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Install Mint on 2010 Mac mini running OCLP?
  • @SiriusCybernetics @JoMomma

    His advice for a Debian 12-based version is still Linux Mint.

    There's a version of Mint called Linux Mint Debian Edition (LMDE).

    Mint is normally based on Ubuntu, and Ubuntu is based on Debian. Linux Mint Debian Edition is based directly on Debian, skipping Ubuntu. I think it's running Cinnamon.

    I have no advice, I'm running Linux Mint 21.2 Cinnamon Ed., but I'm on a 2019 Dell PC so I can't guess at your results. Only been on LInux since June myself.

  • Cyberpunk runs 30% faster on linux than on windows 11
  • @cron
    I couldn't get the link to work--I get a server error--but I was able to look at the video on YouTube, so this might be useful to others with the same issue:

    Edit: I did get the link to work one out of five times. I guess the site is just congested? I don't know. But anyway, there's a link to the YouTube video directly anyway.

  • munroe Wolf Munroe ☎


    I gamemaster Pathfinder RPG 1e with variant rules and I like to tweak my monsters.

    I paint metal miniatures.

    I like learning about The Divestiture (of AT&T). I like pre-Divestiture telephones, though I only own one red Cortelco Kellogg 2500 Desk Telephone.

    I like to write with a fountain pen, but I'm not a fountain pen collector.

    I wrote a first draft manuscript but I keep procrastinating the edits and further drafts.

    I recently switched to Linux from Windows.

    I also play NWN:EE.

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