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Eat shit Spotify.
  • Unless there's some agreement / licensing thing prohibiting it, and considering that lyrics don't change, they should be able to do some caching for a total of 1 API call per song

  • Apple announced RCS with a whimper when it should have been a bang
  • I'm glad they're adding support, but I also feel like this is a hard one to sell to the general public. If it creates a better experience, word will get around about it, but going on stage and talking at length about how there's a new messaging protocol would have been a challenge for non-technical viewers

  • it could happen to you rule
  • I think these are fair points. and I can't say I blame anyone for wanting Meta/FB out of their life entirely. I see value in both options - the option of having maximum connectivity to others, and the option of having only parties that are considered to be in good ethical standing. And I'm glad the fediverse can offer both options to everyone. For me personally, having communications cut between users based on who is hosting their instance is a last resort.

  • it could happen to you rule
  • I don't need any sort of isolationism pushed on me. I wouldn't sign up for an email provider that blocks GMail because "we're not corpo bootlickers", or a phone provider that only lets me call the coolest fellow comrades. If an instance wants to be its own little island with its own ideology, I'm cool with that, but it's not for me - I'm looking for an instance that behaves more like an un-opinionated public utility.

  • Feddit.UK has finally kicked the bucket- and what happens next.
  • I think it shows some of the strengths of federated networks. If the owners of a small proprietary social network ghosted their project, it would take a huge effort to try to replace it, which would be insurmountable for many communities. But in this case, a community can fork onto a new server pretty quickly and seamlessly.

  • The public doesn’t understand the risks of a Trump victory. That’s the media’s fault
  • I could be wrong, but I don't see a path forward for Biden, and I think the Israel/Palestine conflict is a big part of it. It's so polarizing among Democrats/leftists. Biden will either be viewed as a genocide supporter or an anti-semite, and it's very difficult to find any sort of middle-ground. I don't think Republicans are as emotionally invested in it - they just don't want to see too much money sent away.

  • Can IT confirm?
  • Software developer. Having my home constantly phoning home to megacorporations sounds creepy, but more importantly, none of these smart home products solve a problem. They just add additional points of failure to appliances that have historically been sufficiently reliable.

  • Gen Z is turned off by onscreen sex, wants no-mance over romance, a new study finds
  • Different times. When I was growing up, a sex scene in a movie might be one of very few opportunities where you got to see a pair of boobs, unless you could get someone to buy you a porno magazine or VHS tape. These days, there are probably millions of options in this area, instantly accessible. And Hollywood-produced nude/sex scenes are all going to be fake and cringy in comparison.

  • Ghostpad npz
    Ghostpad 0.5 Released

    This is a major change behind the scenes, which greatly simplifies the install process - it's now exactly the same as Kobold's install process. npm is no longer required, and the process to run Ghostpad is now exactly the same as the process to run Kobold. Upon installing, you have three UIs to choose from

    Ghostpad @ [host]:5000

    UI2 @ [host]:5000/new_ui

    UI1 @ [host]:5000/classic

    Full changelog ```

    • Ghostpad's frontend is now 100% static, built using Bun and Vite.
    • Removed "game started" check in chat mode - it will now use chat formatting 100% of the time, even if the story is empty.
    • Merged with latest revision from henk's branch
    • Changed hostname setting to "Hostname Override". This will now default to empty, and the socket connection will default to the current URL ```
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • This can certainly be done as long as we stick to the five core values - take ownership, take the leap, act with integrity, put the customer first, and dare to innovate.

  • Ghostpad npz
    Ghostpad v0.2.0 release GitHub - ghostpad/ghostpad: A free AI text generation interface based on KoboldAI

    A free AI text generation interface based on KoboldAI - ghostpad/ghostpad

    GitHub - ghostpad/ghostpad: A free AI text generation interface based on KoboldAI
    • Eliminated many excessive React renders
    • Fixed a bug where an action was being updated by index instead of ID, causing broken story updates in some cases
    • Added Audio Input and Audio Output options to the top-right menu. With both of these enabled in desktop Chrome, you can now have an audio-only conversation with your AI. These are based on the open Web Speech API spec, but have cross-browser issues and should not be considered a stable feature.

    Important: Chrome's implementation of the speech recognition API is not offline - it will send your data remotely.

    TLDR: Better performance. less bugs. don't use audio features yet if you dislike Chrome or value privacy

    If you are serving Ghostpad from a different host than localhost and want to use speech recognition, you need to enable Insecure origins treated as secure and add that URL in chrome://flags

    Or just anyone who likes the convenience
  • I had the anti-self-checkout mentality for a bit, because I didn't want to see cashiers losing their jobs. One day at Target I was waiting in line at the human checkout, and the cashier started yelling at everyone in line that there were multiple self-checkout machines open. It sounded like she hated our guts.

    Fine! I'll use the damn machines. Haven't bothered cashiers since then if I have other options.

    edit: to be clear, I'm not blaming all cashiers for her attitude, I just want to do the right thing without being a pain in anyone's ass and I've learned that sometimes that means using self-checkout

  • Ghostpad npz
    State of Ghostpad - 09/24/2023

    First post in this brand new community! Welcome.

    Ghostpad is an interface built on top of a light fork of KoboldAI. You can check out the project repo for more information.

    I'll be sharing updates here as they happen, as well as in the KoboldAI Discord in #ghostpad

    This weekend there were a few important backend changes:

    1. Support for Exllamav2. After manually installing exllamav2 into the Kobold environment, it should be detected and available in your list of model backends. The reason I'm not auto-installing it is because I've heard this can be quite the project in Windows. My experiences in Linux have been smooth. I hope to make this a more automated process once the build process is simplified.

    In Linux, the process should be as simple as cd'ing to your Kobold directory and entering git clone sh pip install ./exllamav2

    1. Support for AutoAWQ. If you follow the latest Llama model releases in Huggingface, you've probably noticed a huge number of releases in this format. AutoAWQ is now an auto-installed dependency of koboldai-ghostpad and should not require any additional steps to use. There is a "fuse layers" option which can greatly improve performance, but I've encountered random errors when using it, so I recommend leaving it off for now.

    2. Python 3.10 bump. Official KoboldAI is still on Python 3.8, but I'm making the leap so that I can support the type-hinting features used in AutoAWQ. It's possible that this may lead to some unexpected issues, but it's been stable for me so far.

    I don't want to make any promises, but one of the features I'm most interested in implementing next is a combination of speech-to-text and text-to-speech, allowing for you to have audio-only conversations with your AI.

    I’ll fight anyone who shits on Gen Z
  • Millenials were the original "avocado toast" generation targeted by boomers. We've been conditioned to protect our young from the real babies in these older generations. But there are good ones and bad ones in every generation.

  • Television
  • Someone should start a brand like Nothing Phone / other niche phone manufacturers, but for TVs. Many of us have an attachment to iOS that makes the phone space really difficult, but I'd jump on a beefed up nerdy niche smart TV in a heartbeat.

  • How many people actually dropped Reddit for Lemmy?
  • I still read Reddit sometimes, but I don't have an account anymore. It's like reading Facebook posts now. Really, really low quality content. It's sad, but I like the community here. Lemmy is more like what Reddit was 15ish years ago.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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