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Why English Is So Hard To Learn
  • Well some of them are, like Polish and polish. I agree that different pronounciation is pretty exclusive, though.

  • Why English Is So Hard To Learn
  • Very nice! Fun fact: half of these homonyms work in neo-Latin languages, too.

  • military industrial publishing complex
  • The most important aspect is peer review. At least in physics, journals assign your paper to an Editor (a scientist), that may reject it directly if it is not scientific. If it is, they will send it to another scientist to read the work and (a) suggest rejection, (b) suggest accepting the work directly or (c) in the most common scenario accept the paper for publication after some revisions. The editor reads the review and the informs the author of the paper accordingly, and the story iterates until the work is fine for the reviewer. There can be more than one reviewer (a.k.a. referee). The editor is what the journal offers, together with some spell checking service before publication. Editors are payed, and referees only sometimes.

    There are notable, noble exceptions known as diamond open access journals, like my favourite: the Open Journal of Astrophysics

  • What are some features you would like to see in a Mastodon app?
  • This is really what I see missing. I am a reader more than a writer on Mastodon, and this is one of the major issues.

    Congrats for your work!

  • What are some features you would like to see in a Mastodon app?
  • Maybe it's already there, but I'd like to browse other instances without creating an account, similarly to the anonymous view of Eternity for Lemmy.

  • Crab Fit, an open source tool for group event planning (similar to When2Meet)
  • I'm using the public instance routinely, and it does the job well.

  • DivestOS non riesce più a coprire i costi e apre una raccolta fondi
  • (Quello di DivestOS, a quanto pare)

  • Kids with chattier parents are more talkative, may have bigger vocabulary
  • Well this is how science works, right? You formulate hypotheses, build expectations and finally test them. For example, the expected influence of more talkative parents would be erased by other factors, like (and this is a mere example) the exposition to sounds in the woumb.

  • Windows 11 KB5033375 December 2023 update breaks Wi-Fi in universities
  • Well, we know this feeling very well here

  • Why are there no playback controls in LibreOffice Impress?
  • I'm sure a lot of people will be infinitely thankful!!

  • Why are there no playback controls in LibreOffice Impress?
  • I saw a Libreoffice community but wasn't very active.. so I thought here I could find users of the software and experts on the possible technical issue. Hope this doesn't bother too much.

  • Why are there no playback controls in LibreOffice Impress?

    I'm a user of Impress, and I have a bunch of friends that have settled on it for their presentations, too.

    We are generally happy, but for the video side. When you insert a video in your presentation, there is no way to pause and rewind, look for a point of the video. It is a known issue, open for 10 years, and we were wondering if there is a fundamental reason or obstacle for this feature.

    A number chosen truly at random will have infinite digits
  • I think it's right


    TIL: when saying random numbers, some people think to integers, others to real numbers.

  • KleverNotes: Some news about the project!
  • Wow, this app looks promising!

  • L’app Temu in realtà è uno spyware aggressivo: la spiegazione approfondita
  • La cosa che mi disturba è che TEMU si sta diffondendo in ambienti esposti al problema della privacy: alcuni amici informatici e data scientist la usano con soddisfazione.

  • What less popular text editors do you like or should have a shout out more often? What stuff do you do with it?
  • Kate is my togo. With a terminal panel and latex->Unicode plugin is perfect for julia. I don't need it, but you can also set up its LSP client.

  • Sync Kate terminal with file position over ssh

    Hi everyone!

    I am using Kate happily, and I'd like to ask a question to experts: when I open a file over ssh, the terminal in Kate requires a manual connection. Is it possible to a) have it synced automatically, or b) use the same connection that Kate uses to open the files so that one does not need to insert the password again?

    Thank you :)

    LibreX non è più supportato?

    Ciao, per caso mi sono imbattuto in questa issue di LibreX In cui dicono che

    > Btw, LibreX is no longer maintained. Use Ahwxorg/LibreY

    Sapete se è vero? Mi trovo molto bene con LibreX e non vorrei smettesse i funzionare improvvisamente.

    Modifica: ultima frase.

    È meglio usare le app cloud o le app locali?

    Ciao a tutti, oggi ho avuto uno spunto interessante in una discussione con una collega. Vorrei chiedere il vostro parere a riguardo e, magari, se avete qualche link a riguardo.

    La questione è la seguente: è meglio usare per i propri documenti personali una soluzione locale come LibreOffice oppure una soluzione cloud come Google Documents / Drive? Nel caso, perché?

    Tra gli ambiti rilevanti del confronto penso ci siano l'impatto ambientale, la sicurezza e la privacy (credo si intuisca la mia posizione naive a riguardo).

    I documenti personali a cui mi riferisco includono ad esempio le presentazioni per i meeting o i documenti per gli appunti; trascurerei il caso d'uso in cui è necessario modificare in modo collaborativo.

    Jerboa avvisa che la versione server non è supportata

    Viene mostrato questo avviso ad ogni avvio. Comunque la sto usando per scrivere il post, quindi penso che funzioni, almeno in parte.


    Edit: ci soni alcuni problemi, per esempio ad ogni upvote si chiude l'app.

    panbroggi panbroggi

    Sono un dottorando in astronomia. Non sopporto le "questioni di orgoglio" e le "questioni di reputazione".

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