotes the concept of "One Big Union", and contends that all workers should be united as a social class to supplant capitalism and wage labor with industrial democracy. > > The IWW was officially founded in Chicago, Illinois on June 27th, 1905. A convention was held of 200 socialists and radical trade unionists from all over the United States who opposed the policies and politics of the more moderate American Federation of Labor (AFL). In particular, the IWW opposed the American Federation of Labor's acceptance of capitalism and its refusal to include unskilled workers in craft unions. > > The IWW's founders included many historically important labor activists and socialist thinkers, including "Big Bill" Haywood, James Connolly, Daniel De Leon, Eugene V. Debs, Thomas Hagerty, Lucy Parsons, Mary Harris "Mother" Jones, Frank Bohn, William Trautmann, Vincent Saint John, Ralph Chaplin, and many others. > > --- > - Date: 1905-06-27 > - Learn More:, > - Tags: #Socialism, #Labor, #IWW. > - Source:

    All cops are bad redrum
    George Floyd Murdered (2020)

    cross-posted from:

    > George Floyd Murdered (2020) On this day in 2020, a Minneapolis cop murdered George Floyd by kneeling on his neck for more than nine minutes. Floyd's death became the catalyst for protests around... > > ## George Floyd Murdered (2020) > > ### Mon May 25, 2020 > !Image > > Image: George Floyd with his six-year old, Gianna [] > > --- > On this day in 2020, a Minneapolis cop murdered George Floyd by kneeling on his neck for more than nine minutes. Floyd's death became the catalyst for protests around the world; by July, more than 14,000 were arrested in the U.S. alone. > > Floyd, a 46-year old black man, had been arrested on suspicion of using a counterfeit $20 bill. The cop, 44-year old white man Derek Chauvin, knelt on Floyd's neck for nine minutes and twenty-nine seconds while he was handcuffed and lying face-down in a street. Floyd was dead before Chauvin's knee left his neck. > > The following day, after videos made by witnesses and security cameras became public, all four officers involed were fired. Floyd's state murder became the catalyst for worldwide Black Lives Matter protests against police brutality, which took place on every continent except Antartica. > > The scope of civil unrest within the U.S. was nearly unprecedented. Author Malik Simba writes: "the protests have involved more than 26 million Americans in 2,000 cities and towns in every state in the U.S., making [them] the most widespread protests around one issue in the history of the nation. By the end of June alone, one month into the protests, 14,000 people had been arrested." > > Initially, the local District Attorney's Office only harged Chauvin with third-degree manslaughter, but this charge was later increased to second degree murder, following mass protests. On April 20th, 2021, Chauvin was convicted and sentenced to 22.5 years in prison. The other three officers were also later convicted of violating Floyd's civil rights. > > Floyd's murder was witnessed by several people, including children. On the incident, seventeen year old Danella Frazier stated "When I look at George Floyd, I look at my dad, I look at my brother, I look at my cousin and my uncle." Her nine year old cousin, also an eyewitness, testified in court: "I was sad and kind of mad and it felt like [Chauvin's knee] was stopping him from breathing and it was hurting him." > > --- > - Date: 2020-05-25 > - Learn More:, > - Tags: #Protests. > - Source:

    Victory of the camped students of the Barcelona University

    The University of Barcelona will break rellations with Israel.

    Source: (catalan language).

    (Auto)ranslated announcement:

    _🚨 ATTENTION! *Tomorrow everyone in front of the University of Barcelona to celebrate the historic victory of the students.

    After 17 days of camping in Palestine at the University of Barcelona:

    The university has not only approved the severance of relations with Israel, but has committed itself and activated the necessary mechanisms to make it possible. After more than two weeks of daily assemblies, actions, meetings and communiqués, the students demonstrate that the action works and push forward for a free Palestine.

    After a historic victory today they have announced that tomorrow May 24 in the afternoon they will end the camp. The end of the camp implies a step forward in the struggle, to continue mobilizing our collective struggle in different spaces. We hope that yesterday will be one more victory of the gains to come and bring us closer to a common goal for life and dignity.

    Come make noise with us and welcome the students: 🗓️ Friday 24 May at 6.30pm 📍Plaça Universitat (in front of the UB door)

    📢 Together we can shake the world for Palestine; to stop genocide, occupation and apartheid in Palestine. We know it works and we won't stop until we get it: free Palestine, from the river to the sea.🇵🇸_

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