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  • I always like the soft clicks it made when communicating on the internet, after the screaming noise, when it settled down. Soft hum of the computer and little clicks as I read a forum post.

  • Mozilla downsizes as it refocuses on Firefox and AI
  • A reminder that there are many firefox forks that exist if base firefox is adding unwanted things or you might have different wants, but sites will still "see" firefox in terms of compatibility. I'm using Librewolf with some annoyances (it doesn't let things fingerprint to the point that it can't even get your current time), but overall I like it.

  • What Meta’s Fediverse Plans Mean for Threads Users
  • You can attach an audio file to a post on mastodon and it gets an embedded player. Just federate a compatible audio file?

  • FCC to declare AI-generated voices in robocalls illegal under existing law
  • They spoof numbers. It almost always is a number from my state or the area code, very rarely do I get calls from out of state and they are all already labeled "spam risk/telemarketer" when they come in.

    Also thank you for writing this comment, I was going to say ios had no way to block unknown numbers, but I searched to double check myself and they finally do have that option! It may have been around for quite awhile, I hadn't checked for a long while.

  • Every single odd number has an "e" in it.
  • One of my favorite videos is this post

  • You're tearing me apart!
  • What is it about short vertical video that makes people froth insanely at the mouth? Don't "china" me on it, people whine over youtube shorts, instagram reels, they poopoo on snapchat, loathed twitter stories, and thought vine was a stupid idea. It feels like an ancient redditor thing, but I was in the 11 year club too and it's just a different type of format for media, media which can be used in many different ways, as always. Like how internet video generally is different to TV.

  • You're tearing me apart!
  • If you are sending the links through discord/chat with embed add vx in front of tiktok and it becomes playable in discord itself. ( ->

    In a removed move, a normal tiktok link will have a play button on the icon like it should play, but can't. This one actually will.

  • Lemmy about to implode.
  • jokes aside, it's just not a really attractive title.

    I've played 48 hours in one of the games in there, Traveller's Rest, about running a tavern. It has money, supply, employees, trends etc. But I'm not enjoying it because Yay Capitalism! It's because when you're running your own cute shop with virtual money it's fun. I do like the genre, but being reminded of the systems that are causing a lot of real world shit is just a bad title.

    But I guess "Business Sim Sale" wasn't flashy enough.

  • Retiring House Republican says $174,000 isn't enough money for members of Congress: 'Most of us don't have wealth'
  • I have no type of economics experience, but what if representatives of a demographic of people should be paid the median wage of those people, with high punishment for corruption and bribes?

    If they would like to earn more, they should lift their states's lowest wages. This goes down to all levels, a mayor of a city only earns the median wage of the city. It is a civil servant job after all, it shouldn't be glamorous.

  • The Purge
  • crime show episode where someone kills often before the purge and preserves the bodies to be found on purge day

  • The current state of Twitch
  • Twitch is no longer a gaming only platform. It went full circle back to being an everything streaming site. People chat, people draw, people code, people make stuff with their hands. It's been that way for awhile.

  • The Lost Girls: ‘Chaotic and curious, women with ADHD all have missed red flags that haunt us’ (great article)
  • I tried to get an ADHD diagnosis and my report came back with a mini-novel about how I was just a hysterical female with self-image issues I displayed as a way to garner praise and attention from those around me. My attention and focus problems were only because I just found the everyday stresses of life so difficult, being so fragile.

    Any one who knew me felt disgusted reading it. But it's made me very hesitant in trying again to get a diagnosis.

  • We're going in the wrong direction
  • It's annoying, but you can covert the garbage at the end of like the to and it'll behave and be able to be interacted with like a normal video.

  • Say it ain't so
  • What the hell kind of picture is attached? Someone broke their chair over litter and is in the middle of running away? I get the litter going with the non-environmentalist 'cause gay but???

  • Student loan payment restart has been marred by errors, from late notices to incorrect bills
  • I wish! I was trying to login because the government emailed me to remind me and who my servicer is. So THEY know that it's there somewhere. My service provider probably has the account but I guess lost the data, but they still have SSN + an account somewhere. Just kinda bullshit in general because they aren't answering emails because of an influx of communication, so call center time with probably hours of wait.

  • Student loan payment restart has been marred by errors, from late notices to incorrect bills
  • This reminds me that my loan servicer sent me a reminder, to which I could not log on and they couldn't recover my info through even SSN so I emailed them. I never got a response. Should...probably look into that.

  • Google adds a switch for publishers to opt out of becoming AI training data
  • This overall bullshit of doing opt-out fucking sucks. Opt-IN! Pissing off people and the. going "oh well there's an opt-out" is so stupid. New experimental features that don't directly benefit the user should be that they must have to opt-in manually. Off by default.

  • Cant get email to work on my instance
  • Similar, I'm assuming gmail is a no go? I feel like theoretically it should work but it's not. However, this may be because I'm using -> docker, but something's fucked up with my domain's SSL and it's signed by itself. It gives the browser a big huge 'ol unsecured warning, so I would assume that because that's messed up it's causing gmail to not accept it? I've opened a ticket with them, so eventually maybe I can figure out if that's the case, I've never had a problem pointing namecheap domains to anything before.

    It says this, but I assure you, the password is correct.

    lemmy_server::api_routes_websocket: email_send_failed: permanent error (535): 5.7.8 Username and Password not accepted. Learn more at5.7.8 [long chain of numbers and letters I'm not sure matter] - gsmtp

    The settings

      # Email sending configuration. All options except login/password are mandatory
      email: {
        # Hostname and port of the smtp server
        smtp_server: ""
        smtp_login: ""
        smtp_password: "[the password]"
        # Address to send emails from, eg ""
        smtp_from_address: ""
        # Whether or not smtp connections should use tls. Can be none, tls, or starttls
        tls_type: "tls"

    I also did start stattls and that didn't work. Tried swapping ports around, nope.

    edit: fixed the ssl issue with, they just had a configuration wrong, but tbf lemmy support was added literally yesterday

    second edit: I just didn't use gmail and instead made a zoho mail account that worked out after a lot of setting up

  • I have been posting about Lemmy and kbin on reddit recently. Is anyone else getting an error message like this?
  • I thought for a moment it was happening to me after coming off of just simply upvoting things about lemmy, but I think I've seen other people report that the reddit site is currently on and off shitting itself. (Is it hug of deathing itself? Plenty of people are coming for popcorn.)

    I think it would be too fast for reddit to incorporate auto shadow code into the api itself to time out requests from users engaging with lemmy/kbin things, but I'm not really sure.

  • current lemmy status
  • Yeah the codeberg iirc just lists a set of commands with no idea what you're doing, so it's very hard to know if you've done something wrong. Usually I would do that, and then edit and look up things as I go, but that was the biggest deadend I've ever had. Though, the recommended server provider's interface, slowness, and bugs wasn't impressing me, I'd really love if they could make a droplet. (and selfishly a droplet with something that has more options for US servers)

  • [OC] Persona Inspired Gift Art (For a Vtuber Friend)

    A quick present for my friend who got a new design! He loves persona, so that's why there's that posing. (Which is why it doesn't make sense that he's pulling on the hand like a glove, but it's still cool!!)

    [OC] A GBA Narajana Academy Group Photo!

    cross-posted from:

    > When I finished Pokemon Scarlet, I thought about a fun group picture with everyone. It took me awhile to actually get to this, but I did enjoy it! There's a lot of rough parts, but it was interesting to try and only use GBA colors. I also got it displaying on an actual GBA! > > The overlay on it is using Glaze. I don't process everything through glaze, but something illustrative I do try to. CC BY-NC-ND

    [OC] A GBA Narajana Group Photo!

    When I finished Pokemon Scarlet, I thought about a fun group picture with everyone. It took me awhile to actually get to this, but I did enjoy it! There's a lot of rough parts, but it was interesting to try and only use GBA colors. I also got it displaying on an actual GBA!

    The overlay on it is using Glaze. I don't process everything through glaze, but something illustrative I do try to. CC BY-NC-ND

    Open Source recommendations for someone trying to ditch iOS?

    I probably can't get a new phone super soon, but it's been quite frustrating how little support there is for iOS versions of open source software I've been slowing moving towards or investigating. I absolutely get why though!

    I have the capability to understand complex topics but it takes me quite a few tries to really get it, so I'd like some help or recommendations of things that aren't "just use linux". (I am slowly dipping my toes by using WSL for things, though.) I am always searching for software, but I've never been active enough in communities to ask for personal recommendations and be warned of short comings. Obviously if you find recommendations, they want to look the best to you and hide their faults. I do try and research as much as possible, but like I said, I can get confused or not understand the drawbacks or full level of manual work/environments needed to operate at times.

    Mostly I'm looking for day to day things that I can operate from my windows computer, but can also connect to my phone, assuming I get an android next. (Librem phones looks cool, but switching carrier providers is not feasible for me at the moment.) The boring things, like calendar, email, notes (I do use obsidian already). But if you'd like to gush about your daily drivers, I'm all ears!

    [OC] A throwback to old school pixel art doll bases

    I was looking through old website memeories, and the pixel art doll bases that were popular on gaia online and deviantart came up, and one of the most popular creators, kawaiihannah, still had her site up! It's been about ~15 years since I ever did one, so I did it!

    This is using the Minute base from kawaiihannah.

    Non Lemmy Crunched Version

    Animated Version

    What do you think (this person's) username means, without looking it up?

    I don't mean my username! Yours!

    I guess this is more of a game and maybe not strictly the right place. But, the idea is to make a top level reply with you asking 'guess' or saying ':)' or what have you, and everyone else should answer what they think the username means or refers to, without looking any words or concepts up! Off the cuff, what do you think it means when you see this person's username?

    Not sure about the mobile apps, but if you hover over someone's name in Lemmy it will show their username if they have a display name set. My username is quite boring and straightforward, but I like seeing other people's weird usernames especially on semi-anon places.

    Bonus: What do you visually think when you read it? Even if you misread it as a typo, what did you imagine when you read it & saw their avatar?

    [OC] throwback to the artwork I did when tears of the kingdom was first announced! Nina (

    Attached: 1 image I don't know if I ever shared this! This is an animation I did when tears of the kingdom development was announced, before it was called that! 2019! First bit of "fame" I ever got, since I was in a manic state and made it very shortly after the teaser. #PixelArt #MastoArt #Zelda ...

    Nina (

    back when it was an untitled sequel to breath of the wild, all we had was caves, short haired zelda, and a snippit of dehydrated ganon. CC BY-NC-ND

    edit: good to know lemmy's treatment of gifs is terrible. please look at the larger preview, haha.

    secondary edit: not using lemmy's built in gif uploader helps a into not making a video, but it doesn't animate now. I can't win. :/ see animated

    misnina Nina

    I'm a pixel artist and vtuber! Check out stuff and commissions at

    .art account

    doll base for avatar

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