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The Bypass Firewalls Repository is Gone -> Go get your archived copy.
  • Which one are you referring to? I just saw another post about this one that I just installed, which had been removed from the extensions store in Firefox but can still be downloaded from their GitHub repo. I just installed it on my android Firefox.

    Edit: sorry, didn't see that your post was a link. This seems to be the same one but on GitHub

  • [Weekly thread] GNU+Linux help thread: ask anything!
  • Most of it was just nice little touches that didn't change my day much, but the explicit sync in Wayland by also adding the Nvidia 555 driver has really been nice

  • [YT] Plasma 6.1: the BEST LINUX DESKTOP
  • Just installed in EndeavourOS this morning

  • Let's talk about Prusa Printables contests. It might need some fixing.
  • Honestly my biggest issue is with not moderating out the dozens of ridiculous entries that are either unrelated or just tinkercad screenshots of unprintable objects that were slapped together without even knowing how to use the align tool. Bonus for the ones that are not even screenshots but photos of someone's monitor showing their ridiculous tinkercad thing. Like, what are they thinking? Why even submit?

    I like contests as curated collections for me to browse through, and the scrolling through all that crap kinda annoys me. Maybe they're curating them out now, it's been a while since I looked through them. I know it's a minor pet peeve thing lol

  • A cool guide collective Nouns for animal groups
  • Ah thanks, that would explain seeing -uk in so many name places I guess

  • A cool guide collective Nouns for animal groups
  • Ah ok. I am not a native speaker, but would say I have a near native fluency in American English (moved here at 15 having already learned it before), and school of fish would be my go to, but shoal is the same as you said to me, sounds perfectly natural. Now that I am thinking about it though, it feels like every time I was near one (on a boat, or scuba diving), people said shoal, and in more abstract settings, school was more common. That's probably just me inventing a pattern though

  • A cool guide collective Nouns for animal groups
  • Agreed, although I think a school of fish is also pretty broadly used, no?

  • A cool guide collective Nouns for animal groups
  • Very interesting, thanks for sharing. Just curious, is -uk just a general suffix to make anything plural, or this is just a one off thing here?

  • Dry your filament!
  • Just had to look it up, never heard of it! Thanks for the suggestion.

  • Dry your filament!
  • I live in high humidity, so that's a big part of my setup. I print from a custom dryer with 4 spools in it, which feed to the printer through PTFE bowden tubes. I have a wifi switch for the dryer that just turns on once in a while to keep the ones sitting there from getting wet by keeping the inside of the dryer, well, dry. I store all my filament in containers with a 3d printed silica containers that go into the spool. I use the "rechargeable" silica beads that change color when saturated. Once in a while, when I see that the beads are turning blue in the containers from opening and closing, I will do a drying session where I dry all the silica containers and the spools for a good while and put them all back into the containers. Can be a bit overkill, but it fully eliminates that factor for me!

  • After a pandemic strike, nurses union must pay Riverside hospital millions in damages
  • I like your thinking! Also, delete your comment for legal reasons 😉

  • What's an idea you have that should be an actual thing?
  • That's a thing where I am from. Also, only day where alcohol cannot be sold, as you must do your duty sober. Fair compromise if you ask me: if I already know who I am voting for, I also had the prescience to buy my booze the night before :)

  • WOW, that is a nice feature! (Community autofill with ! notation)
  • Sorry to be that lame, but this is me learning to go ! Instead of r/

  • Apps that encourage/gamify walking?
  • It wasn't my original intention, but ingress made me walk a whole lot!

  • This sign spotted in a South American bank lobby
  • Ha thanks. I was super confused because my mobile client only shows my login username, but forgot that I just learned that I could set a display name to match my avatar haha. I was between that and a nerdier "root@HAL9000"

  • This sign spotted in a South American bank lobby
  • Maybe it was the OCR? As in you used Google lens?

  • 1 of 2 abducted Louisiana children is found dead in Mississippi after their mother is killed
  • Fuck... I got this Amber alert today while playing videogames with my kid... I dismissed it, told him it was just an alarm, and then got another later saying it was cancelled, "check local news sources for details". I assumed it was what I thought a lot of them are: domestic dispute leads to a parent driving off with the kids and the other parent calling the cops. This is way more grim than I thought

  • Slur filter censoring the string "the app" (without a space in between)

    So, not sure if I am completely off base here, but I had this odd thing happen today where I couldn't post an URL because whenever I did, part of it would be replaced with the text removed. You can see what I am talking about in the screenshot, and I am linking my comment below. Another commenter replied saying it was likely something related to a slur filter in my instance, so I am coming here for help to understand the issue. Sorry if this is completely wrong, I am not very well versed in the workings of the fediverse and different instance implementations. Here's the comment:

    EDIT: if it matters, I am using the Boost for Lemmy android client

    redbr64 dave@hal9000
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