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Don't forget where we came from and what shaped us as a species. The Jungle.
  • I’m vegetarian and my partner is vegan but neither of us are strictly against the “hunter and gatherer” approach.

    Where I live traditional hunting is almost nonexistent, but fishing and other ocean-based “hunting” (crabs, crays, oysters etc) is super popular. I’ve considered taking up spearfishing as it’s more intentional than throwing in a hook and dragging up whatever, and requires more (in my opinion) skill and nerve to pull off successfully. But even if I actually caught something the thought of cleaning it puts me off and I’d more than likely ruin it and waste a life for nothing.

    No issues with anyone that can fairly catch and prepare their own meat for themselves, but I’ll stick to my tofu and seitan for now.

  • Steve Irwin day
  • Long live the king

  • My Set Up For Work-From-Library Day
  • Love this. What is that e-ink looking device on the right? Looks super slick

  • otb otb
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