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LineageOS 21 now officially supports the Nintendo Switch
  • In what world would enhancing a product warrant a cease and desist, lol

  • Uncle Dad voted for him right before he went to get the meth from Aunt Grandma!
  • And posts like this one alienate them even further and simply confirm what they're told, that the educated elites hate them

  • Election: Poll results for small parties?
  • 0.5% gets you seats in German system?

  • It's gonna be so good!
  • Unless it's in a quiche, meringue, casserole or on pastry

  • Start a bonus rumor?
  • If they didn't plan to give you one, they still won't. If they'd considered, then perhaps this could tilt that a little bit in your favour

  • Side of bed debate - Which side is left?
  • Obviously the perspective of lying on the bed face-up. Though I may be biased because our bed is next to the window (feet side) so you can't look at it form the foot of the bed -- either from the side or behind our heads

  • Dunes vs Star Wars
  • Which doesn't change the fact that the new movies are snoozefest

  • Zapomniałem hasła do telefonu: jak zrzucić dane na kompa?
  • O ile wiem, nie. Jak się zapomina hasło do telefonu? Tak rzadko używasz?

  • Zapomniałem hasła do telefonu: jak zrzucić dane na kompa?
  • Jeśli Android, to hasło/pin/wzór odblokowania jest tożsamy z szyfrowaniem pamięci. Nawet tryb recovery wymaga podania go do uzyskania dostępu do /data. Jak iPhone to nie wiem

  • USB tunneling
  • I'm European but I'm an English second language speaker, so that may be the reason I use this words that way. However wikipedia for example calls the male part the plug and the female the receptacle as well

  • USB tunneling
  • Exactly

  • USB tunneling
  • Plug is on the male part on the cable. Receptacle is the female part on the device

  • USB tunneling
  • The "empty" half of the plug (with the two hollow squares) is either at the top or on the right in 99% of cases. Once you realize that you barely ever have to flip it even one time.

  • Cylinder O'Neilla
  • Mem memem, ale to nie jest 4600 km, prędzej 4600 metrów

  • An pdf to epub converter
  • @Blaze is right, that most people's personal computer scope of usage doesn't reach far beyond scrolling through Facebook and paying bills once a month. A phone is perfectly well fit for that. Tech-savvy nerds of Lemmy such as myself or you have more requirements and scenarios where they need a more comfortable, powerful and capable device.

  • flashing ROM, is it that easy?
  • If you're only interested in flashing the European version of MIUI/HyperOS then yes, it's very much straightforward and I can see this device is supported.

    If you however want to install a custom rom (LineageOS based) then it's bit more complicated.

  • flashing ROM, is it that easy?
  • Yep. Honestly, Xiaomi is my go-to to recommend to people looking for a budget hackable device. But if you have $700 on hand then Pixel is a way more sensible choice

  • An pdf to epub converter
  • It's infuriating how fast we went from "if you have a computer because you can afford one at all" to "if you have a computer because you even bother to use one in the age of smartphones"

  • Dawanie koperty na wesele

    Czy koperta z pieniędzmi wręczana po ślubie powinna być anonimowa, czy zostawia się kartkę z życzeniami która ustali tożsamość wręczającego?

    Has Gboard started changing languages by itself for anyone?

    I've been using gboard for a very long time and I use it in four total languages. English is my second language, and my second keyboard setting, one which I use very rarely because I usually type in English using my native Polish setting (with multilanguage input enabled).

    Since last week gboard has started automatically switching to English input between apps. This happens for all apps and seemingly on random. I would use the PL+EN keyboard in Sync, then switch to Signal and it would be English (making me unable to type in Polish). I then change it manually to PL+EN, go to Messenger and it would be English again.

    Any thoughts? This is especially weird because I have yet another two language settings which it never goes to, so it's not like it cycles through, but rather switches precisely to English.

    And before anyone says there are alternative keyboards: yes, there are, but none of them allows swipe typing, mixed multilanguage input and Chinese zhuyin at the same time :/

    Jak się odnaleźć na rynku pracy po studiach?

    Pytanie w nagłówku sformułowane bardzo ogólnie, ale ten post jest "pół na pół" rantem i płaczem o pomoc.

    Niedawno przemęczyłem magisterkę, obroniona kilka tygodni temu. Od 2019 roku z przerwami pracuje w dziesięcioosobowym januszeksie; zajęcie mało rozwijające, bardzo odlegle związane ze studiami, ale płacą bez tragedii (przeliczając na etat wychodzi mi 6k), pracuję kiedy chcę i mogę zdalnie, dobrze mi się to łączyło ze studiami w trybie dziennym.

    Od listopada, kiedy miałem już napisane gro magisterki, zacząłem szukać pracy w czymś ambitniejszym, co łączyłoby moje wykształcenie (dwa kierunki bo różne lic i mgr) i cztery lata doświadczenia w tymże januszeksie. Do dziś odpowiedziałem na 56 ofert z pracuj\.pl (według ich licznika, a on chyba nie uwzględnia formularzy zewnętrznych?), nie otrzymałem ani jednego telefonu. Z tych 56 wysłanych CV otrzymałem 4 odpowiedzi negatywne mailowe i 2 po prostu odrzucone przez pracuj\.pl.

    Wśród tych 4 odpowiedzi negatywnych mailowo trzy z nich były na to samo stanowisko. Mianowicie pewna duża, globalna korporacja o której na 100% słyszeliście i korzystaliście z jej usług miała ofertę wpisującą się w 99% w moje wykształcenie, znajomość języków i doświadczenie. Z wymogów spełniałem 10 z 11 i wszystkie trzy "mile widziane" -- wszystko to wynika z mojego CV i opisałem w liście motywacyjnym. W oczekiwaniach finansowych wpisałem 7,5k licząc, że jak januszeks mi płacił szóstkę, to globalne korpo zapłaci mi odrobinę więcej.

    Pierwsza aplikacja tam była na początku grudnia. Pod koniec grudnia dostałem odpowiedź negatywną, ale zauważyłem, że ogłoszenie na pracuju jest odświeżone, czyli dalej poszukują kogoś. Złożyłem drugi raz i po około tygodniu kolejny raz mnie odrzucili. 7 stycznia to samo ogłoszneie pojawiło się trzeci raz, więc znowu złożyłem i dziś kolejny raz dostałem odmowę. Jednocześnie wyszukałem to stanowisko i wczoraj znowu odświeżyli to ogłoszenie. Czyli ten wakat wciąż tam jest, a mnie, spełniającego wszystkie poza jednym wymogami z jakiegoś powodu uparcie nie chcą nawet zaprosić na zdalną rozmowę.

    Pozostałe 50 ofert milczy. Mam powoli dosyć kiszenia się w tym januszeksie, zwłaszcza że muszę powoli zabierać się za dorosłość, brać kredyt/wynajmować mieszkanie i zakładać rodzinę. W tej chwili mieszkam z dziewczyną w lokalu odziedziczonym, który mam do dyspozycji jeszcze tylko półtora roku. Trochę kończą mi się pomysły na życie, nie wiem co mam robić. Rozważałem doradztwo zawodowe, ale szczerze wątpię, żeby byli w stanie powiedzieć mi coś, czego nie wiem; zarejestrowałem się w biurze karier mojej alma mater (zero ofert pod moje doświadczenie i wykształcenie). Ojciec sugeruje pośredniak. Jak myślicie, co powinienem robić?

    Holy shit Android 14 is really bad

    No combined notification+ringer volume control? No non-dismissable notifications? No disabling of the bottom search bar? fair point this is launcher issue What the fuck is that shit?!

    What should I know buying a Switch in 2024?

    My previous game system was a Wii U which I homebrewed. Also had a Wii many years ago. I'm considering a Switch to play TOTK (completed botw on Wii U) and Just Dance for my girlfriend. What should I take into account when picking a system?

    I'm kind of lost in all the variants and shit. Is OLED the only current model? Do they vary in performance or merely the screen type? Are second-hand devices which come with digital games locked to the original user account? Is it risky to buy second-hand? Can game cartridges be moved between systems and sold freely? Is the joystick drift still a thing? Is homebrewing a thing? Do cartridges carry save files like in NDS? Are digital releases generally cheaper than physical? Does it accept any usb type c charger? Does it work with usb type c hubs with hdmi output or does it require the docking station? Is online play (in mario kart for example) still free to access like it was on Wii and Wii U or did they move to subscription system?

    Poor video playback quality on Kodi

    I recently started using Kodi for my linux distro collection, but some videos look terrible in comparison to when played in VLC. See attached picture with screengrabs from VLC and Kodi of the same frame in an MKV 1080p h.265 file. What could be the issue? I didn't change any video settings in either

    Is it possible to clone and replace an SD card and make the device think nothing changed?

    I'm considering updating from a 128GB to 512GB card. Normally, the procedure would to be create a disk image and restore it to the new card. I'm a bit skeptical of this process being this straightforward; in fact, I think this will simply break stuff for many apps.

    I have several of my apps point to a folder on the card for data storage or backup, and the path includes what I believe is the serial number of the card -- it's an 8 character code of mostly digits and two upper score letters. This, I believe, will not carry over to the new card, therefore probably forcing me to format it and making me unable to access existing data. I can work with doing to connections all over, because it's 10 apps at most that do automatic backups on the card, but I have previously had problems with Android devices forcing card formatting despite the correct file system. The thing I'm mostly scared about is YouTube Music encrypted library

    Does anyone here have experience doing so?

    Can't edit own posts after the last update

    [BUG] unable to edit posts --- Sample description Unable to edit posts

    Scenario (steps to reproduce)**

    1. Find any own post, either on your profile page or feed
    2. Click [...]
    3. No way to Edit

    Result(s) Unable to edit previously posted posts. You can though edit comments, the option is still there. I think this happened after the last update

    Device information

    Sync version: v23.11.29-22:27 Sync flavor: googlePlay

    View type: Slides

    Device: sweet Model: Xiaomi Redmi Note 10 Pro Android: 13

    What's the catch with Motorola Edge 30 Neo? Motorola Edge 30 Neo specs

    Motorola Edge 30 Neo specifications - Display: 6.3 inches P-OLED; Camera: 64 MP (OIS, PDAF); Processor: Qualcomm Snapdragon 695 SM6375 (6 nm); RAM: 6GB; Battery: 4020 mAh

    Motorola Edge 30 Neo specs

    It's actually compact, cheap, has oled, in-screen fingerprint reader, stock Android, NFC, Snapdragon SOC, supports GSI and has unlockable bootloader. Seems like a perfect phone (well except nonexpandable storage), so what's the catch?

    Finding duplicate entries by several criteria

    I have a csv file of orders from a business I run the web shop for, around 30 thousand entries total. I would like to FIND all entries which have a duplicate in the base: same customer, same total due amount and placed on the same day (some customers make repeating orders but over longer timeframe).

    I found a help article regarding removing duplicate values, but it doesn't really apply to my situation, because I want to remove UNIQUE values.

    How would I go about that?

    AmITheAsshole nudny ekscentryk
    AITAH for skipping a line of women to access men's toilet?

    edit: I am a man and the only man in this scenario

    This happened some time ago. I was driving and stopped on a gas station. probably for coffee and had to go pee. I saw a long queue of around fifteen to twenty exclusively 30-something girls, definitely bit older than me. They probably were a sports team, since there was a hired couch bus waiting outside and they were mostly wearing sweats. There were separate stalls for men and women (one each), so I went for the men's room. It turned out locked, so I stood just outside it. One of the girls in the queue said that the back of the queue is "back there". I replied "sure, but I'm going to the men's room", understandably assuming they were queueing for the ladies room. To which she said "yeah but there's one queue for both". I am familiar with the concept of shared queues, but mostly from supermarkets or post office, where you would queue for several checkouts and just go to the first one that is free. Never encountered shared queues for gender-separated toilets, so I said "but the toilets are separate, I'm going to the men's room and you can queue for the ladies room" and simply went in without any more protest from them when the men's room emptied (and it was another girl in there).

    Were I the asshole?

    0 Elon Musk Offers to Also Ruin Wikipedia

    Behind the X owner’s trolling is a years long obsession with the internet’s favorite encyclopedia, says Depths of Wiki creator Annie Rauwerda.

    Elon Musk Offers to Also Ruin Wikipedia
    At what percentage battery health should I consider replacing it?

    My device is 2 years old, Accubattery claims 70% battery health, but I still get 6h+ SOT on a single charge since recently updating to Android 13 (SparkOS). Device is Redmi Note 10 Pro.

    Is there an app to list package names for all my apps?

    Looking for an app to list and export as a single text file all my installed apps -- names and package names; including Play Store apps, F-droid apps and those which origin in an apk file. I found List My Apps by Onyxbits, but can't install it unfortunately. Any alternative? preferably foss

    Does Android 13 non-root support gestures for custom launchers?

    I'm considering flashing A13 on my phone, PixelOS in particular, but I want to make sure custom launchers (Lawnchair) are able to fully use gestures, including animations without flashing Magisk and installing the Quickswitch module.

    Jaka oferta na kartę z jak najdłuższą ważnością?

    Sprawdzałem na jakichś rankomatach i innych porównaniach, ale wszędzie nieaktualne informacje.

    Potrzebuję dla dziadków ofertę na kartę, aby włożyć simkę do telefonu i żeby mogli jak najdłużej korzystać z minimalnego pakietu jaki dostaną.

    W tej chwili używają Orange Free, które lata temu kupili im rodzice. Niestety problem jest taki, że dziadkowie potrzebuję około 60gr miesięcznie (autentycznie używają telefonu raz w miesiącu jak się zgubią w sklepie i nie wiedzą jak wrócić do domu i trzeba po nich podjechać). Niestety małe pakiety typu 5-10 zł są ważne niecały tydzień i dają zaledwie miesiąc odbierania połączeń, czyli i tak trzeba co miesiąc doładować żeby na numer się dało w ogóle zadzwonić.

    Żeby otrzymać pakiet ważny miesiąc, trzeba doładować min. 25 zł, co, okej, nie jest gigantycznym wydakiem, a do tego uzasadnionym, żeby mieli awaryjnie telefon, ale może ktoś kojarzy jakąś sieć, w której można np. doładować raz za 50 zł i żeby to było ważne rok?

    Is there any keyboard-based alternative to Google Assistant?

    Preferably FOSS and supporting the side swipe up gesture. I know of Sesame, but it's been discontinued and doesn't support the gesture. Firefox on the other hand does support the gesture, but only does online search.

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    wwa, lewactwo

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