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Still saying sweet things to each other after all these years...
  • Well, I don’t think it will recognise words like fucking or Cunt oh well it does Cunt is even written capital.

  • How often had I overlooked women's contributions ?
  • Derek, halt! Unga unga, no cave cuddles now. Me check bone-calendar, unga bunga, big chance for baby bump. We wait, sky spirits nod-nod. Timing everything, unga!

    Sure, that was the way for woman to use a calender…

  • Bologna cup
  • Why is this mortadella without fat? A vegan one? Heresy!

  • This is extremely concerning for me . Thoughts ?
  • Yeah, it’s still a personal data and still considered as such under GDPR. And you’re asking the right questions: Even if a server is located outside the EU/EEA, and if it offers services to people in those regions (e.g., by providing english or german language), GDPR compliance is required. Practical implementation is a pain :)

  • This is extremely concerning for me . Thoughts ?
  • Yes, it does not cover anonymized data or data that does not relate to an identifiable individual. But, if your Lemmy account is associated with a real email address, your comments and account details can be considered personal data under GDPR. The GDPR defines personal data as any information related to an identifiable person who can be directly or indirectly identified, particularly by reference to an identifier such as an email address. Even if you use a pseudonym (fake name), the fact that the account can be linked back to your real identity through the email address makes the associated data (like your comments) subject to GDPR provisions.

  • "Tony Delivers" - just order your food and send him a screenshot
  • What’s up homie? I’m Tony. 🤠

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Knowledge hub? Personal knowledge hub?

  • Marker on photo paper
  • Reminds me of Judith Rothschild

  • "I Am Lord Voldemort" - 20 translations, which is your favorite?
  • What kind of translations are these? Even Google Translate can do better.

  • hey - trying to switch from Chrome to Firefox, what are your recommended extensions and/or quality of life addins, etc?
  • Oh right, there is this one is also currently installed, but hidden and never interacted with.

    Same functionality.

  • Russian Anti-War Activist Sentenced To Six Years In Prison For Internet Posts
  • At least she didn't jump out of the window 🌝

  • Recent Outages
  • When one mentions "Hetzner", it doesn't immediately evoke cloud services in the same vein as AWS, GCP, or Azure. For instance, while SAP offers "cloud" solutions, it might equate to a single server in Hannover. I hope this clarifies the context of my question :)

  • Recent Outages
  • Cloud is not an option?

  • Brennende Taube entzündet Böschung in Hanau
  • Tauben raus aus Deutschland!!1

  • pdnq Eames
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