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A great example of western regime change propaganda at work
  • I wonder if Guid... I mean Kamara will be declared the 'real' president soon.

  • Weebs and their consequences have been a disaster for the human race.
  • I remember when that poll came out. A lot of people in the comments tried to excuse it by saying, "You put the option in there of course everyone is going to pick it." as if that somehow justifies it. "He he I think excuting the homeless is a funny joak." is not the defense they think it is.

  • I've noticed something about anarchists that i find pretty funny: they'll praise marxist revolutions and revolutionaries AS LONG AS they dont actually succeed.
  • It is easy to support failed attempts because then they can imagine that this time those folks would have done things "perfectly" or in other words, the way the person imagining it would have done things. Without any of the messy details of having to work in the real world with real conditions.

  • Account request received on ProleWiki just earlier
  • Let me in! I have come to save you all! You'll be lost without my same old ass 'arguments' you've heard a thousand times before! They're different this time though because they are from me, the most important person in the world!

  • I'm starting to dislike the "Reddit exodus"
  • I just joined here a couple days before the Reddit thing happened. They're bringing all of what I didn't miss from quitting Reddit years ago. At least on the bright side I can mostly stay out of all that here.

  • reazonozaer ReaZ
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