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kids would rather have subscriptions and in-game currency [children of the ages 10-17, with 59% of girls and 86% of boys plan to ask for video game gifts for the holidays (not actual videogames]
  • Did the same for FFXI but game cards didn't exist so I had to beg for my dad's cc number which was a huge deal in 04.

    I keep telling my family to just give me steam cards for Christmas but they don't like giving gift cards cause there's "no thought" but don't understand that I don't buy physical games anymore.

  • Subsidies to rich seniors make no sense
  • I don't want it if I don't need it. Considering where this country is at with housing, education, transportation, food, etc. I think those billions going to well off seniors rather than back into communities that will make life better for everyone is fucked.

  • Pro-Palestinian protesters disrupt Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade
  • We've just started celebrating Truth and Reconciliation Day on Sept 30 in Canada but I don't think anyone but the First Nations and the try hard use the day for any kind of truth or reconciliation. I played video games all day myself. Not sure if the day itself had any historical significance, we still celebrate Thanksgiving in October.

  • They knew all the wicked hits
  • I'm pretty sure the band had an actual name, I've suppressed the hundreds of hours of bullshit skits and bad cover songs I had to listen to when I worked there so I can't remember what they were called but I remember all their names .

    Left to right: Charles, Helen, Munch, Jasper, Pasquale.

  • Eby says governments must step up on housing, can't rely on private sector
  • I've been pretty happy with him as a premier who far. Seems like he's the only politician right now who's actually doing anything substantial to fix the issues we have. The cities are crying right now and that's a good thing.

  • Homeowners Refuse to Accept the Awkward Truth: They’re Rich - Owners of the multi-million-dollar properties still see themselves as middle class, a warped self-image that has a big impact on renters
  • What's the statscan definition of homeowner? Aren't myself and my partner considered owners because we live with my parents in their house, so there are 4 "homeowners" living in the house.

    I could be wrong but I remember reading what they consider a homeowner does not match what common sense says it is. Please point me in the direction of something if I'm wrong, I've tried looking but can't find anything.

  • Public support for carbon tax waning quickly
  • Public transit is viable if it means you're commute is faster. There will always be people with an excess amount of money but why do we give a shit what they want, they are a demographic who doesn't need support. Better public transit for those who can't afford to drive means less cars on the road for those who need to or choose to drive which means faster commutes for everyone. It's a win win situation but people are too short sighted to see that.

    Cities, provinces, and the feds have the money to build out our public transit infrastructure they just don't want to because it means more work and a chance they will lose votes. Much like parent of the child who wants to eat candy for dinner, the gov't needs to step up and act like the leaders they claim they are, and not roll over like some weak ass parent who is scared of their kids. Vancouver Island, where I live, has a rail corridor going from Courtenay to Victoria that could realistically serve the majority of the islands population yet the municipalities refuse to look at it because the people who vote (seniors) think it's a waste of money, don't want change at the end of their lives, and have all the free time in the world to organize, to write letters to politicians, to go on media campaigns, etc.

    Also, I find it laughable that you think I have a me first mentality for not wanting to waste 5 hours of my day commuting when my government refuses to give me a real alternative. If the rail corridor was open and I still chose to drive then sure, that's valid criticism. Until I can move closer to my job (doubtful with $2000+/month for a 2 br) or there's a viable alternative that doesn't mean I lose all agency in my life to save $20 a month then I'm going to continue to drive and if the govt wants me to stop because they "care about the environmental impact" then they can do their job and uphold the public interests and give me and everyone else on the island a real, practical, and economic alternative to driving. This is no different than blaming the consumer about all the plastic bottle waste instead of regulating the industry that produces them.

  • Public support for carbon tax waning quickly
  • Adding a cost to driving will force people to reconsider their habits and when enough people have to change, we can demand the city do better with transit. Right now, if you have money, you will not take public transit. It doesn't make sense for people with money and poor people have no choice to take public transit.

    And if there is no viable alternative for then to turn to they will not change their minds. We build the infrastructure first, and change the public's mind second with improved commute time, more money in their pocket, etc. I'd rather not wait several years after the public has finally got it through their "me first mentality" to start the decades long process of expanding our pathetic transportation infrastructure to bring us to s21st century standard. We are a half a century behind countries in Europe and Asian in regards to our transit infrastructure, the best time to build it was 50 years ago, the second best is today not in 5 years when driving a car is no longer possible for the majority of people.

    I could take the bus to work, but it turns my 2hrs of driving a day into 5 hours of commuting. I would never give up my car until that option is viable, and that's not going to happen until we have the infrastructure to make it viable.

  • Public support for carbon tax waning quickly
  • The alternative to the status quo is the incentive to change. If you build the transit and make it a viable alternative in terms of costs and time, people will take it: millennials, gen z, and soon gen alpha aren't driving at the rate of previous generations for many reasons, they want public transit but they are forced to drive. If cities actually start to prioritize public and active transit infrastructure improvements over those for single occupancy vehicles in a meaningful way people will take them. This is one of those candy for dinner scenarios where the public wants what they want without understanding why it's not good for them and the gov't needs to step up and do what's right instead of caving to the pressure.

  • More small-scale, multi-unit homes coming to B.C., zoning barriers removed More small-scale, multi-unit homes coming to B.C., zoning barriers removed | BC Gov News

    The Province is introducing new housing legislation to deliver more small-scale, multi-unit housing for people, including townhomes, triplexes and laneway homes, and fix outdated zoning rules to help build more homes faster.

    More small-scale, multi-unit homes coming to B.C., zoning barriers removed | BC Gov News

    The Province is introducing new housing legislation to deliver more small-scale, multi-unit housing for people, including townhomes, triplexes and laneway homes, and fix outdated zoning rules to help build more homes faster.

    “Anyone looking for a place to live in a community they love knows how hard it is – and outdated zoning rules are making that even harder,” said Premier David Eby. “Constructing mostly high-rise condo towers or single-family homes means B.C. isn’t building enough small-scale multi-unit homes that fit into existing neighbourhoods and give people more housing options that are within reach. That’s why we’re taking action to fix zoning problems and deliver more homes for people, faster.”

    My doggos living their comfiest lives

    I don't know how to add multiple images so here are the other two



    Eyebleach oʍʇǝuoǝnu
    My three dogs having a little snuggle

    Left to right: Viktor, Joe, Chloe

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