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Oh cool, a sword of detect evil
  • Yet here we are, and evil we are. Case closed

    You can go ahead and waste time beleaguering the point if you want. It's not gonna change the fact that humanity is inherently evil whether you like it or not.

    If it makes you feel better, it means I am evil too. Then again, so are you. We all are. It's just the natural state of being human.

  • What is it ?
  • Meh. I live alone and can tell you from a biological standpoint it's not healthy. People have to be around others because we are hardwired for it. Loneliness is more destructive than smoking a pack of cigarettes a day, and that's a hardwired consequence you can't get around with your worldview and moral outlook. Those who live alone live shorter lives on average.

  • Axiom Space partners with fashion house Prada to design Artemis 3 moon suits

    'It is a true celebration of the power of human creativity and innovation to advance civilization.'

    Axiom Space partners with fashion house Prada to design Artemis 3 moon suits
    Finally good use for AI - Nadja in the style of a Disney character
  • I don't understand why anybody would need an AI for something like that when artists literally do the same thing on Deviantart for kicks.

    And people pay money to use those AIs. Like tons of money. Hiring some asshole to draw it out would literally be cheaper than the big AI platforms.

  • News pinkdrunkenelephants
    B-but both sides
  • Okay, let me explain this to you like you are a four-year-old:

    Pointing out the idiosyncrasies in either country's culture is irrelevant to the discussion yet you did so and now defend doing it.

    You only brought up an issue in Ukraine's culture, none of Russia's.

    Therefore we know you are bringing up irrelevant shit in a biased way to make Ukraine look bad.

    Therefore you need to shut the fuck up.

  • Scientists just opened the lid to NASA’s asteroid sample canister

    "There is some black dust-like material that's visible. We're hoping that's from Bennu."

    Scientists just opened the lid to NASA’s asteroid sample canister
    Anon doesn't grasp rock, paper, scissors.
  • The OG Pokemon was so unbalanced and had such a huge bias in favor of Grass types that I legitimately don't understand why anybody would pick the other two unless they were doing a challenge run.

    And fire types SUCK SO BAD. They can't kill anything. They don't even do that much damage to the grass types who just Leech Seed them all to death.

  • In the lemmyverse?
  • How is the meme on the right non consensual? That lady is smiling in the photo and people from Africa are not fucking idiots. They know they're being photographed for National Geographic. She clearly does not give a fuck.

  • Incredible new moon images show Artemis 3 landing sites near the lunar south pole (photos)

    This striking composite shot appears in National Geographic Magazine's special space issue out on Sept. 19.

    Incredible new moon images show Artemis 3 landing sites near the lunar south pole (photos)
    You are diagnosed with cancer but have no money for treatment. You've no option but to steal the money somehow. What's your plan?

    Assume you're life-lusted and are willing to abandon every moral you have just to live. Paying for cancer treatment is also worth prison time to you.

    Also assume you've exhausted all ethical fundraising options, i.e. GoFundMe, loans, etc. and that insurance won't cover treatment for whatever reason.


    cross-posted from:

    > Webb finds molecule only made by living things in another world

    I Am A Total Piece Of Shit pinkdrunkenelephants
    Xitter revokes paid blue check from United Auto Workers after strike Musk’s X revokes paid blue check from United Auto Workers after strike called [Updated]

    After a report called out Musk's union-busting, UAW's blue check got reinstated.

    Musk’s X revokes paid blue check from United Auto Workers after strike called [Updated]
    Writing Prompts pinkdrunkenelephants
    [WP] You wake up in a strange place not knowing who you are, and unable to remember anything.
    Writing Prompts pinkdrunkenelephants
    [WP] You wake up in a strange place not knowing who you are, and unable to remember anything.
    Writing pinkdrunkenelephants
    [WP] You wake up in a strange place not knowing who you are, and unable to remember anything.
    Writing pinkdrunkenelephants
    [OT] Welcome to the Writing Sub =D

    Hello everybody and welcome to Lemmy's newest writing sub. Loosely based off of r/writing back on Reddit though with no official affiliation, this place is a place to post all of your written creations.

    As this place grows, we can do weekly activities like brainstorming sessions, theme days, whatever suits the sub's fancy.

    Oh, and we definitely need to do something for NaNoWriMo.

    Have fun and enjoy~

    I Am A Total Piece Of Shit pinkdrunkenelephants
    Unity adding a fee for devs for each time a game is installed, after certain thresholds Unity adding a fee for each time a game is installed

    Unity is adding a new charge for every time a game using the Unity Engine is installed, the company announced today. St…

    Unity adding a fee for each time a game is installed
    0 OSIRIS-REx asteroid probe heads toward Earth for Sept. 24 sample delivery

    OSIRIS-REx put itself on course for Earth with a crucial thruster firing on Sunday (Sept. 10).

    OSIRIS-REx asteroid probe heads toward Earth for Sept. 24 sample delivery
    I Am A Total Piece Of Shit pinkdrunkenelephants
    Ashton Kutcher is trending on Twitter because he defends his Scientologist rapist buddy from that 70s Show. Twitter is not happy

    cross-posted from:

    > ! > ! > ! > !

    I Am A Total Piece Of Shit pinkdrunkenelephants ‘They Treat Us Worse Than Animals’: Working Without Water at Amazon

    Exclusive: Amazon bosses forced staff at the company's Bristol warehouse to work without access to drinking water and toilets — the latest example of the company's hyper-exploitative employment practices.

    ‘They Treat Us Worse Than Animals’: Working Without Water at Amazon