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‘A 1-year-old could get an abortion under this’ bill: far-right GOP lawmaker
  • In other words, this asshat thinks that 1-year-olds should be forced to carry a pregnancy to term.

  • Biden's memory is 'hazy' and 'poor,' says a special counsel's report raising questions about his age
  • I would suggest to compare them both when they talk or when they are in the public.

    It's like you've never watched a video of Trump speaking. You could go to Youtube right now and do that, if you weren't so busy bending over backwards to defend Trump.

    You definitely win the most dishonest argument of the day award.

  • Biden's memory is 'hazy' and 'poor,' says a special counsel's report raising questions about his age
  • “He did not remember, even within several years, when his son Beau died.”

    This one just pisses me off. It's framed so dishonestly.

    I can recall extremely specific things about when people I know died. What the weather was, what I was wearing, what video game I was playing when I heard the news, and so on. But I couldn't necessarily pull the right year out of my brain without checking. Or necessarily even the date for some people.

    I promise that Biden remembers the death of his son in whatever specific way is meaningful to him. It might not be "on this day/month/year." It might be "on a Tuesday" or might be "a cold snowy day when I was baking bread." I have no idea. But this just isn't how memory works, and it's hurtful, evil even, to print something that dishonest. It boils my blood to read such dishonest reporting.

  • McDonald's is promising 'attention to affordability' after the price of Big Mac meals hits $18
  • The Big Mac set in Japan is ¥750 right now.

    And Burger King is even cheaper.

    It baffles my mind that people would pay $18 USD for that shit. I visited the US last year and while prices in general had definitely gone up since the last time I was there, there is absolutely no justification to pay $18 for McDonald's. It's crazy.

  • Gina Carano suing Disney and Lucasfilm over Mandalorian firing with help from Elon Musk
  • Crybaby fascist Republicans: "Cake shops shouldn't have to do business with people they don't like!!!"

    Also crybaby fascist Republicans: "Disney should have to do business with me no matter what I say or do!!!"

    I can't wait to see Disney counter-sue these fuckers for this ridiculousness.

  • China is reportedly scrubbing the internet of negative coverage of its economy
  • So you decided to make a pro-China anti-US argument by linking to a flat-earther meme?

    You alright there?

  • Republican hits Clarence Thomas with. lawsuit over his taxes
  • Isn't this Castro the same guy who keeps suing to block Trump from getting on the ballot? He's nothing but a clown doing this for attention. These aren't serious lawsuits, and if anything they end up hurting the cause more than anything, by making a mockery of the situation and making it harder for legitimate complaints to get the attention they deserve.

  • People are worried that AI will take everyone’s jobs. We’ve been here before.
  • There’s no new jobs for horses after the combustion engine was invented to do physical labor

    Bingo. And this time we're the horses.

  • People are worried that AI will take everyone’s jobs. We’ve been here before.
  • I doubt that stores will only have one employee

    It's already here, my dude. Not every store, but some are doing this now. It's just a question of how fast it will spread.

  • People are worried that AI will take everyone’s jobs. We’ve been here before.
  • IT guy here, I am not that worried about AI

    That's pretty much because you're an IT guy. You're in an industry that AI won't replace any time soon.

    If you were a cashier, or a stock clerk, or a busboy, you should be terrified by AI. The speed at which those jobs are already vanishing is astounding. The other day I was at a restaurant, and I never interacted with a human. The ordering was done by touch panel at my table, the food was delivered to the table by a robot and I paid at an automated terminal. I don't know how many staff were on duty but it had to be a fraction of what it would have been a decade ago. I bought clothes last week and there was one employee in the store, overseeing the self-checkout lanes (but really just sitting idly by in case anyone had issues). I read an article yesterday about how robots are now being distributed to convenience stores that can clean, stock, and reorder items, so these shops will pretty soon have only one employee in them.

    The gimmicky shit that your browser AI and chatbots can do is nothing compared to how this is already revolutionizing the world.

  • "Korea Is the World's Most Depressing Country"…an honest travelogue of a famous American writer
  • The author wasn't making a logical argument, so there's no need to address his "logic."

    He's a tourist who spent some time in a foreign country, and came to some very sweeping, rash conclusions about an entire country's culture. It's shallow, judgmental, and tragically commonplace among self-centered tourists who think they can understand an entire culture after 2 weeks living in a hotel on someone else's dime. I am so done with the "white dude waxes philosophical about Asian country" trope.

  • "Korea Is the World's Most Depressing Country"…an honest travelogue of a famous American writer
  • "It is the result of Korea maximizing the bad points of Confucian culture and the shortcomings of capitalism."

    "In Confucian culture, there are no individuals....

    "In Confucian culture, we do not try to empathize with mental health problems...

    "When you learn Korean culture...

    I love when tourists (let's be real: rich, white, American tourists) visit a country and come back a fucking expert on the culture, filled with all the judgmental wisdom to dish out why that culture is inferior to their own.

    Fuck this clown and his "wisdom."

  • Japan bomber may have been found after 50 years
  • It's going to be weird not seeing his face on every police box in the country anymore.

  • Dungeons & Dragons turns 50 this year, and there’s a lot planned for it
  • THAC0 is just subtraction instead of addition. I'll never understand the hate it got.
    I have no problem with ascending armor classes and attack bonus. The math is the same. It's easy and intuitive. But if you're having issues subtracting whole numbers less than 20, you've got a problem bigger than the wrong game system.

  • Conservatives Are So Scared of Diversity They’re Starting to Boycott ‘Woke’ Airlines
  • Crybaby right wing Karens boycotting airlines is like the best news ever.

    Airlines could use this as a marketing point. "Fly Such-and-such Airlines, we're boycotted by Nazis!"

  • 44% of Americans can't pay an unexpected $1,000 expense from savings. ‘We're just not wired to save,’ expert says
  • Yeah that jumped out at me too. What a privileged bunch of crap to spew.

    Our brains are instead programmed to focus on our immediate needs.

    Yes, we are "programmed" to buy things that we need to live, like food, shelter, and medicine. I'm pretty sure most people would save if they fucking could. You'd think that "a certified financial planner and expert in financial psychology and behavioral finance" could come up with something a bit better than another avocado-toast-like victim blaming.

  • Witcher 4 could enter production this year, multiplayer being considered for Cyberpunk 2
  • Unless theyre scrapping 2077s engine and starting over completely in a different engine for Cyberpunk 2.

    They previously (last year or so) said this was their plan.

  • Trump? Biden? No thanks as voter interest in 2024 is already waning
  • Thanks for taking the time to read it and for responding!

  • Looking for help setting up an alternative to DuckDNS

    Hi all.

    I've got an old server PC that I use as a home server. Since my IP address sometimes changes due to my internet provider, I've been using DuckDNS and this DuckDNS crontab to keep the IP address up to date. But I've been having issues with DuckDNS not working reliably lately, and I thought that since I have a couple of domain names that I'm not using, I might try using one of those instead.

    Problem is, I don't know where to start, either to get the domain pointing to my IP address, or to keep it updated when my provider changes my IP address.

    Does anyone know of a guide that can walk me through this?

    Why is kbin so full of empty stuff?

    I'm not asking to be snarky or anything... I'm subbed to plenty of magazines that I enjoy reading.

    It's just that the front page has the "random magazines" section, and the top bar is full of a seemingly random list of unrelated magazines... and 99% of what shows up in these two places is just empty. They seem like magazines that were made as placeholders and have been sitting empty for 6 months.

    These two spots seem like prime real estate that should be filled with useful subs; or at least that magazines under a certain threshold ought to be filtered out of these locations to keep them relevant.

    Or am I missing something?

    osarusan osarusan
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