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How are you all planning to watch the 2024 Olympics?
  • I'm GOING to the Olympics this year. Totally stoked to travel to France. It is the only vacation my wife and I are taking this year.

  • After Initial Success, Helldiver’s 2 Has Lost 90% Of Its Players With No Signs Of Recovery
  • And other major expansions for elden ring and FFXIV released recently. There's potential overlap in the player base. 90% is a big dip though.

  • Hundreds of Coffee Products Recalled Nationwide for Potential Botulism
  • No, I have a subscription to Brandywine - they're based out of Wilmington, Delaware.

    It looks like what happened is that the roasters listed didn't inform the FDA properly of their roasting processes, which led the FDA to assume that the coffee may be a vector that is conducive to botulism.

    No cases were reported because of this, but the recall is out of an abundance of safety.

  • House Republicans' burning problem: 'We desperately need a place to smoke cigars'
  • It's a distraction from the fact that their candidate is a felon x34 (at minimum)

  • It's Friday, what are your plans for the weekend?
  • We just finished building a chicken coop and have 5 beautiful little chickens now! We're probably gonna spend some time in our back yard cleaning up the coop, letting the chickens roam the yard, and gardening.

    We got invited to a friend's house for a pool party, so we will probably hit that up. Family is in town from out of state, so we will probably have to rendezvous with them at some point (not really looking forward to that).

    I'm hoping to have some time to grind FFXIV before the new expansion comes out. I'm a few quests away from finishing Shadowbringer - I have less than 20 days until the release of Dawntrail and I'm pretty sure I'm not gonna be done with End walker by then, womp womp. Looking forward to the new classes and the graphics update.

  • [OC] A random building
  • OC as in stolen from Reddit. Pretty sad.

  • What's something weird and mostly useless that you can do with your body?
  • I can snap the tendon over my knuckles kinda hard to where it makes a popping/snapping sound. If I do it close to someone's cheek, it stings like releasing a tiny rubber band.

    I can also move my ears independent of one another.

  • Mexico Is So Hot, Monkeys Are Falling to Their Death From Trees
  • Comma at the wrong place in your title makes it confusing and hard to read

  • vore reader: brutalist rss reader
  • Wow, this is great. Thanks for sharing

  • Robert F. Kennedy Jr. sues Meta, citing chatbot’s reply as evidence of shadowban
  • Private company in what way? The company is publicly traded - there are rules and regulations that organizations have to abide by. it's not totally lawless current state ... They're legally beholden to shareholders to maximize value. They can do what they like but probably don't want them allowing certain folks to have a platform (moderating the platform). Meta uses the grey area to manipulate and addict users, that's just their business practice to drive value and generate views/engagement with their platform.

    Agree this dude is unhinged.

  • my dudes, here come dat boi
  • You want to know why I love dat boi? Dat boi is a completely self-made meme. So many other memes are based in nostalgic childrens shows, funny faces, relatable situations, or references. Not dat boi. Dat boi is completely absurd. It’s a low-res frog on a unicycle, and an arbitrary method for greeting him. The first person to ever upvote dat boi did not do so out of recognition. The first person to ever upvote dat boi did not do so because a pre-existing meme format. The first person to ever upvote dat boi upvoted a meme literally pulled from the ether by sheer human creativity and willpower. Dat boi is evidence that humans can stare into the meaningless void of eternity and force their own meaning onto to it. I will always upvote dat boi, o shit waddup!

  • Librem 5: A Practical Review
  • The Librem 5 is a Linux phone that the reviewer tried to use as their daily driver for a week. However, they found several issues that made it impractical for regular use including poor battery life, a subpar camera without basic features, and lack of compatibility with many popular apps. The reviewer also noted problems with the phone randomly powering off and convergence mode with the next dock being unstable. While the reviewer thought the Librem 5 was a cool device, they ultimately decided it was not ready to replace their main phone due to these limitations and instability issues. The reviewer expressed interest in reviewing other Linux phones if provided to them.

  • If Trump Wins... ?
  • Seppuku

    But for real idk. My wife is an obgyn and I'm Hispanic soooo I feel like we might be in danger.

  • Rapist Who Wanted Vice President Dead Compares Self to Navalny
  • Anyways - the way this webpage is laid out is weird and the ai picked up multiple stories, but the stories are all there if you bother to continue scrolling

  • TIL personal credit scores only started in 1989
  • Your social score has increased to: 🌟🌟🌟🌟

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