I thought this had come out already? All the garbage is blurring together.
I'm only acquainted with her being a TERF. Is she a tankie, as well? That seems like an unlikely ideology for a billionaire to espouse.
I love how blasé this cat is. My dogs lose their shit when I sweep, let alone vacuum.
Was gifted a copy of Canopy a few months back. Played through the first game before we realized that there weren't any "middle" tree trunk cards (there are only tree bases and canopies, and you're supposed to overlap the base cards to make your trees taller).
Then, I promptly forgot all about it until nearly the end of the second game. Damned jungle.
I felt left out, but I just got one. Hilarious.
If it can make it through 5 training jumps, sure! Honestly, the little jumps they make you do on practice equipment hurt more than landing with a (functional) parachute. I'm just glad they weren't using the towers when I went through; those seemed like a terrible idea.
I tried to get into Fallout 4 for the second or third time recently, and have just given up, and uninstalled it. It's the simplified dialogue that ultimately robs it of any meaning for me. Nobody has anything very interesting to say, and the player just has a few one-word prompts to respond with. I don't suppose that's any different in Fallout: London? I imagine they'd have had to go to unreasonable lengths to change it.
His chief weapon was surprise, iirc. That's all, just surprise.
This is from Waterworld, right? Troublingly relatable.
Yeah, probably safest to stock up on onions now, so you won't be caught out. I always keep some on standby for this kind of thing.
I dunno, man, I think KQ6 beats Fate of Atlantis. QFG4 as well, and one or two Space Quest games. I could go on, but that seems sufficient to disprove your thesis!
I'm actually with you on the hot air balloon thing.
The single-player NWN used 3rd edition. I played a lot of NWN2, which was based on 3.5.
Samesies. I think it didn't help that I played the sequel first. It's just really damned dated. Some older games age really well, but NWN did not.
Is it a big commercial failure? I noped out of the series after seeing the direction they went with Inquisition, but I haven't really seen any negative press about it. Kinda seems like the article's just trying to stir up some shit
They're just more people who've fallen victim to a well-funded propaganda campaign. Not much different than trumpets—in fact, they share many talking points! Amusingly, both groups would be offended by the comparison.
I do, too, and sadly I've yet to fly on one! I wonder how much TaleSpin has to do with this.
I had similar feelings about this post. Reminds me of a pansexual family member of mine who claims that everyone is pansexual, really, if they just get over their hang-ups. I'm all for people being who they want to be, and feeling free to express themselves. I dislike the patronizing implication that if I don't want to wear a crop-top and skirt, it's because I'm not sufficiently enlightened or liberated.
I don't think that was at all OP's intent, to be clear—just thinking out loud as it were. I appreciate your thoughtful response.
Yeah, I don't worry too much about my GD builds being "end-game viable", I just like finding combinations that are fun to play, and there are enough unique item sets and abilities to keep me entertained for a while. I'll check out Last Epoch—looks like it might be up my alley!