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Isn't it kinda weird that third parties only make an effort every 4 years?
  • That is true... of a traditional campaign. But we live in an era where people can get millions of devoted followers by twerking on a webcam. A savvy third party that uses the internet effectively to build followers and then spreads into the greater population through word of mouth could conceivably work. Heck, it's not all that different from how Trump managed to build his base.

    I'm not sure exactly what such a thing would look like for a third party candidate with some kind of scruples, but it shouldn't be IMPOSSIBLE.

  • Isn't it kinda weird that third parties only make an effort every 4 years?
  • There's plenty else they could be doing... outreach in off-years, for example. Start on campuses building awareness and building the kind of word-of-mouth and grassroots supporters you really need for a campaign. Having your name on the ballot isn't enough. Having rallies isn't enough. You can't ask the people to come to YOU, and the media certainly won't give you any coverage... you have to reach out to THEM.

  • Even Apple finally admits that 8GB RAM isn't enough
  • Absolutely.

    Bad, rushed software that wires together 200 different giant libraries just to use a fraction of them and then run it in a sandboxed container with three daemons it needs for some reason doesn't mean "8 Gb isn't enough", it means write tighter, better software.

  • The experts weigh in.
  • Well, he's not just a science ambassador, he's an actual SCIENTIST. Imagine having all that knowledge and experience and doing the real work of being a scientist and then having to go out there on the daily and meet with people who tell you with full confidence the Earth is flat. How long could you keep up an unyielding pleasant demeanor?

    I'm sure I'd come off egotistical too.

  • Decisions, decisions
  • Inappropriately watch a missing woman's personal logs like they're your private entertainment.

  • I’ve been locked out of PayPal for years because of their mistake
  • In my experience, their consumer protection is great.

    PayPal has been absolutely instrumental for me in issuing refunds with obstinate vendors. Once or twice they've issued me a refund after being refused a return/refund when an Aliexpress vendor either sent the wrong item or nothing at all.

    I even got them to secure me a refund against the Australian government after they refused to issue a refund after directing me to apply for a tourist visa with the wrong visa process.

  • That whole page is a meme itself.

  • I mean, mine does. And there only needs to be the one for my script.

  • Rea... ding?

  • Good point.

    "Me writing a script that looks for my obituary, and when it finds it, sends memes from my account to my friends, until one of the random memes is a webp, python starts throwing errors in an infinite loop, it doesn't properly reset the timer because I had that inside the try block, and the whole system crashes from an error log file eating all the hard disk space 2 days later."

  • Better than I expected, tbh.


    My best prank and I won't even be around to see it

    Challenge and fighting
  • The weird date format with an X in the 10's spot. It was a play on Mega Man's 200X when Homestar Runner first came up with it, and now it's an actual date format in a real game.

    It's a little obscure, but since there's no "game memes" community, I guess this is where it goes.

  • Challenge and fighting

    Homestar Runner is now canon to the Metroid universe

    Anon watches romance anime
  • It feels a little ridiculous that we've gotten 6 comments deep into this, but...

    None of those comments make any claims about poster. 2 of them are pedantic jokes in the "Can I use the bathroom?/I don't know, can you?" school of ignoring colloquial usage, and one is what I assume is a well-intentioned legitimate caution about not getting caught in a cyclical spiral of self-defeatism.

    As to the meme format, a green text can be anything from an epic 50+ post story about faking an IT job, to a single line about hating one's name, to threatening a cartoon cat, so I'm not sure what template format it's violating. If you don't think it's particularly well-written or interesting, that's fine of course, but just say that.

  • Anon watches romance anime
  • As long as you’re alive and capable of communicating we go with the impossible standards.

  • Anon watches romance anime
  • I take you at your word that that was your intention, but it doesn't read that way. It comes off with a tone of mockery and hostility.

  • "I don't get it... why isn't our Dyson Sphere producing any energy?"

    It's a much better idea to build it around the moon, which is light all night, rather than the sun, which only shines in the day.

    *Sad morphin' noises*

    Has it always been so hard to afford electricity?

    PSA: Release Notes for the upcoming "It's Chewsday, innit?" meme release

    As of the July release, future memes will use "It's Chewsday, systemd?"

    Video posts are torture

    If this is where the internet is headed, count me out.

    Political Memes mycodesucks
    I don't consent.

    I didn't know that was an option... has that been an option this whole time?

    Political Memes mycodesucks
    The press protecting jurors' identities

    "Juror number 3 is quite an illustrious director."

    Low Effort Meme

    I'll be deep in the cold, cold ground.

    mycodesucks mycodesucks

    When I get bored with the conversation/tired of arguing I will simply tersely agree with you and then stop responding. I'm too old for this stuff.

    Posts 15
    Comments 99