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PSA To Rip Your Games If You Can. This Disc Is Borked.
  • Too bad you couldn’t copy it over with low-speed dubbing.

  • Hmmm
    Albedo from Denver Spore Company
  • Harvest them, put it in a bag. You could sell them as a bag of dicks people can eat!

  • BrInG Em BaCk
  • Manly men with lungs and ego so delicate that a wearing a mask would literally kill them.

  • Great Idea
  • I already do that it’s called unhealthy

  • It's so strange that this is even a thing
  • They curved the perfect man? Is he no longer straight?

  • We live in the future!
  • Plagirized reddit

  • 12 December 2023
  • Hil checks notes arious

  • Every homeopathic eye drop should be pulled off the market, FDA says
  • Then what will my people use to treat their conditions? More placebos or actual medicine?!

  • Stop nesting ternaries in JavaScript
  • const statement = specificStatement ?? nonSpecificStatement ?? someStatement ?? unrelatedStatement ?? ‘idk’;
  • Reminder to clear your Liftoff cache
  • This guy wants to steal my cache!

  • can I get a amen?
  • GOP. Most are predators

  • What works for treating the common cold? Many doctors say 'not much'
  • Yeah, nothing’s ever worked for a cold. You have to let that shit pass. And absolutely not take antibiotics.

  • can I get a amen?
  • TIL the labia is fucked out of the woman. Science is fascinating.

  • Workplace dictatorship.
  • human resources (department) is for punishing the human resources (employees).

  • Be yourself and be true to who you are. Don't let neurotypical conditioning define your identity.
  • Just to be clear, something is called a disorder when it affects your ability to do everyday things.

  • question about innovation

    What are some innovative ideas to come out of conservatism in recent years? Could you provide me with examples of policies coming from the conservative / republican party?

    question about safe spaces

    In leftist spaces, right-leaning ideas are challenged. In right-leaning spaces, leftists are banned and leftist ideas are censored. Why are conservatives opposed to the free marketplace of ideas?

    Serious question.

    Android Questions Dodecahedron December
    stop android from beeping on the hour every hour?

    I have a samsung galaxy s22 phone with android. I had a wear OS device that I paired with the phone but cannot now remember the passcode. Sometime around the time I paired my wear OS device and maybe due to an app I had installed on that device, my android now beeps on the hour, every hour, all hours of the day and night. It is a little annoying and it causes me to turn off my notifications and notification bell so that I am not constantly interrupted. Today it started beeping twice on the hour. I fear I may need to do a factory reset on the phone because i cannot stop this beeping. I have roughly 700 apps on my phone but few have notifications enabled. When I get a beep on the hour there is no notification, just the beep. My alarms are all disabled.

    Is there a way I can stop this without wiping everything on my phone and starting from scratch with a factory reset? I have factory reset my wearos device and re-paired it with my phone but the hourly beeps continue.

    Is “harvesting” small amounts of electricity a fools errand?

    Serious question from a beginner in electronics. For reasons I do not fully understand, I have become fixated on the idea of collecting small amounts of electricity from “interesting” sources. I don’t mean “free energy”, instead, I mean things like extracting a few mV from being so close to a AM radio tower using two tuned loop antennas in phase with each other, or getting a few mV from the rain’s kinetic energy with PTFE and using two electrodes which are shorted when a drop of rain hits it. In short, I’ve done small experiments to confirm that I can get a few mV and enough to get me excited but not much more. I know I’m not going to get much power out of this, but I’ve been able to charge a NiMH battery a few mV by being a quarter mile from an AM radio station with my antenna setup. It would be fascinating to me if I could store these small charges in something like a 5V USB power brick eventually.

    The smarter idea would be for me to harvest energy with the sun or from the wind or a stream. I’m tinkering with this as well, but larger amounts of electricity scare me for right now. I guess I’ve seen enough experimental sources of harvesting electricity and I’ve gotten the itch to invent, which is a dangerous itch for a newbie like me to have.

    The best advice I’ve seen online (ok, it was ChatGPT) is that it’s just not worth it to work with such small amounts of electricity, because the equipment required is too expensive and sophisticated (e.g, devices to read the charge of a capacitor without discharging it) to make anything that’s efficient enough to be worthwhile. Would you agree? Do you know of some other fascinating source of gathering electricity that I should also waste lots of time on?

    I just have all these electronic components and magnets and when I move them together the numbers on multimeter get bigger. it’s neat.

    rarely Dodecahedron December

    I try things on the internet.

    rarely, shit just works.

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