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AI chatbots were tasked to run a tech company. They built software in under seven minutes — for less than $1.
  • This is who will get replaced first, and they don't want to see it. They're the most important, valuable part of the company in their own mind, yet that was the one thing the AI got right, the management part. It still needed the creative mind of a human programmer to do the code properly, or think outside the box.

  • Introducing ONCE, a new line of software products from 37signals: Pay one time, own forever.
  • There were still bugs. You just learned how to deal with them or work around them.

  • Now that's some devotion!
  • Ban abortions, then starve the children. If wasn't already apparent that the Republican Party is evil, this should make things much clearer.

  • FCC says “too bad” to ISPs complaining that listing every fee is too hard
  • They'll just make a fee for having to list their fees, and make the consumer pay for it.

  • 50 years of tax cuts for the rich failed to trickle down, economics study says - CBS News
  • Because selling the notion of "trickle down" economics is extremely profitable for those at the top. It keeps stringing people along believing that if we just give more money to and ask for less from our corporate benefactors, eventually we'll all benefit somehow by them expanding their businesses and creating more slave wage jobs.

  • Not exactly helping the proles.
  • Yes I do. None of them are selling affordable single family homes.

    As a matter of fact multi-family housing is leading a housing construction "boom" as of articles published 6 days ago.

    Here's a quote from MReport:

    Further, almost two-thirds of the apartments build during the pandemic are clustered in just 20 high-growth metropolitan areas, which make up about 41% of the total renter population in the U.S. Therefore, for many other places, the new supply barely made a dent in the existing supply. What's more, around 89% of the apartments completed in the last three years are high-end and, thus, target upper-middle- and high-income buyers and renters.

    So they are building "multi-family homes", but targeting, wait for it, people with lot's of money.

    So you quit lying.

    Come to think of it, you're singling out the and focusing on the real estate angle pretty hard. Why is that?

  • Not exactly helping the proles.
  • You're joking right?

    From your own source. oil and gas industry,slightly when adjusted for inflation.

    And for you last point about NAR, I have doubts. I could see home builders and home buyers benefitting from zoning changes. It would drive down costs of a new home, open up more choices for home buyers, and put construction companies to work. Realtors are middle men who work off commissions. The more they can sell a house for the more commission they make. Realtors have a vested interest keeping the market balanced in their favor.

  • Not exactly helping the proles.
  • Take one look at who the biggest lobbyists in the US are. Then compare that to the most glaring issues we have in the US. I'll wait.

  • Not exactly helping the proles.
  • But you're supposed to pick a side and be willing to literally lay down your life for them and their cause! Ra ra, go team go. Otherwise you're just part of the problem according to either side.

    I agree with you and I'll go a step further and say fuck all politicians in general. Today, they're all owned in some way by the money that puts them in power. They'll all tell you what you want to hear. They're all experts in half truths. Never trust a politician.

  • Sidney Powell asks for speedy trial in Georgia election interference case
  • Now that's a thought. An unwitting corrupt politician honey pot.

  • Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin rocket tests in Texas are emitting so much methane you can see it from space
  • I don't think you quite grasp how enormously big space is.

  • Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin rocket tests in Texas are emitting so much methane you can see it from space
  • No, that is literally solving the problem. You can't make it clean. What exactly would we need to protect out in space or say the moon? The space whales, or moon frogs? You're protecting nothing but the vacuum of space and some rocks.

  • ‘You’re Telling Me in 2023, You Still Have a ’Droid?’ Why Teens Hate Android Phones
  • No one give a shit about iMessage. I've watched my kids exclusively communicate with their friends via Snapchat and discord.

  • Also, the brewery smells like vomit.
  • Have a buddy that will buy 24 packs of that hot garbage for parties or get togethers. Either that or Keystone light. Not really sure why I'm friends with him...

  • "Sponsored recommendations": I pay for Spotify Premium, and yet somehow I'm still the product?
  • I've also been a subscriber for the last 4 years or so and seeing all of this is making me wonder if I'm subscribed to the same Spotify they are. I've had none of these issues.

  • "Sponsored recommendations": I pay for Spotify Premium, and yet somehow I'm still the product?
  • Same. I've seen multiple people say this here and I've yet to experience it. Makes me wonder if the particular podcasters they're listening to have opted in to some sort of ad revenue thing from Spotify.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • While technically correct,

    I'm old enough to remember when we were all gonna get cancer and die by being fried with UV rays because we were making huge holes in the ozone by dumping metric fucktons of CFCs into the atmosphere. I also remember there being a huge push that we stop doing the thing that was causing the problem, you know before we all die from cancer.

    Saving the ozone, and therefore climate wasn't in the constitution then either, but we (at least as far as the US's involvement) did it because it was the right goddamn thing to do.

    We shouldn't have to have children essentially begging the government to make decisions to protect their future. Who keeps electing these assholes?

  • So much for that dream.
  • All this talk of state-sponsored/subsidized news/media gives me the wiggins, at least as someone who lives in the US. I'm sure people smarter than myself could come up with a bullet proof system to prevent abuse, but really, I would have little faith it would stand the test of time. I feel like any protections you put in place would be eroded eventually. All it takes is one "emergency" or "disaster". Maybe I'm wrong. It just feels so 1984ish.

  • mrginger mrginger
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