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Got to find a leftiest place.
  • It's very easy to say this, because it means you can just reject any evidence to the contrary as "not good" or "biased".

    Accusations of genocide aren't a fucking game. It's either happening or it isn't. Either the evidence is good or the evidence is bad (and all evidence is biased) So give us some good evidence.

  • Got to find a leftiest place.
  • Pretend all you want that you're "just asking questions"
    That's pretty much exactly the same as the Israeli line

    vibes of a genocide denier

    doesn't change facts.

    What facts! I'm still waiting for one. We can go round and round all day but until you show me something to center this on it'll be a waste of time. In 30 years even your ABC will quietly walk back their claims of genocide and I hope when that happens you will tell the people around you not to trust the same sources that lied to you.

  • Got to find a leftiest place.
  • You see that's kind of where the problem is. You can say there's a genocide and I can say "where" and that gives me the vibe of a genocide denier. I've looked for evidence, I've asked for evidence, but the best I've ever gotten is a satellite image of some prison in China, some (AI padded) mugshots with no context, and some thorough browbeating by very serious liberals.

    Let me put this another way. I'm of Jewish descent. My great aunt was in a camp. I'm not trying to "deny" any genocides, but what should my standard of evidence be? Particularly when there is a clear incentive for western media to create false narratives about their enemies, and have done so before?

    If you have something to present that I haven't seen, I and the other "tankies" are wide open to engage with it.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Wouldn't say "dead" just put on the back burner. They'll get their way eventually just like they did with net neutrality. (Responding to the article headline not you exactly)

  • *Permanently Deleted*

    Google is pushing for websites to implement this software that talks to your TPM (trusted platform) chip on your computer and has it attest to the state of your web stack. Then, the website gets to decide if that's okay and can deny you access if there's any "funny business" such as ad blockers installed, or you're using a browser they don't like, or maybe even running an os they don't like. We'll almost certainly find ways around it for a while, but it's going to get better (for them, worse for you)

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • I think this is on their eventual roadmap, somewhere just after not allowing anyone to log in without a verified WEI check for """"security"""" yea

    Then you can stop all the YouTube rehosting sites like piped by baking in little 1 pixel changes that uniquely identify the account that ripped the video. Netflix and others will do this as well too try to stop piracy.

    They're going to go scorched earth on this, I just know it. The Internet will become as bad as cable was and this is the turning point.

  • The future of Linux
  • Whatever it is I hope we don't end up "selling out" for a higher market share. KDE is proof that you can have stability while also having infinite configuration options. Gnome seems to be openly hostile to any other way of doing things that isn't the gnome way.

    I don't mind gnome existing but it isn't for me and I hope I don't get forced into using something that I can't modify to meet my workflow wishes. I'm seeing a lot more programs being written without prioritizing being desktop agnostic. I think we can forge our own path making a desktop that is both as stable as Mac OS and as approachably configurable as Linux should be.

  • Vegan food: The west vs India
  • When people complain about vegan diets lacking in x, y, or z I always point out that our diets are culturally balanced, as well as being balanced by the addition of vitamins to staple foods. If we all became deficient in say, iron, we would start fortifying iron in our water, flour, salt, rice etc, while at the same time we would culturally move towards eating more black beans and spinach than we currently do. When an individual removes a food group from their diet, it's only reasonable that you will have to intentionally rebalance your diet in other places. This isn't a deficiency inherent in a vegan diet.

    If you have to supplement a vitamin or mineral that's just part of your diet, so don't @ me with your natural=good nonsense.

  • What would be the best spyware free smart watch?
  • I guess you don't know what a Continuous Glucose Monitor is. It's a medical device that is attached to my arm with an adhesive pad that monitors my blood sugar continuously, and reports it over bluetooth to my phone. What you're talking about is a glucometer which I also have (freestyle lite)

  • Windows 11 vs Linux supported HW
  • Call me crazy but I'd rather have to learn how to use APT then have to learn each and every creative technique they come up with the make me install the ask toolbar or norton AV or sign me up for a newsletter. Linux has never had that problem.

  • Windows 11 vs Linux supported HW
  • That command line sure comes in handy when you're trying to help someone do something and you can just send them a one-liner to paste into the terminal rather than have to show a series of screenshots "click this > then this > this this and this> This checkbox >this menu"

  • As an owner of children, I approve this message
  • What should people do exactly? FedEx their kids?

    Yes, PSA bring teething toys and gum if your child is old enough to help equalize their ear pressure that's fine, but kids are people too and they have a right to travel with their parents. The flying experience is aggressively uncomfortable and kids complaining isn't even the half of it.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
    raven [he/him]

    🎵 We built this city on glomp and growl 🎵

    Trans rights are gamer rights !meow-knife-trans

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