@damtux I think it should be designed for local stuff beforehand, if you try to fit this later on it doesn't always end in a good result. We are aiming for high quality in Paheko, that's why we are taking our time, and rely a lot on user feedback. The design and development is user-centric, and we are all using Paheko in our non-profits on a daily basis :)
@damtux Yes it's in the roadmap to be able to translate it, in a couple of years maybe :)
It would be a huge work, and we have many things to do before :)
Also I don't know anything on how accounting works in other countries, so not sure if the accounting part of Paheko (which is designed to follow the French way of doing things) would work very well for other countries, so I would need to research that in the first place :)
@damtux @galette Their website is here: https://galette.eu/site/
They already have some italian translations (27% translated).
Logiciel #libre de gestion d'#association simple, puissant et efficace. Depuis 2012 (ex-#Garradin).
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