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Options for non-smart TV in UK 2024?
  • LG OLED55C31LA

  • Options for non-smart TV in UK 2024?
  • LG OLED55C31LA

    ...sorry... work was crazy

  • How to achieve this audio setup in linux ?
  • Check out Pipewire, which is the modern standard of linux audio

    I do not have the same requirements than you, but in audio production I can route anything in any which way I need (useful for switching monitoring or sources), and I did once plug an eq to my movie player because some ripped movie was really sounding bad

    There are tons of VSTs available, too

    There'll be research to do, and a learning curve, but today is not the days of Jack anymore, it has become really easy if you go for a modern distro (arch, tumbleweed, fedora,...)

    Have fun running your sound your way!

  • Deez 🥜
  • Just follow Improbable Research and their famous ignobel prizes ceremony for more.

  • Touch Friendly Distro Recommendations
  • Any modern gnome works great... until you have to type a lot. Also, typing on a wall-mounted screen is usually uncomfortable, not angled right.

    So depending on your "obedience", debian 12, Fedora 40, OpenSuse Tumbleweed or plain old Arch will do it.

    Maybe there are.different style/type/propositions of on-screen keyboards out there.

  • Cycle (pun intended) reallyzen (

    Attached: 1 image Cycle (pun intended). I was 25 when I bought my first #motorcycle, a 1992 secondhand Enfield Bullet 350 Standard in gunmetal grey. Fast forward 30 years (and many other cool bikes) later, I just brought home today a black 2022 #RoyalEnfield Classic 350 Halcyon. Yes I went back to...

    reallyzen (

    I was 25 when I bought my first motorcycle, a 1992 secondhand Enfield Bullet 350 Standard in gunmetal grey. Fast forward 30 years (and many other cool bikes) later, I just brought home today a black 2022 Royal Enfield Classic 350 Halcyon.

    Yes I went back to simple, I went back to cute. And I went back to slow, there's no denying it.

    There are 2 other motorcycles that I would, could go back to: the 1st gen Ducati Monster, and an Ural Sidecar.

    Options for non-smart TV in UK 2024?
  • Aw crap, completely forgot, worked another part of the building all day didn't ever got near the exhibition rooms.

    Better luck tomorrow I hope, sorry.

  • Options for non-smart TV in UK 2024?
  • It does not, I know it because I have started them multiple times.

    We use them as dumb players with an USB drive inserted, playing video on a loop all day long.

    I'll fetch you the ref tomorrow.

  • Options for non-smart TV in UK 2024?
  • We just got 3 LG tv's at work for an art exhibition. There's no network available here (it's a Napoleonic Fortress lol), and while they ask for it, dismissing all accounts/updates/online services is straightforward. You can delete all pre-installed apps (disney, netflix whatever) but LGtv and amazon. I can dig the model number tomorrow if you want.

    OTOH I haven't owned a tv since 2001.

  • Bon anniversaire! 🎉
  • On dit pas Jour Du Gâteau ? Pff, tout se perd ma bonne dame, tout fout le camp ces jeunes y'a plus de respect et le climat vous avez vu le climat ?

  • [Fil quotidien] Discussion du jour 20-06-2024
  • "On fait avec" c'est pas bien primesautier ça dis donc. Moi ça boume, la saison des festivals ouvre bientôt et même si je suis déjà fatigué avant même de commencer, c'est rigolo, j'aime bien.

  • [USA] Appeals court rules that cops can physically make you unlock your phone
  • Is it a rumor or is there a legal requirement that you must have some battery juuce left (in your laptop iirc) in order to cross US or UK borders? I remember this as an answer to "sorry, can't fire up my device I'm out of battery".

  • [USA] Appeals court rules that cops can physically make you unlock your phone
  • I learned something from my (quite activists) daughters recently: they delete the Signal app each time they cross a border.

    It's the main coordination and information tool in their circles, and the recommended behavior is just to not have the app when at risk.

    Good luck finding incriminating evidence stifling through zillions of Pouting Selfies and Gossip-Sharing Screenshots of Idiot Boyfriend' text messages.

  • Advice needed on buying a personal boat
  • Not a boat owner, but trained on sailboats: if you feel like it, take sailing lessons and get a feel for it, it's fun and relaxing. I hate motorboats for the noise, the environmental impact. And it's kinda dull.

    In any case, navigation and boating in general has rules, depending on where you are you may have to get a license.

    Got to your local sail club, take lessons. When you're trained you will be able to rent boats from time to time. Almost nobody sails enough that buying is reasonable. And anchoring in a proper port means an annual fee to pay.

  • Cost by Protein Source
  • Can we have the same with the other components? Like Fats, Fibers, Glucids...

  • Peut-on boire trop de café décaféiné ?
  • La caféine me fait bondir littéralement le palpitant, une vraie décharge d'adrénaline.

    L'effet est celui d'une grosse crise de panique, mais en plus tu te traites d'idiot parce que tu te l'infliges tout seul.

    Comme il y a quand même un chouïa de caféine dans le déca, je crois que ça me "suffit". Tu devrais essayer.

  • Peut-on boire trop de café décaféiné ?
  • Je ne connaissait pas, merci. Alors, Composition : gnagnagna, Orge, gnagna, Seigle, trucs, machins... Ah, j'ai droit à l'orge mais pas au seigle, zut.

    Les gens, s'il y a un truc que je peux vous conseiller d'éviter dans la vie, c'est de vieillir. Vraiment c'est nul à chier, 0/10 je recommande pas.

  • Peut-on boire trop de café décaféiné ?
  • Uh, avec la prostate qui rajeunit pas, c'est p'têt un argument là.

  • Peut-on boire trop de café décaféiné ?

    Si je me laisse aller, je serais à 5 ou 6 par jour.

    AsahiLina: ✨ We got a bunch of Steam games to run on Asahi Linux!!! ✨ Asahi Lina (朝日リナ) // nullptr::live (

    Attached: 1 image ✨ We got a bunch of Steam games to run on Asahi Linux!!! ✨ Most of them run at a solid 60FPS and all of them are playable on my M2 Pro~ 🚀 All running on a krun microVM with FEX and full TSO support 💪 I was not expecting Party Animals to run! That's a DX11 game, running with t...

    Asahi Lina (朝日リナ) // nullptr::live (

    X-post from

    AsahiLina: ✨ We got a bunch of Steam games to run on Asahi Linux!!! ✨ Asahi Lina (朝日リナ) // nullptr::live (

    Attached: 1 image ✨ We got a bunch of Steam games to run on Asahi Linux!!! ✨ Most of them run at a solid 60FPS and all of them are playable on my M2 Pro~ 🚀 All running on a krun microVM with FEX and full TSO support 💪 I was not expecting Party Animals to run! That's a DX11 game, running with t...

    Asahi Lina (朝日リナ) // nullptr::live (

    Update : more games!

    Proton Annual Survey: Gentle reminder to kindly ask for a Linux Client for Drive, now. The CEO of PROTON answers YOUR questions! Drive, Linux support, Photos, features, and a lot more!

    Andy Yen, the CEO of Proton (Mail, Drive, VPN, Pass...) answered a lot of the questions you, the community, asked, in an interview that covers basically ever...

    The CEO of PROTON answers YOUR questions! Drive, Linux support, Photos, features, and a lot more!

    The link right here goes to 40:02 of Proton' boss on the TLE channel about Linux support, where a Drive Client is deemed so difficult to achieve that they don't even have a roadmap for it. Nor is the word "Linux" featured anywhere on proton's pages about Drive.


    If I believe what I see on Lemmy, 99% of users here are on Linux, and the 1% remaining probably are just waiting on a Drive Linux Client to make the switch, right? Right?

    Please take the survey and maybe mention politely our deep sorrow and profound distress.

    The accompanying message says "Limited submissions. Respond now to ensure your voice is heard."

    Let's go! Thanks!

    Asahi Linux: Fedora 40 is available for M1/M2 macs! Fedora Asahi Remix 40 is now available - Fedora Magazine

    This article announces the general availability of Fedora Asahi Remix 40, bringing the newly released Fedora Linux 40 to Apple Silicon Macs.

    Fedora Asahi Remix 40 is now available - Fedora Magazine

    Fedora Asahi Remix 40 coming in hot!

    On top of the great work that @AsahiLinux and the Fedora Asahi SIG do, they've also worked to line up releases with the rest of Fedora, so thank you for that!

    This release brings:

    • OpenGL 4.6
    • High quality audio out of the box
    • Plasma, Gnome, Server, and Minimal variants available
    • The latest that comes with Fedora Linux 40!
    Fedora Asahi Remix 40 is available for M1/M2 macs! Fedora Project (F40 is OUT) (

    Attached: 1 image Fedora Asahi Remix 40 coming in hot! On top of the great work that and the Fedora Asahi SIG do, they've also worked to line up releases with the rest of Fedora, so thank you for that! This release brings: * OpenGL 4.6 * High quality audio out of t...

    Fedora Project (F40 is OUT) (

    On top of the great work that @AsahiLinux and the Fedora Asahi SIG do, they've also worked to line up releases with the rest of Fedora, so thank you for that!

    This release brings:

    • OpenGL 4.6
    • High quality audio out of the box
    • Plasma, Gnome, Server, and Minimal variants available
    • The latest that comes with Fedora Linux 40!

    Learn more:

    #AsahiLinux: Fedora 40 is available for apple M1/M2 machines! Asahi Linux (

    Fedora Asahi Remix 40 images are now available on [](! 🎉​ This release brings lots of new updates, including the Plasma 6 desktop environment. Existing users may upgrade by following the standard [upgrade guide](

    Fedora Asahi Remix 40 images are now available on! 🎉

    This release brings lots of new updates, including the Plasma 6 desktop environment.

    Existing users may upgrade by following the standard upgrade guide.

    #AsahiLinux: Fedora 40 est dispo pour Apple M1/M2 Asahi Linux (

    Fedora Asahi Remix 40 images are now available on [](! 🎉​ This release brings lots of new updates, including the Plasma 6 desktop environment. Existing users may upgrade by following the standard [upgrade guide](

    Fedora Asahi Remix 40 images are now available on! 🎉

    This release brings lots of new updates, including the Plasma 6 desktop environment.

    Existing users may upgrade by following the standard upgrade guide.

    #AsahiLinux: Fedora 40 now available for Apple M1/M2 machines! Asahi Linux (

    Fedora Asahi Remix 40 images are now available on [](! 🎉​ This release brings lots of new updates, including the Plasma 6 desktop environment. Existing users may upgrade by following the standard [upgrade guide](

    Fedora Asahi Remix 40 images are now available on! 🎉

    This release brings lots of new updates, including the Plasma 6 desktop environment.

    Existing users may upgrade by following the standard upgrade guide.

    What do we think about the new DDG AI Chat feature? DuckDuckGo at DuckDuckGo

    DuckDuckGo. Privacy, Simplified.

    A "natural language query" search engine is what I need sometimes.

    Edit: directly reachable with the !ai bang

    Feature Request: Browse entire instance

    Hi, and thanks for the hard work.

    Sometimes I discover an instance a bit specific, like the one who's centered around French speaking communities. Rather than going to the info page of the instance and then either check and click communities listed, or selecting "browse as guest", I would love to have a " browse instance" button like we can for a single community.

    It would improve discovery and engagement I think, allow for a wider reach across servers.

    What do you think, ?

    Liseuse vivlio - retours d'expérience ?


    Comme dit le titre ; je me suis assis sur ma Clara HD et, bon, j'en profite pour voir si je peux faire un peu plus local, un peu moins globalo-hégémonique.

    Par rapport à la kindle paperwhite, la Clara HD est lente, peu réactive. Sa gestion de la luminosité par glisser-le-long-du-bord marche particulièrement mal, presque jamais du premier coup. Mais elle comprend un dictionnaire intégré, est compatible avec Calibre et la définition d'écran n'est pas mauvaise (300pp). Le format 6po me convient parfaitement, il rentre dans une poche de pantalon (ce qui permet de s'assoir dessus, argh c'est la deuxième fois)

    Je lis surtout de la s-f, pas de BD/Comics etc et donc utilise Calibre pour gérer ma bibliothèque.

    D'avance merci si vous avez des retours ou recommandations ; pour l'instant seul le modèle de base, vivlio light, est dispo à 130€.

    M&M's on a bench... Mark

    Hey Enthusiasts.

    I'm being having my arm more or less twisted to force me to buy a macbook. Granted, with brands like lenovo shutting down on urp and arch Linux these days having a list of show-stopping issues longer than your phone's scrolling ability, uh, why not. Meh tho.

    Local corner shop still has 'pro in M1pro/16GB ram or M2"basic"/8GB ram for not unaffordable prices. Single Core benchmarks puts the M2 at maybe 10% better than M1pro, but Multicore and "Metal" (???) says M1pro is better than M2 basic, sometimes by a lot (geekbench).

    I don't understand benchmarking, especially with such variation in results.

    I need a machine able to play 12 tracks of 16bits .wav files + some effects (Ardour) and / or output video in 1080p on 2 outputs + some gimmickery (Isadora). Or you know, run qlab like everybody else, with fades and envelopes and stuff.

    Which one should I buy?

    offmychest ReallyZen
    Trying to get rid of alcohol is so fucking damn hard.

    I thought that the will to act, the steps taken to face the issue, would somehow support the combat against my addiction.

    It does not.

    Since I took that appointment at the addiction clinic, since I had my first meeting with a very sweet nurse who was 1000% more receptive and convincing than the former "mental health professionals" I've consulted with, I had hoped confronting my issues & deciding to address them would be a first step into helping myself. A first step into reducing, even if minimally, my daily intake. Or make me at ease with the concept of living without a bottle hidden in my rucksack.

    It does not.

    I'm more stressed out. I'm in constant panic attacks. I'm physically sick if I don't have access to the stuff. And I'm feeling like I drink twice as much. Which I'm probably doing.

    I know it's a process, a life-changing one. I know there'll be a grief period; she told me. She told me I'm the only one able to do it. No magic, no technology. Just me.

    Just me and that liquid shit.

    Using ProtonMail with a custom, previous imap-capable domain: what happens to the original inbox?

    Transitioning to PM (and generally speaking, to Proton For Everything) from Gmail, I was following the manual when I realised that PM wanted to replace my privately-owned, with mailbox service included, mail address.

    What I've been doing for 15 years was hide a gmail adress behind my own domain name (quality of apps, quantity of storage, general user friendliness...); people would still see me as, but I had the convenience of that google service while writing"as" me@me.

    It also offered me a layer of safety, since downtime does happen, and hopping to the poor roundcube webmail interface of my hosting company allowed me to keep business as usual. Believe it or not, google has failed more often than that regional service provider. lol.

    Now to the question: Am I right to understand PM will dutifully catch all emails to, the DNS settings will kill my old-school IMAP mailbox to push them towards, and I will have to commit to trust Proton 99.95% (their current SLA for customers like me)?

    Will I loose that last line of defense, Roundcube Webmail straight from my private provider?

    Thanks is advance. For obvious reasons, I'm not on twitter, reddit & all that.

    reallyzen ReallyZen

    I have too many toothbrushes

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