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Anon earns a nickname
  • It's a paraphrased quote from a TV show

  • Anon earns a nickname
  • 2% milk is just water that is lying about being milk.

  • I’m not surprised Air Canada
  • Could it be that they donate via some kind of loophole? Air Canada certainly operates in the US and has American employees, can't they collect contributions through PACs?

  • Irrational
  • The premise here is completely wrong.

  • All aboard Santa's Cookie Tram!!
  • This appears to be in Miskolc in eastern Hungary. The capital Budapest also has a decorative Christmas tram.

  • Mozilla Welcomes Anonym: Privacy Preserving Digital Advertising
  • I wonder if the process is open source or we just take their word that it's privacy preserving. Anyway, privacy is not the only problem with online advertising, so I'm not going to give up adblocking any time soon.

  • Map of Every Chinese City
  • It's exaggerated but yes, this map really reminds me of many large Chinese cities. It's probably true every major city has a People's Square. I think the map is based on Beijing.

  • Question about interest calculation (mortgage)
  • Ah, that is the answer! 🙏

    Indeed, it was the semi-annual compounding and effective interest rate that threw me off.

  • Question about interest calculation (mortgage)

    I don't seem to understand something regarding how interest is paid on a mortgage. Say the loan is for $100,000 at a 5% rate for 10 years, paid monthly.

    I would think that on the first month, the interest I have to pay $100,000 × (0.05 ÷ 12) = $416.67. However the mortgage calculator says that the first payment is actually $412.39. While it's not a huge difference, it's a difference nonetheless and I can't really figure out where it comes from.

    My intuition is that it's somehow related to the fact that interest is compounded daily, but when I take r = 0.05 ÷ 365 and N = 365 × 10 payments (keeping leap years in mind for later), and calculate the first 30 days, I get $409.70, and the first 31 days give $423.32. I guess that the "actual" number is some kind of weighted average since the calculator doesn't ask at which month your loan starts.

    So where is this $412.39 coming from? In reality when paying a mortgage, do you see the interest fluctuating as it decreases, depending on the number of days every month?

    just bought a Nanode 1GB from Linode
  • Also note that if it's just for personal use, you don't have to have a domain for HTTPS. You can self sign, or create your own certificate authority, you just need to clients to trust it. But domains can be cheap or even free, so it's better to get one so you don't have to specially configure your devices.

  • Socrates
  • A guy came from the future, using time travel technology, and the achievement he touts is simply going to the moon?

  • Star Trek: Prodigy Season 2 Beams to Netflix on July 1
  • Where there's a will, there's a way 🇨🇦🏴‍☠️🇨🇦

  • Le croque monsieur - French cuisine
  • Don't overdo it with the cheese 😆

  • Why Detmer & Owosekun Were Missing From Star Trek: Discovery Season 5 Explained By Showrunner
  • These two had the misfortune of being in the grey zone between background and supporting characters. It's fine for a show not to focus on the bridge crew (who's at the helm on the Cerritos?) but Detmer and Owosekun got a raw deal because sometimes it seemed like they were gonna have some character development. Like in season 3 that Detmer had this bizarre beef with Stamets out of nowhere, and that was probably the only episode where she got more than a couple of lines.

    I'm not surprised that the actresses chose their other projects (they were probably at the bottom of the totem poll of the show in terms of pay).

    I probably wouldn't have noticed they were missing, but in episode 3 Michael introduced Rayner to the crew and said "You'll meet Owosekun, Detmer and the rest of the crew in a little bit", and then later Tilly said "I'll send Commander Owosekun in", off screen of course. Lame.

  • When someone asks why I'm playing the Discovery finale at 1/4 speed.
  • For years now I haven't watched a Discovery episode at less that x1.2, and at the worst parts I speed it up to x2.0.

  • My noob KDE desktop (first time using Linux for real)
  • Very nice. I've been daily driving KDE for 20 years and only changed the default wallpaper once or twice.

  • Learn long and prosper: U of T’s Fisher Library becomes ‘eternal archive’ on Star Trek: Discovery
  • On behalf of UofT, what an honour /s

    It caught me by surprise. When they filmed the short trek some years ago there was a university-wide email about filming going on, but this time nothing.

    Both DSC and SNW are filmed in Toronto, and we've seen landmarks from the city before (e.g. Aga Khan Museum, Ontario Place); and of course "Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow" took place entirely in the city in the 2020s and featured it heavily.

  • LaTeX coffee stains
  • Ha, I superficially know the creator irl.

  • What is a song you wanted to find again for a long time, but it gave you no clear clue about how to search for it?
  • I had the tune to Men of Harlech stuck in my head for almost 20 years, then I randomly watched a video about Wales that used it, and I was able to make the connection from there.

  • Shatner's "do over" of the Veridian III death scene on Kimmel

    I recommend watching the whole interview, it's hilarious.

    Anybody at CppNorth this week?

    Pretty interesting talks, especially focusing on safety.

    Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Toronto episode

    The picture is from very early in the episode, I'm trying not to spoil it to anybody. The new Star Trek show "Strange New Worlds" just released an episode that mostly takes place in present-day (more-or-less) Toronto, with familiar city sites in almost every scene. It's a pretty good episode for Kurtzman-era Trek, although it's hard to concentrate on the plot as Torontonians.

    observantTrapezium observantTrapezium
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