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What's Lemmy reading?
  • I have fond memories of Dragonlance. Spent good part of my childhood reading every Dragonlance book I found from the library. The chronicles and the legends (the ones with the twins) were awesome.

  • Data Engineering perso
    Data Engineering perso Seamlessly Migrate Your Apache Parquet Data Lake to Delta Lake

    Learn how Delta Lake enhances query performance and provides ACID compliance over Apache Parquet data lakes.

    Seamlessly Migrate Your Apache Parquet Data Lake to Delta Lake
    Double bratt and sweet curry
  • Very nice!

  • What's Lemmy reading?
  • I forced myself to finish book 10 which is said to be the most boring one. Lost motivation to finish the series and still stuck at book 11. Still hoping to pick it up and finish the series one day.

  • What's Lemmy reading?
  • Read Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World by Haruki Murakami, and liked the dreamy atmosphere. Currently reading Kafka on the Shore by same author. Many people recommended Norwegian Wood so that is also on the reading list.