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KES 4.0.0 now adds full mbin compatibility
  • πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—

  • Whoever is reading this that has the power to do so, please delete my account as soon as possible.
  • I didn't know that, is the account even actually ever deleted then?

  • Whoever is reading this that has the power to do so, please delete my account as soon as possible.
  • Are you an admin? That whole thing was unnecessary and at worst unprofessional. If dude wants his acc deleted, he doesn't need to be interrogated, especially publicly, on why he wants that. Whether he posts every 5 seconds or not does not matter in the slightest. His reasons are his own and none of our or your business. He wasn't being defensive, he was maintaining his privacy and avoiding the public interrogation that came from a simple question. You chose to try to make his actions look contradictory rather than just doing the task, I'd be a bit salty if I were him, too.

  • Whoever is reading this that has the power to do so, please delete my account as soon as possible.
  • kinda weird how you went through his account and linked a post like that? his reasoning isn't relevant, it's his choice and trying to make his choice seem contradictory for literally no reason is just....weird..

  • Someone made an account just to harrass me. how do i report it?
  • There needs to be a dedicated place to report this stuff, cause posting a thread about it publicly isn't helpful

  • Someone made an account just to harrass me. how do i report it?
  • unrelated but i proudly upvote my own stuff 70% of the time cause i like the illusion of engagement on kbin lol. i dont think anything is wrong with it

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • god, you're an asshole. if you had read my original post, you'd have seen i had tried multiple headphones that worked on other devices, but i guess a handful of sentences is too much for you to comprehend? it doesn't take much to not be a dick, but you went out of your way to be one for no fucking reason. thanks for the 'help' asshole, i feel like im back on reddit or worse somehow. go fuck yourself

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • I am asking here because I already tried to google this dozens of times. I've seen that question, the suggested solutions don't work. Here is more settings

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Already tried this, obviously. I clicked the button, tried the icon, tried that all dozens of times. Nothing changes

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • No matter what headphones I plug in, the audio shows muted. I tested each headphone on other devices, they work fine.

  • What's the point of all these UI changes?
  • I loved old reddit and only ever used it lol

  • I made a Satan Bless America piece, inspired by a 'god Bless America' flag I saw. Color variants + HQ inside!
  • Yea, they don't understand any points made about them, so you're right lol

  • Both beliefs are fine, but please realize the hypocrisy
  • its clearly making a point targeting an unknown group of people, so you tell me

  • Both beliefs are fine, but please realize the hypocrisy
  • honestly, who is this targeting? conspiracy theorists?

  • I made a Satan Bless America piece, inspired by a 'god Bless America' flag I saw. Color variants + HQ inside!
  • thank you so much!! i was considering making prints out of it, i kinda want a flag myself 🀘🏽

  • California cop who blew stop light at 70 mph and caused fatal wreck is charged with manslaughter, remains on paid leave
  • murderer is on PAID leave, what the fuck? his entire job is to prevent people from doing exactly what he just did, and he gets PAID LEAVE?

  • What does Tenet III, β€œOne’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone,” mean to you?
  • It is open to interpretation of course, as Lucien says himself, and as the last Tenet embodies, but not for those reasons exactly. They are basic and up for interpretation because Lucien refuses to force strict, exact laws on Satanists that conflict with personal freedom. This isn't Christianity, we have independence and individuality that is encouraged rather than stamped out. Interpretations are encouraged <3

    Hail Thyself

  • To all moderators: Here is how you can add banner using CSS very easily to your Kbin magazines!
  • for me that was just the one you posted, the margin limitless suggested, plus a border radius for rounded edges

    h1[hidden] {
    height: 12vh;
    background-image: url(insert-image-url);
    background-size: cover;
    background-position: center;
    display: block;
    color: transparent;
    user-select: none;
    margin: 0.25rem 0;
    border-radius: 5px;


  • What does Tenet III, β€œOne’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone,” mean to you?

    This Tenet can have a lot of interpretations and they’re all correct in my eyes.

    Inviolable by definition means, β€œnever to be broken, infringed, or dishonored.” The obvious interpretation is that your right to your own body should never be infringed upon, you are the master of your own body and no one and nothing else. This supports things like women’s reproductive rights.

    For me it also goes a bit deeper. It means that you are not able to be tainted as a person. There is nothing you can do to yourself that will make you tainted, worthless, or shameful. No amount of piercings, tattoos, sexual partners, and other things society says determines your value, will ever change that. What you do with your body is your business and makes you no less and no more. This may be a stretch for some, I’m not sure, but I felt this meaning to my core when I first read this Tenet and I value it a lot, maybe the most.

    I’m curious about your thoughts on Tenet III! How do you interpret it? Feel free to discuss your favorite Tenet as well.

    🀘🏽 Hail Satan, Hail Thyself 🀘🏽

    minnieo minnieo

    β™‘ im minnie β™‘ she/her - 21

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