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Votes for billionaires, shocked when billionaires act like billionaires
  • Lol sure, that informed commenter is the one kneeling to corporate farming. Not the farmer who actively voted against his own interest and is now gonna suffer the consequences.

    Pretty sure I can safely assume the person you replied to didn't vote for Trump or any of this shit.

  • Republicans’ ratings of Taylor Swift are down sharply since the last Super Bowl.
  • You don't say? Not like Republicans spent the ramp up to the election specifically attacking her and her possible endorsement of the Democratic candidate.

    Republicans listening to their propaganda. This is nothing new or shocking.

  • Trump tariffs to stoke US food inflation despite pledge to lower costs
  • It's cool. I'll just start stealing food if it gets too expensive to buy. I encourage anyone else to do the same. If it comes down to you not being able to take care of yourself and your loved ones because of price, you steal that food and we'll all gladly turn a blind eye.

  • Ghost Stories (English Dub) is currently free in the US to watch on Youtube

    If you aren't aware, the Ghost Stories English Dub is one of the most insane dubs ever made. It's incredibly offensive and racist and bat shit insane at times and it's probably one of the funniest things I've ever watched. Scamboli Reviews has a great summary video about it. If you have time, it's worth watching this anime at least once in your life.

    [FF7Rebirth] what are you most looking forward to see?

    The Gold Saucer is sure to be fantastic, and I'm excited to see the date scene. But I'm particularly interested in how they do Barret and Dyne's encounter. I hope they expand on that whole moment.

    [Spoiler] Act 2 - Last Light Inn | Discussion

    Can we discuss the start of act 2?

    I made it a point not to roll back my saves for any decision I make. So far, I've managed to save the tiefling's at the druid camp. Being a tiefling myself, I want to see them make it!

    This made me all the more excited to see all the tiefling's that I'd saved make it this far. And boy were there a lot of them. So many people I recognized from previous conversations or quests. I was thrilled! And they of course remembered me.

    I say all this to emphasize how hard it hit me when I wasn't able to protect Isabel. That whole interaction blindsided me so bad. And my initiative roll was horrible for all my characters, I ended up being paralyzed and they just slaughtered her in 2 turns.

    It was a freaking gut punch, the likes I haven't felt in a game in years. All those innocent people, turned to monsters, then forcing me to put them down.

    My main character was always so optimistic before this. This interaction is gonna make me change the way I play and the decisions I make going forward, just to really add to the impact of him losing all those people he cared about, thinking the decisions he made led to their death.

    Is there anyone living the good life with their tiefling friends in the Last Light Inn? Anyone who saved Isabel? Because my character just lost his people and is a broken person now because of it.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (

    If you're snooping here, you gotta calm yourself down.

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