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You people still exist?!
  • Somehow, we do indeed still exist.

  • Please don't use Discord for FOSS projects
  • Hey, you're not gonna get me to disagree the new app is terrible. Ain't some sort of wild gotcha here.

    The fact of the matter is that even with the frog partially boiled it's still better than the alternative.

  • Please don't use Discord for FOSS projects
  • See my other comments. There is still no suitable alternative to Discord that is as good at it for making communities people can easily access. The loss is not solely in the messages that get locked away (sure that sucks too). It's the loss of the communities that can't exist on platforms like Matrix or IRC.

  • Please don't use Discord for FOSS projects
  • When the OP article was posted in 2021, Zulip didn't even have public access as an option. This basically would make it a non-starter for what the article author suggests it for, as that's worse (having to make an account everywhere) than Discord, Matrix or IRC.

    To be honest I don't have too much experience with Zulip or Rocket or all of these other new platforms, but my current default assumption is that they will always be designed foremost for organizations rather than the "I am in 20 communities I am somewhat active in[1]" like Discord. Matrix always seems like the better choice here... but it's got its own issues.

    I also don't put much regard into the author's word here because unironically suggesting IRC in 2021 means they're off their rocker.

    [1] I know you can only join like 100 servers without nitro ok.

  • Please don't use Discord for FOSS projects
  • I am fully aware why people go "Discord bad". But weak arguments like "you miss out on all the contributors that have too bad of a PC to run Discord" do not outweigh the fact that Discord is a million times better for building a community. You're suggesting to make the experience worse for 90% of people interested in a project to appease the <1%.

    I wish it didn't have to be this way, but it is.

  • Please don't use Discord for FOSS projects
  • I've evaluated Matrix multiple times, even tried to set up a homeserver once, and I can confidently say it's an unusable mess compared to Discord.

    If I wanted to set up a community like on Discord the experience would be worse than Discord 8-7 years ago. Is there a nice, GUI based system for managing permissions, administration and members in a group across 50 channels yet? No? Alright.

    Also every time I try to set up Element on another device it takes like 5 attempts to get it to stop spouting errors about E2E stuff, and then still fails to decrypt messages.

  • Please don't use Discord for FOSS projects
  • Ahhh, yet another "Discord bad" post. Let's see what alternatives they propose. After all, just telling me I made the wrong choice isn't productive right?

    There are great FOSS alternatives to Discord or Slack. SourceHut has been investing in IRC by building more accessible services like Other great options include Matrix and Zulip. Please consider these services before you reach for their proprietary competitors.

    Hahaha hahaha. Good fucking joke.

    There's a reason Discord is a million times more usable than all of those, and it's not just network effect.


    I'm well aware discord is going to enshittify itself eventually. It's inevitable. However quite frankly as long as that hasn't happened yet, it will remain by far the best option. I am not going to knee-cap my project by using a Discord "alternative" that barely works.

    The day Discord dies will be a massive loss for the internet. That hasn't happened yet. But it will. And it's not going to be a loss just because of all the communities locked in on it. It's going to be a loss because it's the best damn community chat software and there's no replacement.

  • Big Tech is extremely unimpressed by Apple’s EU App Store changes
  • The GPL has an exception for "system libraries" on this regard, but it's as handwavy as the rest of the license.

    The GPL isn't meant to be a real license, it's supposed to be a toxic waste bucket that companies don't want to interact with. This it succeeds at.

  • rule
  • 50 generations of inbreeding later:

  • It's joever | Tachiyomi
  • IANAL but since they used the word "threatened" instead of "I'm getting sued", no case is being filed.

    Pretty sure that if they were actually getting sued they'd already be radio silent.

  • Time is a rule circle
  • Please don't tell me it's actually been 5 years...

  • Singular they rule
  • As somebody whose primary language is Dutch, the lack of an explicit plural "you" is one of the worst things.

    If I'm talking to somebody, I can't nicely refer to a group they are part of, because "you" means they themself specifically, "y'all" makes me feel like engineer TF2, and "you people" sounds condescending.

  • Server replays are now available on Wizard's Den

    A while ago, we added support for replays into the game. Effectively, a recording of the game can be made on the server and client, which you can then play back later yourself, no server needed. The system is now fully automated server-side, meaning every game round is automatically recorded and ...

    Server replays are now available on Wizard's Den
    The transphobia stops now
  • What the fuck, transphobia on 196?

    Trans rights 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️

  • holy fucking bingle
  • Omg bingle

  • Is Windows 11 worth installing over 10?
  • Windows 11 is fine. It looks less ugly than Windows 10 and has some nice things like a properly organized settings menu (finally).

  • Why did Microsoft Build VSCode? Turns out, GitHub Copilot.
  • Yeah what the hell is this title.

    Why did Microsoft make VSCode? Well who knows, you can theorycraft about EEE all you want, and some of that may be true. The hard fact though is that VS Code replaced Atom with the sheer power of being way fucking better in every way and frankly good riddance. I am extremely glad to have a tool as good as VS Code at my disposal nowadays, something we didn't have 5 years ago.

  • Was anyone else surprised to see Kbin being written in PHP?
  • Yeah. People really should be allowed to make things in whatever technology they prefer, but at the same time I can't help but wince when I see infrastructure such as Mastodon or Matrix Synapse being written in slow inefficient languages like Ruby and Python.

    It's really bad for the strength of decentralized networks like Fedi when I have a friend telling me "I wish I didn't set up Mastodon because my tiny instance needs multiple gigabytes of RAM". I might have set up a Matrix homeserver myself by now if Synapse wasn't Python and notoriously slow. I immediately discarded Kbin as a choice (among other reasons) because it's PHP and Lemmy is Rust.

    Always easy to say "hindsight is 20/20", but still.

  • Was anyone else surprised to see Kbin being written in PHP?
  • To be honest, the "configuration is an executed .php file" system does make some amount of sense in the context of PHP. When your app has to re-run everything to serve a web request, having to re-load the config (especially if it's YAML, though JSON is less bad) is expensive. Re-running the PHP code, on the other hand, can be cached way better, in theory.

    Of course, this is still all PHP's fault in the end: the core problem here is that you need to re-run everything to serve a web request, without ability to pre-load state like configuration.

  • pjb PJB

    Developer on Space Station 14.

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